Legend of the Asura

Chapter 160

Chapter 160: Duanmu Xiao (Part 2)

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Hand of God came forward and gently patted his little head before softly saying, “Xiao’er, remember that you have to study as well! Come, dad will bring you out to level, alright?”

The little boy disdainfully waved his hand, “Dad, are you silly? Unless you are husband and wife, you can’t share exp if there is over a ten level difference. Moreover, stop getting me to study all day. I really can’t find anything to study right now or how about we compare ourselves if you don’t believe me?”

Hand of God was surprised before doubtfully looking at Hand of Apocalypse. He was focused on leveling and building the guild all day, so he really didn’t know about this. After seeing the latter nod with a smile, Hand of God felt a bit awkward before breaking out in laughter, “Xiao’er really is powerful. Your dad admits defeat, ha, ha, ha, ha……”

If these words came from a normal three year old, it would scare people. Such clear words, meticulous logic, and a disdainful look that was filled with arrogance, this was not something that a three year old child should have.

But when these words came from Duanmu Xiao of the Duanmu Family, no one revealed a surprised look.

When other children were still crying, he was already using his eyes to curiously size up this world. When other children were still learning the language, he had already read three hundred poems. When other children were still toddling, he was already learning to dance like a butterfly. When other children were learning one plus one, he was already using his little hand to solve complex formulas. When other children were learning that it would rain after clouds came, he was already clearly explaining the theory of relativity to his mother. When other children still couldn’t talk properly, he could already speak the languages of twenty other countries.

He was only three years old!

An IQ of 800! When a world renowned expert had examined him, he even thought that this was a fantasy and was so shocked that he couldn’t speak.

The greatest physicist in the world Einstein only had an IQ of 165 and normal people only needed an IQ of 140 to be known as a genius.

800! This figure already surpassed the capacity of the human race, it wasn’t an exaggeration to call him a god.

Later on, that renowned expert had died mysteriously and the shocking facts were no longer known by outsiders. As for Duanmu Xiao, he became the pride of the Duanmu Family and was the number one talent trained by the Duanmu Family. He was loved by all and all the old men in the Duanmu Family would look at him with love, acting like old servants with him. They did whatever he wanted, wishing that they could pick the moon from the sky to make tea for him.

At the age of three, he was already chosen as the future patriarch of the Duanmu Family without any opposition. Because those people who had opposed him had all turned red when refuted by little Duanmu Xiao, unable to say a word. He as a three year old went forward alone, even putting the family patriarch under him.

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“Yi? Aunt, you seem unhappy, did someone bully you?” Duanmu Xiao looked at his aunt who had a grumpy look and who hadn’t said a thing.

Madame Proud Moon revealed a faint smile, “Xiao’er, aunt was bullied by a big baddy named Asura just now. When Xiao’er grows up, you can take revenge for aunt!”

Madame Proud Moon revealed a rare gentle side, or it could be said that she only revealed this side of her in front of the Duanmu Family’s treasure.

“Asura? Is it the Asura that the entire world is discussing right now?” Duanmu Xiao’s expression became earnest as there was a bit of admiration mixed in.

Hand of God wanted to say something, but Hand of Apocalypse came forward and lowered his head to say, “Eldest young master, according to the report just now, Asura made six moves and killed over eighty players before disappearing.”

Hand of God knitted his brows, “As expected.”

“Do you have a video? Do you have a video!”

Hearing his little ancestor calling out, Hand of Apocalypse quickly revealed a smile and respectfully said, “Yes, yes, this lowly one will immediately bring it over if little young master is interested.”

“Un, immediately bring it over……” Duanmu Xiao jumped out of his mother’s embrace and ran to the special projector in the room.

Seeing the six life reaping strikes of Asura in the video, Duanmu Xiao’s small eyes didn’t even blink as he watched the shadow in the video.

“This is a real man!” Duanmu Xiao once again said something that didn’t conform to his age at all.

“I……I must exceed him in the future, I must!”

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This thought planted itself in his small mind, never fading away. He would always work hard towards this goal. If one day Asura stood at the top of the world, he wouldn’t stop himself from surpassing him.

The woman silently looked at her child, the only reason for her to remain alive. For the first time, she was seeing this kind of radiant glow in his eyes.

“Xiao’er, are you done watching? Let’s go and play!”

