Legend of the Asura

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Delicate Girl

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Feng Xiao is about to say his goodbye to complete the Blacksmith’s Mining Quest when he suddenly remembered the Set Equipment he has on his backpack, therefore he asked: “Village Head Venerable, does Novice Village have an appraiser?”

The Village Head replied: “I am the appraiser here in Novice Village Feng Hun. Is it possible that you have an equipment that needs appraisal? Hehe do not blame me for being so surprised, the probability of a silver equipment dropping here in Novice Village is really small. I have not seen any currently, but as for the whole China’s war-zone, only less than 50 equipment have been appraised so far.”

“Whole China only has 50? I can sweep one tenth of those numbers? Oh… and all Gold Equipment!” The Village Head’s words are absolutely credible making Feng Xiao very proud of himself at heart. He slowly took out six pieces of Gold Equipment then handed it over to the Village head, looking up to see how the Village head would react.

Sure enough, every time Feng Xiao takes out a piece of the Gold Equipment, the Village Head’s mouth was opening widely and as soon as he took out all of the six pieces of the Gold Wolf Equipment Set, Feng Xiao believed that the Village Head’s mouth can fit an elephant as it turned into an “O” shape.

“You…. You insta-killed a Level 30 Gold Boss!?” The stuttering Village Head asked.


“Village Head Venerable, how did you know?” The Village head was shocked while Feng Xiao is more shocked. The Village Head actually knows the truth of the matter that no one should be able to believe. Now Feng Xiao even doubts that the Village Head can see things people wont be able to see and grasp all of the events happening within the Novice Village.

“Really……. Feng Hun, although I thought that the first 10 people who would advance from China would be very strong, but your strength has gone far beyond my expectations. Now, I very much anticipate what would happen to you in the future.” The Village head quickly regained his calm, after all, he is someone already used to mighty waves.

“But Village Head Venerable, how did you know?” asked Feng Xiao looking surprised.

“Feng Hun, you know why you were able to loot a whole set of equipment all at the same time, don’t you?” Said the Village Head looking at Feng Xiao.

“Why?” Feng Xiao himself is also very puzzled. After all, dropping a full set, that in itself is a very incredible thing to happen.

“Want to loot a full Set Equipment needs to satisfy two conditions. First, the monster needs to me higher than Level 20 and must be a Silver or Higher grade Boss; and second, it must be a perfect insta-kill. Once those two conditions are met, there would a one in a thousandth chance that it would drop a full Set Equipment.”

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“But for the perfect insta-kill, it must be a move, just a move, without having any losses, one strike, one kill to the enemy.”

“As high as Level 20 or more Gold Boss? Perfect insta-kill? one in a thousandth? The conditions are too harsh ahh! However, I actually accidentally meet those conditions, really lucky ahh!” Feng Xiao said, hiding his extreme shock.

“Feng Hun, although I do not know how a Level 30 Gold Boss appeared in the Novice Village and do not know how you were able to kill it, I believe however that you were able to deal with it with the help of an extremely strong tool. Even if you are strong, with your current Level as 10, it would be impossible to insta-kill a Level 30 Gold Boss.” Said the Village Head while eyeing on Feng Xiao.

Feng Xiao cannot help but admire how wise this Novice Head is, he basically guessed it 70-80 percent correctly, so he nodded and said: “Village Head, please help me first appraise these equipments.” Even if Feng Xiao wont be able to use it before getting to Level 30, he is still really curious of what are the properties attached to a Gold Equipment.

The Village head turned his head to look at the Equipments in his hands. Pondered for a moment then stretched out his three fingers.

“Three gold coins? So expensive!” Equipment appraisal actually costs three gold coins, that is 3 RMB ahh! My hard work yesterday cutting White Wolves all afternoon only gave out less than 2 gold coins. Feng Xiao bitterly took out 3 gold coins, it is good that the system gave him a lot of rewards for killing the Wolf Emperor.

“The fuck!” The Village Head have gotten out of breath to the point of almost having an asthma attack being choked by Feng Xiao’s words, even cannot help himself to burst curses. Glaring with his beard blasting out, he shouted: “Three gold coins? Are you dreaming? It’s three hundred gold coins! Listen clearly! Three hundred!

