Chapter 4. [The Elementary School Student Helper]

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Ah-nee has a name as a streamer, so she has nailed me never to call her by her real name.

However, she said it was OK to call her “Ah-nee”.

“I use a name that starts with an ‘A’ too.”

She said.

So she wanted me to think of a name for myself, too, but I can’t think of anything. I have always been bad at this kind of thing.

In the end, I decided to go with the same name as it is. I didn’t even give out my last name.

Ah-nee asked me, “Are you sure you want to do this?” But it was just for this one time anyway. Besides, it’s not unusual for people to use their real names nowadays, so I guess it’s okay.

Finally, five minutes before the stream started.

I sat next to her and faced the spare microphone she handed me.

“Here we go. Three, two, one, start ……!”

At that moment, I thought, hmmm? What? I realized something ridiculous, but the stream had already started.

If I speak up, I will be on the stream.

And then, Ah-sis went.

“How are you doing, everyone? I’m everyone’s big sister☆ ‘Anegasaki Anegasaki Monet’ desu☆”

>>I love Anego!

>>I love Anego!

>>I love Anego!

“I’m not Anego, I’m your nee-!”

The comment section fills with emojis and identical comments, and Ah-nee puts in a tsukkomi.

“And then ……?”

<It’s Angu-ogu!>

Two anime-style characters lined up on the stream screen.

Ah-nee, you’re a VTuber. You’re friends with a Vtuber streamer, aren’t you?

And she was one of the VTubers I’ve been watching.

This greeting also unintentionally came out with the habit. It’s the worst, I have crossed the line. I’m disqualified as a fan.

I saw the recommended 3D body.

VTubers don’t have a person inside. There isn’t, but if I saw something equivalent to it, for better or worse, it would change the way I look at them in the future.

I don’t like it.

But now is not the time to say that.

At any rate, my current collaborator is my favorite Angu-ogu-chan!

I don’t know what’s going on anymore.

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My head is all messed up.

Monet Anegasaki and Anguogu are good friends. They belong to the same big firm.

The difference is that they work in Japan and the U.S. This is not the first time they have collaborated. So, in itself, it is not strange.

It’s not strange, but.

Why am I in there?

“So today I’m going to ask my friend to help me. So please go and introduce yourself!”

“Heh, ah! Um, well, you know!”


>>Calm down.

>>She’s got a loli voice.

>>Anego’s reckless behavior as usual.

While I was confused, he had finished explaining the plan and the situation.

I, I, I.

“Ah-neechan! I didn’t hear, I didn’t hear, I didn’t hear! What do you mean you’re a VTuber? I thought you were a regular streamer! Am I your IRL guest now? <I’m a big fan of you, Angu-ogu-chan. I love you!> Why am I here?”

“Ugh! Iroha-chan, calm down, calm down!”

“I can’t stay calm like this!”

>>Big Accident LOL

>>I’m sure it’s a real broadcast accident.

>>She’s a friend of a VTuber otaku.

>>”Ah-nee” Isn’t that cute calling name?

>>Aren’t you called Anego?

>>I’m not sure if it’s Anego or not.

“Let’s introduce ourselves for now, shall we? I’m not Anego, I’m your nee-.”

>>That’s rare.

>This is a rare anego.

“Yes. Nice to meet you. Today I found out that I’m her IRL friend guest. I’m Iroha.”

“No, role, your role! Translator!”

“I’m a translator …… translator girl? desu?”

>>She’s nervous LOL (根に持ってて草)

>>Translator girl Iroha, grasp

“This girl is a friend of my sister’s, and as you can hear, she speaks English very well, so I asked her to come as a helper this time. I didn’t think she was a fan of me, nee.”

<Anego, did you do it again? I’m laughing so hard.>

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“Oi, Ogu, don’t laugh at me. We’re in trouble!”

Seeing the two of them interact with each other right in my front, I become a little calmer.

Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I switched from passion to emotion.

Monet Anegasaki is not very good at English.

However, even though she doesn’t understand the meaning of the words, she can carry on a conversation with just the right mood and momentum.

Angu-ogu, too, understands only a little Japanese.

The collaboration between these two is fascinating because they can communicate even though they don’t understand what the other is saying. They even get into an “angsty” …… scene.

That is happening right in front of your eyes now.

<Iroha-chan, are you a big fan of mine? I’m so happy.>

<Wow, thank you very much! Your streams always cheer me up! >

<Many viewers over here are surprised at how well you speak English. Have you ever lived in an English-speaking country? >

<No, my English is limited to my classes at school, self-study, ……, and Ogu-chan’s delivery.

<Really? Is that all it takes for your pronunciation to be so natural “‘Seriously amazing?’ …… Hey, viewers! Don’t try to switch from me to Irohachan! I’ll bite you!>

“Well, I don’t want to drag this out too long, so let’s get on with it. As I said, Iroha-chan is a minor, so we need to get her home before nightfall.”

>>Are you sure she’s a minor?

>>Is she still in elementary school if she is like Anego’s sister?

