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The hostess guide Lillie and Ethan on their table, which was located on a balcony. The place was isolated from the others, the best place for couples to dine and enjoy their date without disturbances. The view was also to die for, the city is like a night sky filled with stars. Buildings were lit, different colors of light radiates from the streets.

The table was covered by a white, silk sheet, the candelabra was lit, a bottle of expensive wine on the iced bucket. Ethan, like a gentleman he is, assisted his wife by pulling a chair for her and pushed if as she was about to sit. The hostess placed the menu on the table and opened the fragrant red wine.

Ethan stared at Lillie whilst his left hand held hers. His eyes unconsciously glanced at her empty ring finger and was drowned by thoughts. With her free hand, Lillie held the menu and review its contents. She did not pay attention to Ethan's change of expression as he stare at her left hand with furrowed brows.

"Have you chosen anything yet?" Lillie placed down the menu and looked at him in question.

"Hmm...have you?" He asked back.

Lillie shook her head replying, "No. I don't have any particular choices."

"Any recommendations?" He asked the hostess as she poured the wine, almost spilling everything in the process from fright.

"O-oh uh, recommendations? Oh yes, recommendations!" The hostess repeated her words to ease her stammering. She was a mess! She pondered on how did she even manage to keep this job.

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"How about you tell the chef to surprise us?" Lillie suggested.

"En, good idea." Ethan agreed to everything his wife say.

The hostess excused herself after their decision in letting the chef decide for their dish. The hostess let out all the breath that she didn't knew she held until now. For the first time in her life, she's been forced to consume so much dog food that she wanted to vomit blood!

Her co-workers began to worry. Concerned questions were sent at the sight of her.

"What's the matter, Karin? Are they giving you a hard time again?" One of her co-workers asked.

Karin shook her head. "I-It's Mr. Li and Miss Bai..." She dropped their names and immediately everyone's breath were caught.

The head chef had a bad feeling about this as he gulped.

"T-they wanted the head chef to decide of their meal."

Everyone metaphorically heard a gong being hit.

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"M-manager...c-can I resign?" The head chef wanted to cry blood.

Manager: "..."


While waiting for the food to arrive, Lillie excused herself, needing to use the lavatory.

"Alright." Ethan nodded. "But don't take too long."

"En. I just need to wash my hands and retouch my make-up." She said.

"But you already look good."

"Then I'll just wash my hands."

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"Fine. You sure you don't want me to come?"

"I'm just going to the lavatory, Ethan. It's not like I'm going to disappear." Lillie rolled her eyes.

Lillie left the balcony and went to the lavatory. Because of last time, she has familiarized herself with the place and easily found the lavatory. She placed her purse on the marbled sink and turned on the faucet.

Hearing footsteps nearing, the lavatory's door opened and came in were three women wearing expensive looking yet skimpy dresses. Their faces was caked by too much make-up, making them look like one of those girls on the streets waiting for a customer to drop by.

The women stopped chattering upon their sight landed on her. They looked at each other with hidden meanings. They were incredibly upset and jealous when they saw her come in with the famous business man and bachelor, Ethan Li.

Despite Ethan's words earlier, Lillie still retouched her make-up. Red lipstick smeared her cheeks as her hand that held it was disturbed by a harsh bump.

"Tch! You were on my way." One of the women spoke haughtily.

Lillie gave her no heed as she casually took a wet wipes and gently removed the smeared make-up. The women thought this would make her mad but seeing no reaction, they were deeply irritated.

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"Hmp! You there, hand me a tissue." The same woman tried to cause Lillie trouble once again.

"Hey! Did you heard me?!" Still seeing no reaction coming from her, the woman's face went dark and ugly from anger.

"You! How dare you ignore me! Do you know who I am?!"

No response.

"Argh! I am Lillie Bai! Daughter of Madame Agathe of Dazzling Castle and President Alexander Bai of White Phoenix Empire! Also the CEO of WPE! I will say it again, how dare you act like that towards me!"

Now this has caught Lillie's attention. Huh? Who's Lillie Bai? Wasn't she Lillie Bai?

"You say you are Lillie Bai?"

Smirking in triumph in getting her attention, the fake Lillie Bai crossed her arms and said, "Humph! Now you know. Hand me a tissue if you know what's good for you!"

Suddenly, the door opened as another person came in. Lillie's eyes stare at the familiar figure that she had not seen for a long time.

"Hm? Lillie Bai?"

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