“What?! Three hundred gold coins?” Feng Xiao almost jumped in surprise. “Do not think that just because you and I are very close, you will be able to blackmail me, Equipment Appraisal costs three hundred gold coins? Are you crazy or do you think I’m crazy!?”

Village Head showed the white of his eyes on Feng Xiao, You and I are very close? It only seemed to me that we only met just twice.

“These Equipments you have are 30 Level Gold Equipments, not only that but there are 6, I even counted your share of helping me find my wife’s necklace and gave you 5% discount.” The Village Head looked at him with expression like giving back a person’s favor.

Feng Xiao was speechless, 300 gold coins were 300 RMB , Ascend Corp. Is really too cruel!

“OK, you look like a really poor person, even your equipments are of 0 levels, my mood today is good so I can appraise it to you for free.” The Village head said, not waiting for Feng Xiao to complain about what the Village Head said, he waved his hands several times activating the Appraisal Skill.

“This Equipments’ properties are really good, even out of Gold Equipments these are the best ones.” The Village Head gave Feng Xiao the Equipments after appraisal with a smug look then no longer cared about him.

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Golden Wolf Tooth Sword: Gold Equipment.
User Requirements: Level 30 Warrior kind Job Class
Attack Speed: Normal
Two-handed Sword created from Golden Wolf Emperor’s fangs, incomparably sharp. Attack +200, Strength +20, Vitality +10, Critical Attack Rate +10%, +5% tearing wounds, Skills’ Magic Consumption -30%, Attacks has 5% chance to trigger Golden Wolf King’s Berserk: +20% Attack, -20% Defense.
Additional Skills: Bloodthirsty, Passive Skill, Converts 10% damage to recover own HP.

Golden Wolf War Helmet: Gold Equipment
User Requirements: Level 30 Physical Job Class
Defense +80 , HP/Life +100 , Magic +100 , Critical Attack +3% , Attack +20 , Strength +10 , Vitality +10 , Agility +10 , Wind Resistance +5%. Luck +1.

Golden Wolf Wrist Guard: Gold Equipment
User Requirements: Level 30 Physical Job Class
Defense +50 , Agility +20 , Wind Resistance +5% , Attack +2% , Accuracy +5% , Critical Attack +3%.

Golden Wolf War Clothes: Gold Equipment
User Requirements: Level 30 Physical Job Class
Defense +50, Magic Damage Reduction +50, HP+150, Magic +150, Strength +20, Vitality +20, Attacks add 50 Wind Type Damage, Chance to trigger reflect, effect: reflects 30% damage to enemy.

Golden Wolf War Pants: Gold Equipment
User Requirements: Level 30 Physical Job Class
Defense +100 , HP/Life +100 , Strength +20 , Vitality +20 , Intelligence +20 , Wind Resistance +5%, Abnormal State Resistance +5%.

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Golden Wolf War Boots: Gold Equipment
User Requirements: Level 30 Physical Job Class
Defense +50 , Agility +20 , Evasion +20% , Movement Speed +5, chance to trigger „Wolf Shadow”, effect: Complete attack evasion.

Gold grade Equipments have really strong properties, each of them can make your strength rapidly rise in levels. Feng Xiao is happy and satisfied from looking as he takes each of them back in his backpack. Once he gets to Level 30, he wont have any problems in terms of the equipments, unfortunately for the Golden Wolf Tooth Sword, he wont be able to use it as he definitely would still prefer the Xuanyuan Sword in his hands.

After saying his goodbye to the Village Head, Feng Xiao quickly ran to the Novice Village’s West area. The mine is not that far from the West of the Novice Village. What is deeply engraved in Feng Xiao’s memory however, is that the West area is the Rabbit Territory.

You pitiful White Rabbits, you go cry running, cause your Uncle Feng is back for his revenge! Bwahahaha!

The Rabbit Territory is not as lively as yesterday, on its grassy area lies jumping Rabbits looking adorable as they fling their carrots, this harmless looking animals however, insta-killed Feng Xiao yesterday.