>>It’s amazing she can speak English in elementary school.

“So, we’ll be at the respondent’s table, and this standing picture will be at the contestant’s table.”


>>She even prepared a standing picture for this!

>>Is this the one you drew in the drawing session the other day?

“What, this is me! What can I say? It’s too cute.”

A young girl in a pure white academic gown.

It has angel motif designs on its edges.

I saw this drawing stream, too.

Was the subject? I think, ‘Angels who came to learn about humans’?

“Ah, yes. I didn’t have time to draw from scratch, so you’ll have to forgive me for using what I had.”

>>It’s rather fitting, isn’t it?

>>Iroha-tan is a real angel.

>>Iroha-tan hahaha.

“Okay, then, let’s get to work! Can you take over from here?”

“Yeah, okay.”

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I coughed once. Finally, we were back to our original routine.

Ah-nee will do the Japanese explanation, and I will be in charge of the English side.

<The first challenge was>.

However, the main event that had finally begun was also full of ups and downs.

As usual for her fans, Monet Anegasaki’s delivery was often haphazard.

Even so, she is a talker with a strong ability to make everyone smile at the end of the show.

But when I’m on the receiving end, it’s hard!

And, what’s more, this bad friend of mine also had this girl.

Angu-ogu is a friend of Ah-nee, and she is quite a prankster. She is a troublemaker just as much as Ah-nee.

<Weren’t you cheating just now, Ogu-chan?>

<Oh no! Pi~Hi~Hi~Hi~Hi~Hi~Hi~Hi~Hi. What are you talking about? You don’t know? My viewers are all commenting that they don’t know either.>

<I’m looking at the comments on the second window right now, and they’re all commenting that they know and I’ve exposed them. >

<Tch! Gurrrrrrrrrrr, nasty! If it was just Anego, it would have been a piece of cake!!!>

“Huh? Did you call me just now? I came up with something more interesting than that, would you like to add a question?”

“Huh!? Ah-nee’s idea is not going to be a good idea! And no one can stop it!”

And so, by the end, I was already being pushed around.

But we managed to finish the run, even though we were exhausted.

I was exhausted after only an hour or so of the stream.

I didn’t realize how much physical effort it takes to deliver a message.

“Well then, thank you very much for watching. Se-no!”

“Bye- byneee!”

<“Last in, piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!” >

“It’s finally over. I’m tired. Otsukare~tā arige~tā!.”

<Gyahahahahaha! “Otsukare~tā arige~tā!” >

The stream was closed as it was.

I thought I said something strange at the end because I was so tired.

“Good work. I’m glad Iroha-chan was able to help me out so much. Thanks a lot.”

<‘Otsukare-sama deshita’. I enjoyed Iroha-chan. I like the last part. ‘Otsukare~tā arige~tā’! Gya-ha-ha-ha! Gyahahahaha!>

<Ogu-chan, you’re always making jokes like that in your stream. I’m glad you laughed. Am I talking to Ooguchan? >

<Wow, I’m so glad you’re laughing now.>

“Whatever it was, it was a great success. It was trending, and it was outside of the anniversary stream. We may have had the most connections in recent memory.”

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“Well, that’s good to hear.”

“Well, we’re running out of time. I’m not sure how much more I can do as a member of society if I hold the minors back any longer.”

<Time? I understand. I wanted to talk more, but I had no choice. Iroha, let’s chat again.>

<What? Me and Ogu-chan again? That makes me so happy! I’m so happy, but ……! >

Gnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I’m torn between the joy of talking to Ogu-chan again and my desire to hold the line as her fan!

“Yes, yes, I’ll talk to you later. I’ll walk you home, Iroha-chan. I’m sure you’re tired today, and you can thank me for helping you later, slowly.”

“Thanks for the help, Ah-nee, although I won’t forgive you for cheating on me by hiding that you’re a VTuber.”

“Still angry? I thought it would confusing if I told you I was a VTuber since we don’t have much time, and they probably don’t know how old are you.”

“I’ve never seen Ah-nee get better with her scheming.”

<See you later, Irohachan.>

<Bye, Ooguchan.>

<‘Otsukare~tā arige~tā’.>

Then the call was cut off.

She seemed to like that phrase.

As for me, it was already nighttime for Iroha. I opened the door to Ah-nee’s room to go home.

There stood the shadow of a woman.

“Geeaaaahhh, a sudden horror story!

“Oh, onee-chan! Iroha-chan!”

It was Mai there.

I forgot about it.

“Oh my God, I’m tired of waiting for ~! Are you done with your errands? Then what are we three going to do?”

“No, I’m going home.”


Mai. What a pitiful child.

I thought, “Tomorrow, I’ll be a little gentler with her at school.”.

* * *

The next day, the wheels of fate began to move.

First thing in the morning, I received a call from Ah-nee. Is it a thank-you note? I answer the phone.

[Iroha-chan is trending.]

“Go to ……?”

She shows me a screencap. It was number one trending on Twitter.


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