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"Li Rong! Stop this nonsense this instant! Don't you know your place?! Apologize to Miss Bai and Mr. Li!" Di Li Hua exclaimed.

"Shut up!" Di Li Rong averted her attention towards her eldest sister. "You know nothing! You have mom and dad's praises, your have everyone under your delicate pinky! You're the family's previous eldest miss, the gem in their eyes! Little miss perfect at everything!" Di Li Rong gritted her teeth, her words oozed with venom as she stare at her sister in resentment.

Di Li Hua flinched. She knew how much Di Li Rong hate her, she knew how deep she harbor the feeling of envy towards her. You can't really blame her, despite Di Li Hua appearing as if she was a goody-two-shoes, she tends to brag about her achievements towards Di Li Rong to make her feel as if she was inferior.

That was her wrong.

But, her intentions wasn't to make her feel worthless, she just wanted to make her be like her and to stop embarrassing herself.

It seems she approached her in a wrong way.

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"You went too far this time! Mother and father have been enduring your atrocious behavior for so long! We always have to cover up for you! Why can't you just stop and look carefully!"

"You want me to stop and look? Fine, I'll show you how I stop your annoying mouth and watch it zip!" Di Li Rong opened her purse and pulled out a pistol.

Di Li Rong's mother, sister, and even her companions screamed in fear. Their minds didn't even had the time to think on how she've managed to pass the guards' eyes and metal detector.

Her lips curled into a malicious grin, showing no trace of sympathy. Af if she's used to it, as if it's not her first time pointing a pistol at someone.

"Rong-er! Is this how you show your gratitude to the person who've raised you?! Who've given you life, shelter, food?! Unfilial child! The heavens won't let you go off so easily!"

"Oh shut up, you old hag! After I'm done with you, I'll have everything you posses. But first, I'll start with you." Her pistol pointed at the two calm and emotionless figures.

Lillie and Ethan, who've been quiet the whole time, stare blankly at the pistol and at the crazy woman with an are-you-kidding-me? look.

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They gave each other a look with hidden meaning before returning at the woman.

"A word of advice, put your pistol down and we'll show you mercy." Lillie stated with a tone of indifference.

"Hah?!" Di Li Rong mocked and played with her pistol. "Are you seriously thinking of talking your way out? Are you stupid?"

"Insulting my wife? Scum like you deserved to be killed by a thousand bullets in your shitty mouth." Ethan's eyes darkened, glowering.

Veins appeared on Di Li Rong's forehead, but her mocking smirk was still present. "You know, Ethan, if you just agree to marry me, I'll spare you."

Ethan did not even think twice with his reply,

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"You're not worthy."

The smirk dropped and was changed into an ugly scowl. "Bastard!"

Di Li Rong pulled the trigger.



"Ahhhhh! M-my arm! My arm!" Di Li Rong's pitiful shrills exploded through the hallways.

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The arm that held the pistol was twisted into a frightening angle. Her bones were out in a very wrong direction. Stumbling on the floor in pain, the pistol she held just a few moments ago was now on the hand of the ruthless man that held Lillie protectively.

Ethan looked down at the wailing woman with cold and emotionless eyes. The pistol point at the space between her eyes brow with such accuracy.

"I don't care if you're a woman. Daring to threaten my wife, especially in front of me? You're purposely courting death."

Lillie sighed and shook her head. "I really admire your bravery, unfortunately, you stepped on the wrong foot." She said, removing herself from Ethan's embrace and grabbing the pistol from him.

"Hmm...Smith and Wesson? Not bad." She hummed, rampaging through her handbag and felt for a familiar coldness of metal. She pulled out a silencer and placed it on the pistol's muzzle before nonchalantly pressing the safety lever off and aimed.

Di Li Rong flinched, her body trembled and eyes widen in terror.

"Sadly, good brands like this was wasted by you. The safety lever wasn't even off."

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