Savage Fang – Volume 2 Chapter 11: Budding Beauties

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“Bring that vase over here! And that tablecloth over there, it’s wrinkled!”

Time, as they liked to say, flew like an arrow, and the day of the Festival of Sages finally arrived.

In the early hours just before the Festival began, our Phoenix Class was finishing the last preparations before opening our cafe.

Albert, Colette, and I were usually already awake by this time to train, so being up this early wasn’t an issue. However, our other classmates would usually still be in bed at this time, and it showed; some were sleepily rubbing their eyes because they weren’t used to being up this early, while others went around with dazed, unfocused looks. Still, everyone was busy moving about the classroom.

As for me, I was giving out instructions, shouting my words like I was making an announcement.

It seemed to be what these sleepy-eyed kids needed, because preparations were moving along quickly, and I could see their faces become more and more lively.

They must have finally woken up enough to realize that the long-awaited Festival of Sages had finally arrived.

“Mylene, should we not be changing into our uniforms soon?”

“Yes, now would be a good time. Miss Elmira, Miss Romilda, could I trouble the two of you with joining us?”

“Yes, of course!”

“It would be no trouble at all, Lady Mylene.”

I called over the other two students that would also be serving our customers alongside me and Melissa.

Elmira was a serene beauty with plenty to show in all the right places, while Romilda was on the slender side with an athletic build and tanned skin.

With them serving alongside the childlike Melissa and the dignified Colette, we had a line-up that was sure to cater to the tastes of any customers that may come in.

“Next, Your Highness, I will be counting on you to lead the other men.”

“Of course. Please leave everything to me, Lady Mylene.”

Meanwhile, Albert would be in charge of the boys.

And with that, both groups went off to their changing rooms, where we would be switching outfits.

This was the second time I would be wearing these clothes. The first time had been when we had picked them up from the store — to check their fitting — and putting them on today was the second.

I was able to avoid putting it on until today by saying I didn’t want to get it dirty, but now that it was time for the Festival, there was nothing more I could do.

“I knew it would be cute! Were you the one who thought up this design, Lady Mylene?”

After carefully lifting it up to avoid wrinkling, Romilda began praising her outfit as she checked it over.

“Yes, I came up with the original design… but the praise should go to Princess Colette as the outfit turned out this well thanks to her changes. In fact, I would say it uses more of her ideas than mine.”

I might have sounded like I was trying to be humble, but that really was the truth.

Since I would have to wear it, all I requested from the store was “a bright and colorful maid uniform”…

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“So this was Princess Colette’s idea. I can see it in the design. It seems a little on the provocative side, but I must admit it is also quite lovely.”

…but instead we ended up with a more stimulating outfit, one that revealed more skin than originally intended.

That being said, it was reasonable enough that the girls were still willing to wear it… but the same couldn’t be said about ‘me’, and I was more uncomfortable than ever.

But it was far too late to be complaining, let alone doing something about it.

We changed into the outfits. There were some accessories we needed to put on as well, but that could be done later.

“Has everyone finished changing? If so, let us return to the classroom. It is time to show the others how we look!”

Romilda and Elmira nodded in agreement at Colette’s words.

Unsurprisingly, Colette was unshakeably confident in our looks. I agreed with that: the five of us were quite attractive, even myself, though that was just appearance-wise.

But I shouldn’t be dawdling around thinking things like that.

We left the changing room and returned to our classroom, attracting the attention of other students as we walked down the corridor.

It was excruciating to be seen like this, but…

“…Fufu. Please stop by the Phoenix Class to see more.”

I had to show the others that these clothes didn’t bother me at all, so I called out, inviting the students that had stopped to stare.

After all, since we were attracting so much attention just by walking, it would have been a waste not to take advantage of it to advertise ourselves.

They had to be wondering what was going on, what this group of beautiful girls dreseed in unique, exciting outfits was doing walking through the Academy the way they were. I was sure Albert and the others were probably attracting the attention of female students in the same way, too.

“I expected no less from someone as crafty as you.”

“We came this far already, so it’d be embarrassing if we wavered now and failed because of it. We should be using anything that happens to come our way to our advantage.”

“…How determined you are.”