Entire Attributes of Feng Xiao dropped to 70% with only remaining 41 Attack and 150 HP, but it is more than enough to instantly massacre these Rabbits. Feng Xiao with a sinister smile, walked towards where the Rabbits are, you killed me once, now I’m going to massacre a lot of you, this gift of mine can make you gain in a big way.

(Author P.S. Entire Attributes = HP, Magic, Strength, Vitality, Agility, Intelligence, Luck, Attack, Defense, Magic Attack, Evasion, Accuracy || Entire Ability = Attack, Defense, Magic Attack, Evasion, Accuracy) [TL: So all of those in the entire attributes is decreased, there will come a time where entire ability is decreased but possibly not now which is why the author took note of this.]

Feng Xiao is walking towards the Rabbits when his steps suddenly stopped, surprised on what he is seeing in front of him.

Level 1 Rabbit wont aggressively initiate the first attack upon seeing humans, but probably no one would ever think or believe that they would be intimate with humans, however, that scene is currently happening right in front of his eyes, making his nerves to attack make a sudden turn.

A slender girl wearing a Novice gauze clothes is calmly sitting on the grass having her back on Feng Xiao, her white hands are gently teasing several small white rabbits looking as if they are not monsters but pets instead. A small group of rabbits are happily running around her side, not only that, even the rabbits toss their carrots away and jump into her embrace, the rabbit in her arms would then mess around making the girl send out a very gentle chuckle from time to time.

“I never would have thought that other than Yao’er, there would be a maiden so pure and ethereal in this world.” The scene right in front of his eyes can only be described as one of those seen in paintings, he was calmly appreciating looking at all of these at the back of the maiden then turned around, seeing a woman is not that big of an interest for him, right now, what he wants to do is to exact his vengeance, his heart is really full of hatred for those little rabbits.

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Three Rabbits passed through his line of sight, Feng Xiao took out the Xuayuan Sword then goes forward to send Cleaving Smash.

“Um…….Uhh can big brother not hurt these little Rabbits? aah I know that they are monsters but they are really cute, and they wont hurt people, if you ahh want to Level up you….. can you go there to kill Slime instead?” A nervous voice resounded from his back, it was just like the sound of nature, a sound that can melt your heart with pity and mercy for the weak.

Can’t kill because they’re cute? Cute bird! This young master was struck to kill by its radish yesterday! Feng Xiao with a hint of discontentment took the Xuanyuan Sword back then turned around to see this girl, not knowing whether he should like her or not. the slightly small face of the girl appeared before his eyes, the moment they saw each other, both of them suddenly stopped absent-minded.

Being used to seeing the peerless beauty of his sister, Feng Xiao’s immunity to beauty can be said as high as no ordinary people would be able to achieve. Something that can let Feng Xiao be absent-minded, simply saying it’s beautiful is not enough for it to describe.

Appearance is that of a daffodil, her skin is that of a snow, her exquisite straight nose, her thin lips such as the petals of a rose, her face such as molded by the hands of the Gods themselves, with her tall beautiful neck, she looked as if untainted from the dirt of the world of human beings. Her face contained a strange state of paleness which somehow tarnishes her perfectness, her body is slim and looked as weak as the wind making people’s mind unconciously have the desire to protect her.

The one surprising Feng Xiao the most is her eyes, with its pupils containing black and white it is still dazzling such as the stars, hiding in it, you can see her love for all lives, hope for happiness, extraordinary elegance ripples from those eyes making anyone’s heart to be sorrowful.

Feng Xiao felt that his own heart had been maliciously pulled out.

The Gods above are fair, they had given you a beauty that can cause the downfall of the nation, gave you a pure and kind heart, however to recover things, they unfortunately took something from you so that they can give it to others.

Feng Xiao slowly shook his head: “I did not expect that other than Yao’er, in this world, there will be a girl that can make me extremely feel sorry.”

Feng Xiao did not reply, did not look at her eyes, but he did not go to the pitiful Rabbits again then slowly walked away.

“Big brother, thank you!” The girl gratefully said with her nervous look fading away and turning relaxed.

What Feng Xiao had not notice was the moment he saw the girl, the Xuanyuan Sword in his consciousness sea is trembling a bit.

–Chapter End–

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