Lawless Gangster

Chapter 30

Chapter 30hirty

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Qi Xiu Yuan had always thought that he himself seemed smart and elegant when it came to school locations or other academic related places, but now being held captive in this abandoned elementary classroom made his lungs want to burst into pieces instead.

“Is your brain only used for eating noodles?” He lowered his voice and angrily chided Xiao Yang. “Why didn’t you report to the police when you got out? What were you calling Susu for?”

Xiao Yang was lying on his side on the ground at the moment. He faced QI Xiu Yuan who was sitting up beside him and explained, “I can’t report to the police, they’ll retaliated against me.”

“Isn’t it more tragic that you didn’t report it?” QI Xiu Yuan lowered his head and held onto it with the palm of his hands, then he asked again, “Then you don’t have anyone else to notify? All you said was you’ve been injured in the district of Shanshang and needed Susu to come and get you? Good thing I was afraid she’s a girl and going out alone at night would be too dangerous so I came out instead. If Susu actually came, even if you died a hundred times over, it still won’t be enough compensation.”

Xiao Yang did not talk for a long while, then he lowered his voice and said, “Sorry, I…I didn’t think about it much. Every day I would call and talk to Susu. And today, I haven’t, so I was also afraid she’ll be worried. And also, at that time, I thought it wasn’t dangero—-“

“What are you making noises for? If you make another sound, I’ll cut your fucking tongue off!!” The red hair youth became fidgety as he cursed, then he ran towards the window and looked out.

Five minutes ago, that person who called himself, “Da Gui” said that the cell signal here wasn’t good. And only when they’re halfway up the mountain would the call go through. With that said, he took three men out with him and left the premises. The remaining four people saw that Xiao Yang was weak and unable to stand so they thought that there was no threat and paid no attention to them. The two among them said that it was boring and wanted to go out to the car and watch a DVD, so with a vulgar expression on their faces, they walked further outside.

Now only two people remained, the red hair youth and a shorter lad wearing all black clothing. At night, it was very cold on the mountain and even more so, this classroom was run down which allowed cold air to pass through. The two remaining people walked back and forth, kicking their foot while cursing at their other two accomplices that had ran to the car.

Xiao Yang lowered his voice even more, “Sorry, Qi dage. I’ve caused you to get hit as well……I……”

Forget it, these injuries were caused by your brother.

Qi Xiu Yuan remained quiet for two seconds, then snorted, “It’s good that you know that. Now shut up and close your eyes. No matter what happens, don’t make any sound.”

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A moment later, he let out a breath of cold air and with a trembling tone of voice he shouted, “Hey! Hey! Say something ah! You, you, move and say something! You, you can’t die!!”

When the two people at the window heard what he said, they turned their heads around and saw Xiao Yang lying there motionless while Qi Xiu Yuan’s face ashen. Alarmed, they ran toward him without the slightly doubt.

The person wearing black ran rather quick. It just a moment, he pushed Qi Xiu Yuan to the side and crouched down to feel Xiao Yang’s breath.

But then his movements suddenly ceased.

Who knew when Qi Xiu Yuan had struggled free from the binding around his hands. In just a split second, his hand shot out and using the crook of his arm, he hurriedly gripped the black clothes man’s neck. With his right hand, he seized a blackboard eraser that had been lying nearby under his watchful eyes; since the blackboard eraser was worn down, it left behind a deformed and sharp metal at the edge. Using that metal edge of the eraser, Qi Xiu Yuan slit it across that man’s temple.

Witnessing this, the red hair youth was ridden with surprise. As he was about to say something, Qi Xiu Yuan exerted his strength toward his hand to tighten his grip on the person under his control.

He whispered a warning, “Don’t make any sound, otherwise I’ll kill him!”

The red hair youth remained still; he hesitated a moment then sneered grimly, “You…aren’t you a teacher……you, you, you can actually take him out? Don’t cut yourse—-“

Qi Xiu Yuan’s grip on that black clothes man’s neck tightened even more, causing the veins to pop in an almost purple color. Holding tightly, he slowly stood up, pulling the man in his grip up as well. His right hand remained motionless as an air of violent burnt the surrounding space in a shade of darkness.

With a sinister smile swarming his lips, he said, “You’re afraid I’ll hurt myself? Even if I were to castrate myself, I’ll make sure to kill him first!”