I suppressed the urge to click my tongue, forcing myself to keep smiling and waving at the students around us.

And with this, our preparations are finally ready and complete.

…No, wait, there was still one last thing — a final, personal mission.

We arrived at the classroom to find that Albert and the other guys had already returned.

Albert himself was standing in the middle of the classroom, with our classmates crowding around him like he was a famous celebrity who’d just stepped down from a stage.

They wore something like a riding suit with a stylized tailcoat, fitting tighter than suits of that kind usually would so as to emphasize the swallowtail at its back. The color of the suit lining also served to give the outfit a refined finish.

And the results were as I expected: changing a few details on a formal outfit like this to give it more of a relaxed, youthful feel was extremely appealing to girls of our age.

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So it was no wonder that our classmates had stopped working to admire the boys. I did want to let them appreciate the boys’ outfits for a little longer, but I didn’t have the time to give.

“We have returned”

“Welcome back, Lady Mylen… ah?!”

I announced our return in a loud voice, pulling the attention of the rest of the class over to us.

…After all, I knew we would be far more eye-catching than Albert and the others.

And just as I expected, the eyes that turned to see those of us who returned couldn’t pull away.

The noise that just moments ago filled the classroom instantly died away, leaving only silence. After a breathless moment, the other girls in the class sighed in admiration one after another, while the boys continued staring in dumbfounded shock, like time had stopped for them.

“H-h-how sublime… An angel, no, a goddess has come…”

Albert was especially affected; with legs shaking like a newborn fawn’s, he began tottering over, giving praise more exaggerated than ever before all the while.

His reaction was understandable at least; the costume with Colette’s changes was proving to be a big success.

There was a separated collar that opened to show a hint of cleavage, and while the design was based on a classic apron dress style, the top also boldly exposed a bare collarbone.

The skirt below was a fluffy, billowy piece whose cuteness contrasted with the seductive upperwear, but the two paired well together instead of clashing.

And finally, rounding out this ensemble were the short socks that proudly emphasized exposed legs, a style that Academy students tended not to do.

But that wasn’t to say it was vulgar. The entire outfit was a cute, vibrant red that brought everything together, and a headband reminiscent of rabbit ears sitting atop the head further emphasized the cuteness the design was going for.

The result? A cute apron dress uniform that highlighted the beauty and charm points of the girl wearing it.

…So ‘I’ shouldn’t be embarrassed for having to wear it — or so I convinced myself. Besides, Colette and Melissa both looked amazing in it, and Colette especially… wait, no, I shouldn’t be finishing that thought.

And with that in mind, my appearance now must have shaken Albert to his very core.

In fact, that wasn’t the only thing; our group had completely charmed the rest of our classmates, regardless of gender, into stupefied silence. If all it took was the sight of us to ensnare them, then it seemed our plan was guaranteed to be successful.

“This… this is so much, so far beyond the magnificence I was expecting..! Aah..! If only I could find the words with which to describe this euphoria..!”

“Thank you very much, Your Highness. You, too, look quite splendid.”

As Albert shambled toward us, I reached forward to take his hand in mine to keep him from potentially falling over. When I did, a number of sighs came from around us.

I actually thought he looked better than we did.

The close-fitting suit accentuated his slender figure, and the vibrant colors of the outfit were like glasswork on that delicate body.

…Ahh, what a shame.

“You were already so beautiful, Lady Mylene, and now this outfit has brought out even more of your beauty..! Was this the influence of Princess Colette?”

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“That is correct. The original concept was my own, but it was Princess Colette who improved it and turned the design into what you see before you.”

“Ah, so that was how it is… I understand now: her intention had been to bring out the best in Lady Mylene. My thanks to you, Princess Colette; you have my utmost gratitude.”

“…Hmph, I suppose noticing that detail for yourself deserves my respect in return, Prince Albert. I have no choice but to acknowledge how familiar you are with Mylene.”

Seeing the two royals sharing a firm handshake, I felt a sudden wave of unease.

It must have been because of the training, but their teamwork continued to improve every day. That they might someday become strong enough to overpower me together… the thought sent chills down my spine.

But when I remembered I was in my current situation because of these damn royals, I felt my anger overcome the discomfort.

