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Waking up in the morning with his woman nestled against him, her curled hands lay on his chest and her legs on top of his waist. Her alluring lips pouted slightly and Ethan couldn't help but kiss them.

The warm body of his woman stirred because of a soft disturbance happening on her lips. Her long lashes that has sheltered her eyes trembled, slowly fluttering open.

"Good morning." His hoarse, morning voice whispered on her sensitive ear, turning them red because of his warm breath.

"Good morning." Lillie drowsily replied.

You all must be thinking that something happened? Sorry to burst your bubble, but our dear main leads literally slept.

Making love was not included in conducting their 'what to do list for lovers'. It can wait until the honeymoon. Besides, it was not even in Ethan's mind when they became official.

He simply implored to sleep together from now on. Lillie did not see anything wrong with it, they're an official couple after all.

"Breakfast?" He offered.

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"You'll cook?"

"Anything for you." Pecking her lips, Ethan held her hands and pulled her up the bed.


Butler Tian and Nanny Ying haven't yet processed the development between the two. They were really glad to see that they have finally come into good terms but certainly did not expect them to be in 'good, good' terms.

Their once cold and emotionless masters were as if replaced by a pair of perfectly normal lovers. Their soft smile radiates warmth and contentment, it shone brighter that any precious jewels under the sun. Butler Tian and Nanny Ying's heart eased as they watch how their interactions can almost cause cavity because of the sweetness.

Yesterday, an extra ordinary phenomenon has happened in the history of Peach Town. Just overnight, the lush green leaves of the peach trees were replaced by beautiful pink blossoms. The older residents were bewildered by this event; the peach trees blossomed so early this year, they thought.

There's no doubt about it. This strange phenomenon was caused by these two. Their love was so mighty, mother Earth's heart was moved, Butler Tian and Nanny Ying both thought.

The windows and curtains in the dining room was fully opened to let the sweet scent of peach blossoms in. The Villa received a box of peach blossom tea from the Peach town's agency, sending it to the residents every time the Peach Town's peach tree has blossom was tradition.

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Lillie was delighted, satisfied by the tea's bittersweet taste and wonderful aroma. Then, Ethan came in and her face brightened even more. He was bringing a tray of her favorite dishes.

Now she knew what Ethan's been up to last week—he was actually learning how to cook from different, Michelin star chefs; especially French. The Villa's cooks were anxious about their job. Should the master continue cooking everyday, they worry that they no longer serve their purpose.

But, Butler Tian and Nanny Ying reassured that the master will not cook for her everyday...probably.

"Your breakfast, madame." He announced, sending a debonair smile on her way.

"Thank you, monsieur." Lillie softly smiled, her cheeks tinted in pink when he spoke in French. Ethan's multilingual, and French was the language he focused on.

After breakfast, Lillie stayed home while Ethan went for work. Of course, Ethan didn't left not unless he received a long, passionate kiss from his wife. Good thing the servants were busy with chores or else they would've become rich if they took a picture of them.

Oh, of course they will never sell nor let others see it. They would simply gloat it, especially to Ethan and Lillie's crazy fans.

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Speaking of crazy fans—Ethan was doing his usual paperwork but with the addition of a very happy mood—when Yu Ming Lian called him about a pregnant woman who barged in the company, making a scandalous parade.

Screaming and demanding for Ethan's presence, claiming that she carries his child. When everyone heard her absurd claim, they couldn't help but shook their head. Some sneered at her shamelessness and some laughed by her foolishness.

Did she think that Ethan Li would heed her? A woman claiming to be pregnant with no sufficient evidence?

But then, the woman shoved a DNA test results, that came from a well known hospital, into Yu Ming Lian's hands. Its contents were clear, stating how the baby's DNA matched with Ethan's. Yu Ming Lian's hands trembled, disbelief painted her face.

No, this is impossible. Ethan will never have an affair with any woman. Heck, she's positive that this boss of hers is still a virgin! How'd she knew? Well, Ethan's life was entirely focused on achieving Lillie Bai's heart, thus, she's confident that this DNA test results was fake.

She just didn't know how this woman managed to have it forged.

"Tsk, tsk, a pretty woman like yourself shouldn't stoop this low for a man." Tang He Jiu mockingly reprimands her. The woman was red in anger and screamed, "Who do you think you are to speak to me with such informality?! Do you know who I am?!"

"Who are you?" Tang He Jiu did not feigned confusion, he really did not know who this shameless missy was.

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The woman gaped, her face turned ugly from furry.

"I carry Ethan's son! Clearly, I'm going to be the future Mrs. Li! And if you're working for him, expect that your job will be gone when I'm done here!"

"Oh! I'm terribly sorry, madam, please forgive me! Don't fire me!"

The woman harrumphed and haughtily replied, "If you keep on being obedient, I'll reconsider."

Feeling conceited, the woman was confident that her plan's perfect for making this burly man believed her.

Tang He Jiu was baffled; huh? What's wrong with this lady? Clearly, my sarcasm was on point, isn't it?

She claimed to carry Ethan's child, as if he would turn his head towards a woman who can't even identity sarcastic remarks.

Yu Ming Lian mentally giggled; this burly man was not so bad after all.

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