Legend of the Asura

Chapter 164

Chapter 164: Slaughter Soul (2)

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Feng Xiao was about to speak when he suddenly knitted his brows and his face turned dark, while his eyes became sharp.

This was……a dangerous aura.

“Xiao Tian, Xiao Bing, take them away first.” Feng Xiao said in a low voice.

“Un! Boss, be careful.” Xiao Tian nodded before turning to say to the three girls, “There’s a dangerous villain coming, let’s go back to the city quickly!”

“No, big brother Asura will protect us.” Nangong Xiang Xue wasn’t afraid at all and had naturally added the words “big brother”.

“If you don’t go, then I’ll ignore you from now on.” Feng Xiao said with a serious look.

“Ah……he’s saying that he’ll ignore us!”

“Then wouldn’t we be losing a very good servant?”

“We have to listen to him and leave, otherwise what do we do if he really ignores us?”

“Yes, we already called him big brother, we will suffer a loss if he ignores us.”

“Then……let’s go back.”

This novel is available on bit.ly/3Tfs4P4.

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The three girls discussed this for a while before they obediently said “goodbye big brother Asura” and then returned to the city with Xiao Tian and Chen Bing.

Feng Xiao let out a secret sigh of relief before raising his Xuanyuan Sword to look at the approaching figure.

“Let me take care of you today!”

The blood coloured hair danced in the wind, half covering a face that was like ice. There was the extremely large blood coloured sword that was dragged on the ground, making scratching sounds. A black demonic armoured covered this person and there were wisps of slaughter energy that people could see coming from it. He wasn’t moving fast or slow, but the footsteps that he made were like the sounds of a death god coming for one’s life.

His coldness was different from Chen Bing’s, it was a coldness that hated and repelled this entire world.

Hen Tian:

Level: 38

Job: Slaughter Soul

Equipment: Doom Yellow Springs, Doom Slaughter God Armour, Slaughter God’s Wings.

Feng Xiao had already noted a long time ago that Hen Tian was the second person with a Hidden Job and he had three pieces of equipment on the ranking list. Not only this, his Doom Yellow Springs had surpassed the close to Divine Grade Snow Spirit Cloak a few days ago. Feng Xiao could only think of one possibility, a growth item! Moreover, it was already close to a Divine Item at level forty.

Hen Tian stopped five meters in front of Feng Xiao and calmly looked at him as he slowly raised the blood red giant sword. Behind him, there was a slender red figure that stood ten meters away, as a pair of beautiful eyes under the red veil revealed a worried and nervous look.

The top two on the level ranking, this was their first time meeting. These people who shouldn’t meet saw the strong fighting intent in each other’s eyes.

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Feng Xiao made a move first. He threw a green Wind Wheel Slash at Hen Tian as he also turned into a shadow.

Hen Tian focused his eyes and took a half step back to avoid this flying sword. But Feng Xiao appeared like a ghost to his right, catching the Xuanyuan Sword and catching Hen Tian off guard with a Dragon Flame Slash.

-996, -983, -1974.

The damage figures above Hen Tian surprised Feng Xiao. While he was a bit surprised, a dangerous red glow came out and sent him flying after flickering twice.

-1997, miss.

Feng Xiao was sent flying around ten meters. He slowly stood up as his expression became more serious.

Such powerful defense!

3000 base damage and 50% additional damage had only dealt less than a thousand damage to him.

His defense was comparable to a level 70 second Job Change heavy knight! His attack wasn’t that much weaker than his own.

Hen Tian also knitted his brows. Such strong attack!

Feng Xiao calmed his breathing and revealed a dangersoun smile. He balanced the Xuanyuan Sword as he turned into a shadow, passing through Hen Tian and leaving three red and yellow figures, taking away around four thousand HP. When Hen Tian was a bit surprised, the shadow moved at an inconceivable speed and the golden flames took away close to five thousand HP.

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Absolute Shadow!

Seeing the close to empty HP bar over Hen Tian’s head, Feng Xiao revealed a proud smile while also complaining in his heart. Damn, he thought that his own HP was already abnormal, but he never thought that he had more HP than him. It was over fifteen thousand!

Hen Tian who almost died didn’t reveal a panicked look. He just gave a cold snort as a red light appeared around him.

Slaughter God’s Barrier: Covers an area with the Slaughter God’s power. Unless this barrier is destroyed, the user cannot be injured. The barrier’s HP is equal to the user’s HP*10. The barrier’s defense is equal to the user’s defense. Can be used once a day.

Seeing the information from his Heavenly Eyes, Feng Xiao couldn’t feel proud anymore.

Such a strong defensive skill, so strong that he even wanted it although he had more life preserving skills than anyone.

“Xiao Bai, come out for some air.”

Asura on the white tiger revealed the true power of Asura.

“Xiao Bai, charge!” Before the effects of Absolute Shadow disappeared, Feng Xiao didn’t waste this wind chasing feeling. Xiao Bai turned into a white shadow as it ran around the area covered in red light, reducing the Slaughter God’s Barriers’ HP. With over a thousand speed, Hen Tian couldn’t react in time.

Hen Tian’s eyes had a trace of anger and he no longer wasted attacks. He raised his arms and the giant blood coloured wings behind him spread. The wings were over two meters long and were like the wings of a bat as they slowly lifted Hen Tian off the ground.

Hen Tian’s bet was correct. Absolute Shadow’s effects were limited to the ground. When Absolute Shadow disappeared, Feng Xiao’s HP had recovered to full.

Xiao Bai gave a roar as a pair of white wings came from its waist that were bigger than Hen Tian’s wings. It was like the wings of an angel as the created a shocking scene for Mei Yu below.

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So beautiful!

When Feng Xiao came into the sky, Doom Yellow Springs already approached. He quickly dodged and Xiao Bai under him released an angry roar. There was lightning that gathered around him before a bolt of lightning shot out with a trace of purple.


Although it was a crit, the Purple Thunder Shadow Break Thrust’s damage wasn’t considered. But what Feng Xiao wanted was to pull the distance closer.

“Your Slaughter God’s Barrier is useless against me!” Feng Xiao saw that Hen Tian had recovered half his HP and his lips couldn’t help twitching.

“Asura Soul Self Destruction Killing Blow!”

Peng! Feng Xiao’s body released a blood coloured halo and the blood coloured halo gave a shocking sound wave as it covered everything in this same blood coloured glow.

The Slaughter God’s Barrier didn’t change at all as Feng Xiao’s HP dropped to less than 10%. Hen Tian’s HP fell to zero as he fell to the ground covered in this red glow.

Mei Yu didn’t move, she just looked at Feng Xiao with a brilliant look.

“Hu……only at this level.” Feng Xiao curled his lips and gave a laugh. He landed on the ground and called back Xiao Bai, but then his eyes popped wide open.

The red glow didn’t disappear as a -15066 figure appeared from Hen Tian’s body.

Then a green +15066 resurrected him, filling his HP bar. His body once again stood off the ground.


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