Lady Cultivator

Chapter 263: 263

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Although that shriveled old man looked like a for visiting.

A so-called fight of divine senses could only be performed by cultivators whose divine senses had strengthened to a certain degree. Generally speaking, only the divine senses of cultivators who'd formed their Gold Core were at this level. A strong enough divine sense could imitate a cultivator's spells, and these imitation spells were directly related to the cultivator's combat power. Because of that, if cultivators weren't willing to directly face each other's swords, they could use their divine senses to simulate a fight of magical powers to determine who was stronger. However, this kind of fight would also damage the cultivators' divine senses, especially divine senses that were already weak to begin with.

Seeing as they seemed very astonished, Mo Tiange guessed this Fellow Daoist Tong might have a very strong divine sense. She lifted her gaze to glance at Qin Xi, but she then saw him secretly nodding at her, so she immediately smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Tong, I've just formed my Gold Core, so I hope you can guide me." 

Her answer was a straightforward agreement to his suggestion. Daoist Kumu clapped his hands and laughed. "Fellow Daoist Qingwei might be young, but she's more courageous than others, worthy of being Lord Daoist Jinghe's disciple! That being the case, shall I be the witness?"

Qin Xi said, "Daoist Kumu's right."

Tong Tianyun said, "It's naturally good to have Fellow Daoist Kumu as the referee."

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So-called fights of divine sense didn't require too much space; they could be carried out even in a tiny room like this. However, this place was a restaurant after all. Not only were there many mortals here, but even the cultivators present were mostly low level cultivators. Core Formation cultivators weren't so easy to run into. The majority of Core Formation cultivators in Kunzhong City were most likely in this room now.

Mo Tiange originally thought they'd move somewhere, but unexpectedly, Daoist Kumu took out a lidded glass wine cup then closed his eyes and began mumbling something. After a while, he suddenly shouted: "Go!" The wine cup suddenly emitted a burst of bright light and enlarged, completely swallowing half the room into it.

Mo Tiange looked around. Since the glass was transparent, although the five of them were inside the wine cup, they could see the outside very clearly. 

Daoist Kumu smiled. "The two may begin, but please be careful. Although my Heaven-Covering Cup is a magic weapon, it won't be able to bear your full-power strikes."

Tong Tianyun stroked his beard, chuckling. "Fellow Daoist Kumu's too humble. If it wasn't for this Heaven-Covering Cup of yours, we might've fallen inside Demonic Mountain eighty years ago."

A thought emerged in Mo Tiange's mind once she heard that remark. They'd also gone to Demonic Mountain eighty years ago?

She didn't have time to say anything because Tong Tianyun already spoke. "Fellow Daoist Qingwei, shall we begin?"

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Mo Tiange could only put the matter down for the time being. She nodded and said, "Alright. Fellow Daoist Tong, if you please."

The two of them stood across each other in the middle, while the four other people all moved to the side to make room for them.

Tong Tianyun and Mo Tiange simultaneously closed their eyes, running their spiritual aura and regulating their breathing. 

Some time passed. A gust of wind rose and slowly circulated between them, swirling up their robes and hair. Then the wind became stronger and stronger. It gradually enveloped the two of them to the point where the others practically couldn't clearly see their figures. 

Upon seeing this scene, Lei Dongqing let out a "huh" then said in a rather astonished tone: "Qin Shoujing, your junior martial sister's just formed her Gold Core, but her divine sense can unexpectedly transform into wind already?" 

The transformation of divine sense into wind seemed simple, but it was actually difficult. Only those who could operate their divine sense quickly could create wind. The two of them must've exchanged many blows with their divine sense to create the scene before them now. 

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Qin Xi said faintly, "I told you before—although she's just formed her Gold Core, she won't have any issues with protecting herself." In these past years, even though he hadn't seen her, master told him things about her. One would immediately know the magic weapons she possessed weren't common goods at a glance. As for the Soul-Refining Art, it was something his master passed on to Senior Martial Brother Xuanyin, so he was naturally confident about it.

The wind at the scene was getting stronger and stronger; everyone could now hear the flapping noises of their sleeves. It wasn't just Mo Tiange and Tong Tianyun; even the people who were watching from the sidelines also gradually showed dignified expressions. 

"Bang!" All of a sudden, the Heaven-Covering Cup emitted a loud noise. The people who'd been fastened inside it, felt the wind becoming knife-sharp. Each of them used their spiritual aura as a barrier to resist the fierce wind. Although all of them had their own skills, the two people were having a fight of divine senses and thus mustn't be disturbed, so they could only use their spiritual aura to form protective barriers around them to block the wind.

After the first noise, the Heaven-Covering Cup continued to emit one other noise after another; each fiercer than the one before. Kumu wrinkled his brows, looking extremely astonished. His line of sight fell in the direction where Mo Tiange was.

Since his Heaven-Covering Cup emitted such loud noises, their fight of divine senses was obviously quite fierce. He knew the strength of Tong Tianyun's divine sense very well. This little miss had just formed her Gold Core and she also didn't seem to be very strong, yet she actually had this kind of divine sense?

The inner wall of the Heaven-Covering Cup suddenly emitted firecracker-like rupturing noises. The gale around them suddenly came to a stop, and the two people could finally be seen again. 

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When he looked up to see what happened, Qin Xi saw Mo Tiange showing a painful expression. Her eyes were still closed, but blood was dripping from the corner of her mouth.

"Tiange!" With a frown, Qin Xi quickly stepped forward. He then grabbed her hand to check her meridians. After a while, he eventually heaved a sigh of relief and let go.

On the opposite end, Tong Tianyun's face also didn't look too good. He slowly opened his eyes then stared deeply at Mo Tiange.

Quite a while later, Mo Tiange finally managed to regulate her breathing. She wiped the trace of blood from the corner of her mouth then she cupped her hands towards Tong Tianyun with a smile. "I lost." 

Tong Tianyun unexpectedly shook his head. "Fellow Daoist Qingwei, you don't have to humble yourself like this. I've been trapped in the middle stage of the Core Formation realm for three hundred years. Although I haven't been able to make a realm-breakthrough, there are only a few cultivators in the same realm as me who could be my opponents. Fellow Daoist, you're only in the early stage of the Core Formation realm, but your divine sense's already this strong—this is already a feat." 

This fight was naturally won by Tong Tianyun. However, Mo Tiange didn't lose badly either.

Daoist Kumu's gaze shifted back and forth between the two of them. He then laughed and said, "Fellow Daoist Qingwei, the purpose of this competition wasn't to win. Since Fellow Daoist Tong said this, Fellow Daoist obviously has enough skill to journey with us. That being the case, our deal with Fellow Daoist Shoujing will remain valid. From now on, Fellow Daoist is our companion."(枯木: Kumu)

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