…No, this was fine. Instead of thinking about that, I should begin the final part of my plan.

The plan? To take revenge on Albert, the one who betrayed me and put me in this situation to begin with.

“Now, shall we finish the preparations… oh no, my foot.”

I purposely tripped over and fell towards Albert.

I saw a look of surprise come over Colette’s face She reached out to catch me, but it was too late; that moment of shock stopped her from making it in time.

But from the very beginning, I wasn’t planning on just tumbling over. Instead, I ‘fell’ toward the similarly surprised Albert in front of me.

And.. I grabbed hold of his clothes and pulled with great force, ripping a large tear through them.

“Huh, aahh?! L-Lady Mylene?!”

“Oh no, I am so sorry, Your Highness! It seems my fatigue overtook me for a moment, and I slipped…”

I gave a hollow apology to Albert, who was now holding me in his arms.

He didn’t seem suspicious at all, probably because of how docile I was acting.

Normally I would feel a little guilty for tricking an innocent boy like this, but… this was revenge.

After all, this ‘innocent boy’ had betrayed me first.

“No, no, it was nothing at all, so long as you are unharmed. I was not injured either, so please do not worry about it. I am glad I was able to catch you in time, Lady Mylene.”

Albert responded exactly the way I thought he would; with that thought in mind, I slowly picked myself back up out of his arms.

Fortunately both of us were unharmed; as Albert said, there had been nothing to worry about…

“However, with my clothes in this state… Unfortunately, it seems I will not be able to join you, Lady Mylene, and the others in serving our customers. And after all that I said about helping…”

…except the tailcoat we had gone to great lengths to prepare was now tragically ruined.

A collective sigh of disappointment came from the rest of our classmates. It was not unexpected; that tailcoat really suited him, and despite the fact that he was more cute than handsome, Albert was still one of the best-looking boys in the class. Not having him up in front and serving would be a great loss.

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Albert himself looked rather disappointed, with shoulders hanging low. It seemed he was feeling guilty that he would be unable to serve customers — that is, that he would not be able to take on the role I had asked him to.

But this was all fine. From the very beginning, everything had been going as I planned.

“Actually, you do not need to worry about that.”

Indeed, I had planned this all from the very beginning, from intentionally tripping, falling toward Albert, and ruining his clothes.

In fact, I specifically ordered his tailcoat to be extra fragile for this exact reason.

“I prepared extra clothes ahead of time, in case something like this happened. If you would, please change into those. After all, without you serving the guests with us, I would be extremely worried.”

“Ah, Lady Mylene! For you to have prepared this much, in case of an unforseen emergency, I, Albert, am left in awe of your foresight!”

Furthermore, I had a replacement outfit ready for him, too.

…I wasn’t going to hell alone, you rat. I’ll be taking you with me, no matter what, even if it were the last thing I did.

I swore that day I would have my revenge, and I would see it through… Vengeance would be mine!

After retrieving the set of replacement clothes and handing them to Albert, the prince ran excitedly off to get changed.

As I saw him off with a smile, Colette came up beside me and looked on with horrified terror.

“That… You… Since when..?”

It seemed Colette had already figured out what the replacement clothes I’d handed off to Albert were.

Leave it to Colette to understand how best to take revenge.

After all, it was as simple as launching the strongest attack when the enemy was most vulnerable. Well, this wasn’t quite on the level of invading and destroying an entire country, but I did firmly believe in getting payback.

“Is something the matter?”

Melissa, unaware of what was happening, tilted her head in confusion.

“…No, well, you will find out soon enough. What you should know is that you should not ever make an enemy out of Mylene. And now, more than ever, I remembered I should do well not to forget so.”

“I no longer consider her my enemy, but… What, exactly, is going on?”

Actually, I had given up taking revenge on Colette, but it seemed her seeing what would be happening to Albert was enough of a warning.

At some point, I had unknowingly begun to smile, and Melissa was staring at me with suspicion.

…As for Albert, well, the changing room for men was actually quite far from the classroom.

And we wouldn’t be able to hear it, but…

“Wh-what in the world is this?!”

…I could already imagine how Albert would be reacting.

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