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"Master." Lillie greeted. There was no immediate reply. Lillie looked at the phone and saw that the call was still going. She placed the phone near her ear and yet silence prevailed.

Pressing the speaker mode, she patiently listened for a reply.

[Oh! Little flower, is that you?] Master Wei was shocked that he wasn't able to process anything for a few moments before answering enthusiastically. His tone differs greatly to the one he used to speak to Death.

Now, he sounds exactly like what a doting grandfather should when speaking to his favorite grandchild. Death wanted to vomit blood in anger.

"Master, you're too biased! Your favoritism towards my Junior sister is beyond unfair!" Is what he wanted to scream.

"You shouldn't stress yourself too much on Senior brother, Master. Please look out for you health." Lillie softly reminded him, like a filial granddaughter to his frail grandfather.

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The students from Soaring Dragon Academy thanked the deity who managed to calm the Great Master Wei. Whoever it was made him smile and laugh—which was more horrifying than seeing his usual scowl. This was the first time they saw the Great Master Wei with a genuine and gentle smile.

Master Wei listened to his second pupil with delight, even agreeing to everything she says.

[Ah, so you heard me yelling at that good-for-nothing brat? Excuse your old master for making you hear such vulgar words. Be assured that it won't happen again.]

Mushrooms popped our of Death's body as depressed lines appeared on his head. "It only...took a few words...from her...and he..."

Who was he again? Wasn't he the first pupil? Wasn't he who was supposed to receiving all the doting?! The fight hasn't started and yet, he lost before he could even throw a punch.

[Little flower, it's been years since I've seen you. No longer caring to visit your old master?]

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Now he's calling himself old?

"I will visit once I'm done with 'things'. I'll even bring someone for you to meet." Lillie's eyes darted towards Ethan's way as she said this.

This caught Master Wei's attention. [Oh? Who is it?]

"It's a surprise." A gentle smile appeared on Lillie's pink lips, hearing her master's whining.

[Alright, I'll expect your presence soon. Take care, Little flower.]

"I will." Lillie ended the call and gave the phone back to the sulking Death.

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"I should've just handed you the phone and covered my ears." He pouted, glaring at his phone.

"You know not to take Master seriously when he gets like this."

"I know, I know, I'm just playing. But, honestly speaking, it still manage to hurt my pride." He complained, grumbling some incoherent words as he picked his little store that was meticulously packed in one bag.

"Care to treat your Senior brother with dinner as a compensation for ruining my pride?" He said in a joking manner. Lillie nodded, seeing nothing wrong with treating his savior and brother with food.

Ethan wanted to badly reject him on the spot, give him money and let him eat alone, but his wife's words were like an emperor's decree.

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He had no power to oppose, or better yet say that he is powerless when it comes to Lillie Bai.

Sighing, he reluctantly followed the two figures with aberrantly colored locks to the car. Ethan opened the passenger's seat for Lillie, and when he shut the door close, Death and Ethan gave each other a glaring contest before going inside the car.

"Where to?" Ethan asked Lillie.

"I want ramen." Ethan glared at the rear-view mirror and directly at the white haired man.

"Japanese it is." Lillie said. Ethan mentally cursed Death up to his eleventh generation for making him his driver. The only person who will have the privilege to have him as their driver is his wife and their future children.

"I swear I'll use 'that' special jutsu [1] on you again." He didn't speak this out loud but Death felt something crawl on his skin.

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