“Un! Mom, hug!” Duanmu Xiao spread his arms and jumped into his mother’s embrace. His mother was the person who he loved the most and the person who treated him the best. Only would he act his age when he was in front of his mother.

“Yu Die……”

“My name is Beiming Yu Die!” The woman coldly cut him off.

Hand of God resentfully took back his hand with a complicated look, unable to say the words that were in his throat. The only person who could make an intelligent man like him act like this was her.

“If there’s nothing else, I’m going out to play with Xiao’er!” Beiming Yu Die looked at him with an indifferent look before placing a kiss on Duanmu Xiao’s face and walking out while carrying him.

Hand of Apocalypse and Madame Proud Moon looked at each other with helpless looks. Everyone in the family knew how coldly Beiming Yu Die treated Hand of God, but Hand of God deeply loved her and didn’t allow anyone to reprimand her.

Let alone Duanmu Xiao was their little ancestor, so no one dared to neglect her who gave birth to him.

Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds had a dark look as he listened to Heavenly Demon Shadow’s report.

“You’re certain that the Yin Yang Illusory Star Dragon is Asura’s pet!” Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds had a fierce look in his eyes.

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“Certain! Everyone there can prove it……I have a video recording as well, young master, how about you take a look……”

“Pa!” Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds slapped his hand on the table as his face kept twitching, “Then you’re saying that the person who sent the announcement shaming me the other day was Asura!? Very good, this is great!”

Heavenly Demon Shadow couldn’t help trembling. The young master normally hid his anger beneath his calm appearance, he had never seen the young master looking this angry before.

“Is a hundred thousand people enough to kill him! If not, use five hundred thousand! I want him dead, I want him to go back to level zero and then dig out his real life information and kill all his family!” Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds’ eyes had a bloodthirsty look. He hated this person who had shamed him, but he could never find before.

“Yes…..Yes…..Three……Three hundred is enough……I will definitely take care of this.” Heavenly Demon Shadow timidly moved back as he was covered in a cold sweat.

“Asura, offending the Heavenly Demon Guild, you can only blame your misfortune.” Heavenly Demon Shadow was covered in a cold sweat as he said this with a sigh. To be honest, even he was an Asura fan. Asura’s strength and arrogance made all men submit to him.

Feng House, Shui Rou Rou watched the young master and big sister Xi Ruo log off with an unwilling look. In the large garden of the Feng House, this little girl was left alone.

The slender figure slowly squatted down and watched all the flowers that grew in the garden. She and Yang Xi Ruo had just planted the “Towering Vanilla Seed” and the “Spiritual Wood Immortal Seed”. It was unknown what kind of strange effect it was, but there were already twenty centimeter tall saplings that appeared.

Shui Rou Rou gently touched those saplings as she revealed an innocent and happy smile. When no one was with her, these flowers and plants were her only companion.

“If…..If I could be with the young master, that would be good.” Shui Rou Rou said in a dazed voice.

For a simple hearted young girl, obtaining love was enough to cover her entire world.

Shui Rou Rou came over to the water basin. This was a basin that had a radius of around ten meters and was made of white jade, so the water inside the basin was always warm. It had a very beautiful name, it was called the “Loving Wind Pond” and also where Shui Rou Rou took her bath each day.

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She took off her court clothes and the moving jade skin slowly revealed itself. Shui Rou rou stroked her own beautiful curves with her finger before revealing a proud smile.

“Young master……definitely will like my body.” Shui Rou Rou’s face turned red when she thought this. Then she put a small jade foot in and slowly entered the water until her smooth skin was covered by the warm water. Soaking in the water while thinking of the evilness of her young master, she was already used to it and wasn’t willing to change.

The first thing that Feng Xiao did after logging off was head into Yang Xi Ruo’s room, gently helping her out of the gaming cabin. After putting her on the bed, his right hand touched her chest and slowly injected the Chaotic Energy.

Yang Xi Ruo’s body had mostly recovered and if it wasn’t for the disability in her eyes and legs, she would be no different from a normal person.

His hand slowly came from her chest and was placed on her leg, injecting Chaotic Energy once again.


This……What was going on?

When he injected his Chaotic Energy before, it would be quickly absorbed by Yang Xi Ruo’s legs and restore the life force of them. But now, he found that the energy that he injected was like a stone into the sea, not creating any waves.

Feng Xiao tried several times, but it kept ending like this. He couldn’t help knitting his brows as he was confused by this.

But his intuition told him that this wasn’t a bad thing.


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