The red hair youth pulled back a few steps and the color in his face drained.

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Qi Xiu Yuan then said, “Go and undo the rope on Xiao Yang. Don’t try anything funny. If you’re slow even a bit, I’ll poke a few holes in this young fellow’s head.”

Hearing that, the red hair youth quickly ran over and untied the rope around Xiao Yang.

“Xiao Yang, tie him up.”

Swaying a bit in a daze, Xiao Yang stood up, only to hesitate.

Looking at him, Qi Xiu Yuan saw red and cursed in rage, “What are you staring blanking for?!!”

Cowering for a moment, Xiao Yang finally tied the red hair youth up. Then under Qi Xiu Yuan’s command, he found a rag from within one of the desk and stuffed it into the red hair youth’s mouth. By now, he looked as though he was about to choke to death.

“Take off his belt and tie his foot together too. Then come here and help me tie him up.”

The two finally tied the two gangsters up with knots so sturdy, it seemed impossible to undone. The last thing they did were to throw them into the center of the classroom where there was no place for them to lean against.

Qi Xiu Yuan crouched down and patted the red hair youth on the shoulder, “Looking at you, you’re not that old, why aren’t you in school huh? There’s a limit to your youth, you should value it more ah.”

After that, the two jumped out of the classroom from the window facing the east side.

Since Xiao Yang’s footing was not steady, don’t even mention jumping out of the window. Qi Xiu Yuan had to jump down first, then from the outside, he helped him out. Soon they moved around toward the west side of the school, as to avoid the other men, and followed along the hillside downward.

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At that moment, the first glimmer of light had already emerged from the horizon.

Xiao Yang was gasping for breath as he spoke, “Qi dage, I can’t move anymore. Wait for me a moment.”

Qi Xiu Yuan had suffered a beating during the day, then encountered this kind of joyous adventure at night. He himself had already endured enough exhaustion as it is. So much so that even his legs felt as though they weren’t his any longer. He was already choking through each step just to keep his legs from not stopping.

Turning his head around to see Xiao Yang’s miserable appearance, he couldn’t help but to sympathize with him. Although he was also in a very sorry state, he however thought with gratification, being beaten up ruthlessly and being up beaten up mercifully were actually quite different.

Xiao Yang leaned against a tree truck and gasped for breath for a long while.

As the two continued to stumble forward, Qi Xiu Yuan asked, “This Han Jia that you mentioned a moment ago, is he that tall and slender man that works with your brother?”

“What are you asking about him for?”

“Didn’t you say, once they captured him, they’ll let you go free?”

“………do you think that what I did was wrong?”

Qi Xiu Yuan didn’t answer his question, he only said, “Why wasn’t he bind up with us?”

Xiao Yang remained silent for a moment, then spoke, “His status is more important than mine. He was taken to a different place.”

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The two walked and rest on and off for about half the day until they caught sight of the highway at the foot of the mountain. Glimpsing hope, they couldn’t help but to be filled with excitement, causing their footsteps to hasten.

Suddenly Qi Xiu Yuan’s pace stopped in track before he faintly said ‘AH’. That sound was unexpectedly filled with a pleasant surprise and wrapped with a meaningful look.

“What’s going on?” Xiao Yang asked.

Qi Xiu Yuan stretched his arm out, showing him where to look, “Isn’t that your brother’s car?” Having realized that, his brows then knitted tightly together, “That’s no good, he couldn’t have gone up the mountain right? What’s going to happen if he ran into that gang when he’s halfway up the mountain?”

Xiao Yang looked at that car then glanced at Qi Xiu Yuan again.

Qi Xiu Yuan simply said, “Xiao Yang, go wait in your brother’s car. If there’s an opportunity, report to the police and don’t be afraid of retaliation. If you don’t report it, then you’re not giving yourself a chance to retaliate either.”

Having said that, he turned around with the intent to leave, but Xiao Yang’s hand reached out and pulled him back, “Where are you going?”

“I’ll go from here, to see if I can stop your brother or not.”

Xiao Yang’s brows wrinkled together, “You and Xiao Li………”

“I forgot to tell you.” Before Qi Xiu Yuan turned around to walked away, he smiled, “I’m chasing him.” [1]


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