SS 3. [Christmas ~ Anego’s Side]

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Angu Ogu was enjoying the dishes and drinks she had prepared herself. She laughed and said, <<This kind of junky Christmas is not bad!>>

I joined in by eating chicken and washing it down with a carbonated drink. That’s just perfect. That’s how it should be!

<<And now, it’s about time. Our first guest is–.>>

Angu-Ogu must have operated the screen, as a character portrait appeared.

Immediately, people could hear a lively voice.

“Nice to meet you all! I’m Anegasaki Monet, everyone’s big sister!”

>I love you, Ane-go! (U.S.)

>I love you, Ane-gaaaah! (U.S.)

>Were you in the middle of a singing relay!? (U.S.)

<<So, our first guest is Anego. Thanks for coming!>>

“Okay, okay! That’s great! Merry Christmas-nee!”

<<Merry Christmas, Anego!>>


Ah-nee nodded in satisfaction.

And then, immediately.

“Well, I’ll leave now-nee. It’s my turn for the singing relay after this. Oh, and if the English-speaking folks are interested, come and watch-nee!”

<<What?! Did you just come here to promote yourself? Geez, you’re already cutting out>>

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>Hilarious! (U.S.)

>It’s like a storm passing through. (U.S.)

>At this pace, you could invite 100 guests, lol. (U.S.)

<<Ahh, well, it’s just the next guest will be the last one.>>

>?!?!?! (U.S.)

>Oh! (U.S.)

>Could it be that she h a lot of connections with people? (U.S.)

<<Enough! Enough! Anyway, when the next guest is ready, please come in. I’m sorry it’s earlier than expected.>>

“Huh?! Cough, cough!”

I choked unexpectedly.

Angu Ogu sent a message saying, <<Help me!>>

I had been careless thinking there was still time.

I hurriedly chewed and swallowed the chicken.

I put on my headphones and turned on the microphone.

I entered the channel for receiving calls.

<<Hey, Ogu. It’s quite different from what I was expecting!>>


Angu Ogu shouted as if she had found a savior.

Well, there’s no helping it. I wasn’t even ready yet.

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While typing on the keyboard behind the scenes, I greeted them familiarly.

<<Um, ahem. ‘Let my words reach you!’ I’m the translator girl, Iroha!>>

>Iroharo! (U.S.)

>Iroharo! (U.S.)

>The husband rushing to his wife’s rescue (U.S.)

<<Hey. There’s someone who made a strange comment, you know.>>

>Darn it, Iroha knows English! (U.S.)

>Ogu is Iroha’s wife (French)

>Iroha is Ogu’s wife (Deutsch)

<<It’s not like you can say it in French or German either! And we’re not married!… Sigh, Merry Christmas.>>

>Merry Christmas (U.S.)

>Merry Christmas! (U.S.)

>I came from a tweet.

<<Iroha, Merry Christmas. Oh? Did you promote it on Twitter?>>

<I just typed that in a hurry. Well, it’s more like an advertisement, or a present to my fans. Someone said they were sad that I didn’t have a Christmas stream, so I thought it would be nice if I could give people a little something to look forward to.>>

I briefly imagined the silver-haired transfer student.

I wonder if she’s somewhere in the chats.

<<Exactly, why aren’t you streaming? I actually planned to invite you for a collaboration stream.>>

<<Well, if I’m streaming, I won’t be able to watch my favorite streamer’s Christmas stream in real time. Oh, Ah-nee’s singing stream has started!>>

<<Wait, are you currently watching it?! You’re supposed to be receiving messages!?>>

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<<No, it’s not getting through!>>

I can’t miss the Christmas stream, but I understand the demand.

In other words, this is the perfect solution! Maybe I’m a genius!

<<Oh, by the way. Ogu, do you have any friends?>>


Angu Ogu burst into laughter.

<<Cough, cough! Are you bringing that up again!?>>

<<Well, I heard in America, it’s normal to spend Christmas with family if I remember. In Japan, it’s more like New Year’s.>>

Therefore, most VTubers residing in America don’t live stream on Christmas Day.

>Ah… (U.S.)

>Actually, I’m having dinner with my family. (U.S.)

>I’m watching this stream while eating dinner too. (U.S.)

<<How annoying! What’s wrong with being alone?>>

Angu Ogu snapped.

Through my headphones <<Gulp, gulp ……… Puhah~! >>, I hear the sound of her drinking heavily and biting into a piece of chicken.

<<I live alone in my hometown, and I don’t have any plans. It can’t be helped if I’m alone, right? Plus, it’s a day to spend with family, so none of my fellow VTubers are coming!>>


Come to think of it, when she stayed in Japan during summer vacation, she mentioned something like that. Something about not getting along well with her family or something.

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<<Then, Iroha, is it nice to be with family?>>

<<Ah, at my place, I’ve always been alone on Christmas Eve and Christmas.>>

My mother is very busy at work this time of year, so I’ll be alone on the day.

So I’ll be alone on the day.

<<Well, I see. Iroha, you too ………>>

>I see. Iroha, don’t cry (U.S).

>We’re here for you!

>Alright, let’s make some noise tonight! (U.S.)


Well, at my home, we just shift the schedule, but we still have a Christmas party, you know?

That’s why today, we can enjoy the Christmas livestream without any worries in real time.

It’s a perfect win-win situation, but… wait a minute.

Is there some kind of misunderstanding!?


<<Alright, Iroha! What kind of dishes did you prepare? Look, everyone! In Japan, it’s all about cake and fried chicken, right?>>

Our conversation was derailed.

Well, whatever. She must be feeling lonely. I’ll accompany her for a little while.


It turns out that my initial thought was a mistake.

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