Law of the Devil

Chapter 345

Hussein thought about it: “When I came here last time, I had seen through the weakness of this magic array. The stronger you are and more you resist, stronger the power of the magic array (barrier) will be. As long as I carefully retract my aura, I will only encounter a small scale storm. There is no need to fight back so it will not trigger a large-scale attack from the array…”

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Although he said so, he must still have some confusion.

Rodriguez thought about it and said: “Now that you decided. Let’s go together.”

Hussein shook his head: “Journey to the north is much greater more dangerous. In this forest, with our combined strength, we are not afraid of encountering beasts. But if we go to north, we will enter into territory of the Dragon clan and the leader of the dragon clan has animosity toward me. This encounter will most probably end up in deadly battle. I am not his opponent so it is extremely dangerous to go. Even with you, it is the same so I’ll go alone. You stay, just in case … if I can’t come back, you can continue to help Du Wei. ”

Rodriguez was about to say something, but suddenly he felt something unusual in the distance. He looked up to the north and blurted out: “Look!”

The two looked north together. Above the originally calm ice field, a storm was coming from far to near! There were overwhelming dark clouds in the sky!

Under the storm, there seemed to be a very faint figure, shaking in the storm, struggling to advance…

Rodriguez and Hussein glanced at each other and at the same time, flew toward the figure in the north of the ice field…

Far away, on the horizon, the outline of that forest was already faintly in sight!

How far was it? Three kilometers? Four kilometers?

If it was on some other day, as long as he flied for some time, he could easily cover it. It’s a pity now…

There was deep wound on the chest. The damn wind like countless knife hit the wound…

The blood on the chest began to flow again … this time it bleed even harder. Unfortunately, the wound that was originally started to heal once again opened as he walked. He constantly used magic barrier to protect himself from the onslaught of storm.

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At this moment, he took a deep breath and found that he had run out of magic power! No more magic could be cast!

The magic barrier was getting fainter and the enveloping area was getting smaller and smaller under the suppression of the storm…

He felt a dizzy and the forest seemed to be out of his reach…

Dragon Prince hurriedly embraced the things in his arms…

To die is to die … even if I can’t get out of this ice field alive, I can at least send the things in my arms to the forest…

Otherwise, my family…

His body went numb and his feet could no longer move. Finally, he fell to the ground with a thump. At this moment, his magic power had been exhausted and blood was dripping from his eyes and nose! Supporting himself with one hand, he was still trying to get up… But, where is the strength left?

Plop … plop …

This was not the sound of his own heartbeat, but it was coming from the things in his arms…

This strange and rhythmic sound seemed to have inspired his last potential. He yelled suddenly with endless resentment and sorrow in the sound of dragon howling!

He pressed the two things in his arms under his body and used his back to resist the wind strikes that!

Ugh … countless cutting sounds…

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Why … can’t feel the pain at all…

Am I already, dead?

Before the last trace of consciousness was about to dissipate, he suddenly saw two figures appear. Human figure!

The silvery light flashed across the sky and the storm in the sky suddenly burst.

Then he finally closed his eyes…


Before the last trace of consciousness was about to dissipate, he suddenly saw two figures appear. Human figure!

The silvery light flashed across the sky and the storm in the sky suddenly burst.

Then he finally closed his eyes…

When he woke up again, he found himself lying in the woods and the surrounding trees seemed to have been broken into pieces after a disaster. It had shown how terrible disasters have been here.

The next reaction. He immediately reached out and touched his arms. Fortunately … two things were still there!

He was finally relieved and immediately became vigilant.

A voice came around: “Are you awake?”

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He tried to open his eyes. It was gradually clear that a human stood in front of himself and looked at himself condescendingly.

“I recognize you, you are the prince of the dragon clan, right?”

Just when he was shocked, the next word from the man reassured him.

“I am not your enemy. I work for the Duke of Tulips. My name is Rodriguez.”

Du Wei …

Du Wei …

Well, that was the human who made friends with him.

The Dragon Prince was finally relieved.

He didn’t know how long he had been asleep. The severe pain caused by the slight movement of his body made me almost faint again.

He reluctantly said in hoarse voice, “Please, please help me up.”

Then a pair of powerful arms raised him. Dragon Prince turned to look at the man. The handsome middle-aged man was smiling at him mildly: “My name is Rodriguez.”

“Dear Dragon Prince.” Hussein stood next to Rodriguez. “We were entrusted by Du Wei to come here to inquire about the news. Is something bad happened to the Dragons?”

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Dragon Prince kept silent for a while and his eyes flashed. Finally, after a long time, he smiled abruptly: “There are no dragons in this world!”


Hussein and Rodriguez looked at each other. Prince Dragon took a deep breath to calm himself. Although his chest was so painful that he was trembling, he still gritted his teeth and whispered, “I … I am going to die because of heavy injuries but I am lucky to meet you before dying.”

Then he gasped hard and his breathing was getting irregular.

“I’m sorry.” Rodriguez sighed. The Paladin looked helplessly at the dragon prince on the ground: “I checked your injury … you are too hurt, we can’t help it. I felt a powerful force in your body that destroyed half of your lungs and that power is still in your body. If it was not for you desperately suppressing it, I am afraid you would be already dead. Unfortunately, you are not human. You are a dragon so human healing magic has no effect on you. And…”

Hussein also sighed: “Also, there was a spring that could cure your injury. Unfortunately … the spring has dried up after the earthquake.”

Dragon Prince smiled hard: “It doesn’t matter, I … I can only hold on for a little while, so please tell the Duke of Tulip what I am going to say. Because … In my opinion, among human beings, I’m afraid he alone can stop this disaster…”

“The Dragons have suffered a large attack from those sinners in the north. This time, they came fiercely with in huge numbers. In order to preserve the power of the Dragons, our great patriarch, my respected father, accepted the challenge issued by the leader of sinners, a guy named ‘Elf King Fall Snow’. If my father wins, then the elf king promises to let retreat his army. And if my father loses, then the dragons have to surrender! ”

When Hussein heard this, his heart jumped: “Is it …”

Look at this Dragon Prince in such a bad situation; does the patriarch of the dragon clan, the powerful and almost perverted old dragon king lose?

Prince Long nodded and his action immediately made Hussein’s heart sink to the bottom!

“Father’s decisive battle with that elf went on for three full days and three nights, and finally…”

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