Legend of the Asura

Chapter 133

Chapter 133: Hero Jing Tian (Part 2)

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There was a clear crowd and the sounds of hawkers shouting, but there wasn’t a single player because this place was at least 20 days of travel away from Heavenly Dragon Imperial City, so it was impossible for players to come here.  The NPCs would have normal quests, but Feng Xian wasn’t interested at all.  Without any scruples, he took the Asura’s Illusion off his face and headed into the commercial district.

After finding the general store, Feng Xiao directly bought a bunch of City Return Scrolls.  It would be good to come here with Yao’er and Xi Ruo when he had nothing to do.

Feng Xiao went around the shows and was disappointed to find that there weren’t any special pills or items.

There was no need to ask the NPCs, Feng Xiao headed to the tallest building.  Although it wasn’t close, he could see the red board with gold letters on it, Xin An Dang!

“It’s actually the same as the Legend of Sword and Fairy game…..”  Feng Xiao took a deep breath before recovering his appearance as an elegant and sharp expert.

“This little sister, can I ask if the master of this Xin An Dang is the hero Jing Tian?”  Feng Xiao asked the little girl who looked to be around fifteen to sixteen years old.

A good environment really created beauties, even this casual girl was this beautiful.

The little girl had never seen the outside world, so when had she ever seen such an excellent man?  Her face turned red and she stuttered for a long time before giving a gentle “un” sound.  She then left in a shy manner and couldn’t help turning back several times.

“Pu!  This damn charm, I never thought that even NPCs would be this enamoured…..hei, hei.”  Feng Xiao gave two laughs before walking towards the Xin An Dang.

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“Hello customer, may I ask……”

“I’m looking for Li San Si and Jing Tian.”  Ignoring the mechanical smile of the store’s staff, Feng Xiao gave his goal with an arrogant look.

The staff member’s heart skipped a beat.  He actually called immortal Jing and young hero Li by name, this very young person definitely was some incredible person.  Just his appearance and aura was something that normal people couldn’t have.

The staff member respectfully replied, “Boss Jing has stepped out today, but young hero Li is here.  This little one will immediately call him.”

“Call?”  Feng Xiao was confused, this place wasn’t the large imperial palace.

Before Feng Xiao could reply, the staff member ran into the backyard of the shop and soon there were two people who came with him.

“Senior Feng, it really is you.”  Li San Si’s eyes lit up.  He gave him a respectful bow without any strange look on his face.

“......What is going on……Could it be that Jing Tian deliberately didn’t expose it?  Or is it something else?”  Li San Si wasn’t angry or surprised like Feng Xiao expected, rather he had a happy look which caused all his prepared remarks to be useless.

Feng Xiao looked at the other person who looked to be under thirty who was around seven foot tall, wearing a black silk turban and had a white as jade face.  There seemed to be a layer of spiritual energy around him that made his footsteps soft, as if he was like an immortal.

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Feng Xiao couldn’t help secretly praising him, this was the legendary Jing Tian.

Feng Xiao wanted to take two steps forward when Jing Tian already came forward with a welcoming smile, “It turned out that it really was brother Feng.  After not seeing each other for so many years, you still remember Jing Tian.  Come, let’s head inside!”

Feng Xiao almost fell off the face of the world, “This follow what…..Could it be that Jing Tian knew someone who had the same name as me?”

When the three came to the backyard, Feng Xiao still looked like he was in a dream.  Li San Si politely saluted Feng Xiao before giving Jing Tian another reminder and then standing up to leave, letting his master “meet his old friend who he hadn’t seen in many years”.

As soon as Li San Si left, Jing Tian looked at Feng Xiao with a strange look.  He examined every spot of his face, causing him to break out in goosebumps.

“Brother Feng, actually it’s like this……”  Jing Tian awkwardly scratched his head, unaware that his actions ruined the immortal aura around him, “Brother Feng, I won’t hide it from you, I’ve gone to many places when I was younger.  What Anxi, Fengdu, Anning, Zhenjiang, Yibin, Deyang, Gucheng, Xueling, Manzhou, I’ve all gone there before and have met many people.  I actually can’t remember this brother Wind Spirit which really is my shame.  Can brother Feng remind me of who you are?”  He revealed a look of guilt after saying this.


Feng Xiao’s head hit the floor.

Jing Tian quickly helped Feng Xiao up as he said with a confused look, “Brother Wind Spirit, are you alright?  I never thought that brother would react this much, it seems like I really have disappointed you.”

Feng Xiao quickly sat up and scratched his head covered in cold sweat.

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He never thought that he would recognize him as a brother even without knowing who he was, even bringing him into his home……Calling him silly would be favouring him, he was simply an idiot.

“Ke, ke, brother Jing Tian doesn’t need to worry that much, this is normal…..It’s how things should be.  Does brother Jing Tian remember when we faced the shark monsters on the Zhenjiang ferry?”

Jing Tian suddenly revealed a look of understanding, “Oh!  With brother Feng’s reminder, I remember it.  It turns out that I fought with brother Feng before……”

Feng Xiao curled his lips: Even I don’t know about this matter.

Feng Xiao started speaking nonsense to Jing Tian, even he didn’t know what he was saying.  Jing Tian kept nodding along, showing a thoughtful look from time to time.  After going around for a while, Feng Xiao was finally certain that Jing Tian wasn’t probing him and secretly praised his own intelligence before getting to the main topic.

“Brother Jing Tian, looks like your business is quite prosperous, brother is assured.  Brother has some matters, so I won’t bother you…..Right, I wonder if your disciple Si San mentioned the matter of your brother wanting to change Jobs to become a Flying Dragon Rogue?”

Jing Tian revealed a serious look as he said, “San Si mentioned this to me three days ago.  The Flying Dragon Rogue’s stealth skill was something that I obtained when I met a spirit monkey and they told me to only pass it to the Li Family’s descendants.  But since San Si has agreed, I might as well pass it onto brother.”

Feng Xiao’s eyes opened wide…..It was that simple?

Jing Tian stood up and gathered his powerful spiritual energy, which suppressed Feng Xiao so much that he had trouble breathing, “Brother Wind Spirit, please sit still.  I will immediately help you change Jobs to become a Flying Dragon Rogue, then you can be the same as me and my disciple San Si…..”

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“Jing Tian!!  Come out for me!”

There was a sharp voice that came from outside.  Jing Tian’s hand trembled and he almost fell to his butt as his gathered spiritual energy was instantly scattered.

There was a woman in ancient clothes with a threatening appearance that came in.  Her hands were at her waists and her eyes were glaring with an angry look on her face.  Seeing that Jin Tian was actually here, she stepped off and jumped right to Jing Tian’s side, grabbing his ear.

“Good Jing Tian, you didn’t come home for three days again!  I thought that you really were as busy as you said you were, but you were just here talking to dubious people!  Do you not want to see me at all!!!”

Jing Tian whose ear had been grabbed had a pale look as he quickly explained, “Wife, spare me.  This is my old friend who came here to talk to me…..”

“Excuse!  All excuses!  Come home with me!  You’ve forgotten all the house rules after three days of not getting beaten!”  The woman’s angry voice scared Feng Xiao.  Jing Tian was silent, not daring to say a thing.

“Brother Wind Spirit, my wife is like a tiger, so let’s meet again another day…..Aiyo, so painful…..It’s hurting me to death……”  Before Jing Tian’s private message was finished, he was dragged out by the woman.

From beginning to end, the woman never looked at Feng Xiao once which made him quite frustrated.


Tang Xue Jian!

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