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"How did we come into this agreement exactly?"

"Ever since we can't say no to our mothers."

"And when was that?"

"Ever since we were born?"

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Inside one of HL Corp's hotel chain in France, Lillie and Ethan were immediately greeted by two rows of hotel personnels, parting like what Moses did to the red sea. The hotel's manger was on the lead, greeting the two with a polite smile.

"Welcome, Mr. Li and Miss Bai. I received a call from the Madam and prepared the presidential suite as to your expectations." He informed and bowed.

The hotel's bellhops carried all of their belongings and brought it to their rooms using the lift for employees only, while Lillie and Ethan used the VIP.

As they are the center of attention, considering their grand entourage, eyes belonging from the hotel's guests couldn't help but gawked at the couple.

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Some recognize Ethan as the CEO and owner of the hotel but, who was this beautiful lady beside him?

Being a business partner was immediately removed from their list because, who would bring their business partner in a hotel, especially in France where love floats everywhere?

She's definitely his girlfriend or a fling—some jealous women thought, hatefully.

The hotel's guests are all from influential and rich family so, spoiled young misses and gossip hungry women are not unusual. Lillie ignored their malicious whispers as she was already immune to it.

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Ethan however, balled his fist in furry and gave everyone of them a ruthless glare. The women instantly shut up and flinched under his dark gaze. They quickly got the message on not to speak any further. Obviously, CEO Li cares about the woman dearly.

The elevator was clear, the night view of France was truly a sight to behold. Eiffel's tower was lit, surrounded by other colorful lights below it that came from other buildings. Wrapping his arm tenderly on her small waist, Ethan pulled Lillie closer until she's leaning on his chest.

Lillie raised her head, "What's wrong?" She asked. Ethan did not replied, instead he bent his back forward. He cupped Lillie's cheek and tilting his head to the right.

Lillie's eyes widen for a moment before slowly closing, her soft lips melts with his. A passionate kiss was shared between the two. Ethan, mused to himself, taking this as an opportunity, he licks Lillie's lips, asking for entrance.

With her lips still in Ethan's captive, they couldn't help but curl up in amusement. Considering where they are, Lillie gave in.

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Now, the two shared a very passionate, French kiss.


"Mission: Bun in the oven by next year. Progress is doing tremendously great!"

Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Li high-five as they watched the elevator's CCTV camera with a sly grin on their faces.

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