Legend of the Asura

Chapter 171

Chapter 171: Heading to Fire God City

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Immortal Beasts had a bit of intelligence and with Bao Bao’s gentle strokes, it slowly stopped shivering. It then slowly stood up, looking at her with its large black and white eyes for a bit. It let out a soft cry before slowly heading into the cave.

Feng Xiao took Bao Bao’s little hand, “Come, let’s follow it.”

Deep in the cave, the Dragon Cat released the barrier it had laid down with its life energy. A pair of white glowing princess shoes appeared that were completely made of pure white feathers, along with a white bead stitched into it. It looked very pure and holy.

“Such cute shoes!” Bao Bao’s eyes sparkled with a loving look. She was like a little butterfly as she flew over and took the shoes in her hands.

Demon Charm ᐧ Angel’s Dance: Immortal Grade Equipment

The charming shoes of the Demon Spirit, but was injected with the power of light by the archangel and became the Angel’s Dance.

Bao Bao excitedly took off the purple shoes on her feet and revealed a pair of feet that seemed like they had been carved by god, replacing them with a pair of angel shoes that glowed with the power of light. Bao Bao’s hands lifted her dress and turned a bit as she happily looked over her beautiful shoes. It was almost as if the partially revealed calves were flowing.

“Big brother, do they look good? Yi……”

“They look good……Bao Bao is the most beautiful in the world……” Feng Xiao watched this dancing elf and he was completely enchanted.

“Big brother……you……”

“Me?” Feng Xiao came back to his senses. He saw Bao Bao staring at him in a daze, with a shocked look on her face.

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“Big brother, your mask is so familiar. It’s like……It’s like……” Little Bao Bao bit her finger and thought about it for a long time before saying with a tender cry, “Big brother, are you the most powerful big brother Asura?”

Most powerful……big brother Asura?

Feng Xiao took off the Asura’s Illusion on his face and said with a bit of a narcissistic smile, “I am the most powerful big brother Asura.”

“Wa……” Bao Bao’s eyes sparkled like the stars, “It’s no wonder big brother is so powerful, you were actually the most powerful big brother Asura! My mom and dad both said that you were very powerful. My dad even wanted to become friends with you.”

“Then does Bao Bao like me?” Feng Xiao leaned down to look at her fine little face as he said.

“I didn’t before, but now I do……Big brother, I’ll call you big brother Asura from now on, alright?”

“Big brother Asura? Un, it seems a bit closer than just big brother……Oh, when will you call me good big brother?” Feng Xiao had a clear lewd look on his face before he changed it to a pure expression, “Of course you can, but Bao Bao need to give big brother a kiss first.”

Bao Bao’s beautiful lashes trembled before she said in a shy voice, “Buy mom said that if I kiss a boy, I have to be with them forever.”

“Then can’t Bao Bao be with big brother forever?” Feng Xiao leaned down and slowly approached the red face.

“Forever with big brother……I like being with big brother forever.” Bao Bao raised her courage and tiptoed to place a kiss on Feng Xiao’s face. Then she ran off with a red glowing face, going to play with the Dragon Cat.

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The tender feeling only lasted a second. Feng Xiao touched where he had been kissed and he revealed a smile.

Little Bao Bao, no matter how hard it is, I will keep you by my side.

This little temptress that was a disaster for all men, in this life……you will forever haunt me.

“Humph! Not even letting off such a young child! Big baddie! Big pervert!”

Feng Xiao gave a laugh and said in his mind, “I was already a big baddie, a big pervert, but there are still girls who say to me ‘big brother Feng, I like you more and more’......Hei, hei.”

“You……Humph!” Xuanyuan Wan’er never won when it came to words, so she was so angry that she ignored him.

“Little kitty, you want to be my pet? Alright! I now have a powerful big brother, he definitely won’t let you be bullied.”

Feng Xiao was attracted by that cute voice and turned to look over. The Dragon Cat received Bao Bao’s approval and with a happy cry, it turned into white light as it entered Bao Bao’s pet storage space.

A quick look at https://tinyurl.com/37k7u89t will leave you more fulfilled.

There was an Immortal Beast that appeared on the second spot in the pet ranking, only behind the Yin Yang Illusory Star Dragon. It was Bao Bao’s number one pet, the Dragon Cat.

Bao Bao happily ran in front of Lin Fan, “Big brother Asura, I made the kitty my pet. Un……I’ll call it Xiao Mao, alright?”

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“Un, alright, call it Xiao Mao.” Feng Xiao couldn’t help thinking of the world’s cutest image. Bao Bao was in the illusory space, tilting her head as she thought of a name. Then her eyes lit up in a cute manner and naturally said, “I am called Invincible Obedient Treasure……”

“Big brother Asura, I just kissed you, so you’ll protect forever from now on, right?” Little Bao Bao grabbed the warm big hand and looked up at him with wide sparkling eyes filled with expectation. The butterfly mask had already been taken by Feng Xiao with the “Flying Dragon Flowing Cloud Hand”. He wasn’t willing to let this kind of beautiful image be hidden, so he opened the butterfly’s wings.

Feng Xiao really wanted to take this fatal little elf in his embrace. Those big eyes filled with a sparkling expectant look, it was enough to make any man be willing to die for her.

“Little Bao Bao, as long as you’re willing, I will always protect you. No one will be able to harm you.” Feng Xiao softly said. He was very serious, as he said this for Bao Bao and for himself.

“Un……” Bao Bao’s heart was filled with a happiness she never felt before when she heard this, it was like she had received the thing that she loved the most.

“Big brother Asura, take me to a place called Fire God City, alright? The uncle said that there were two beautiful pieces of clothing there.” Bao Bao happily swayed Feng Xiao’s hand, acting like a spoiled brat when she said this. Because big brother Asura would protect her forever, he was a part of her family like her mom and dad.

Fire God City……was it that much of a coincidence? Could it be the legendary fateful encounter?

Feng Xiao came to Yuzhou to head to Fire God City.

“Alright, I will protect Bao Bao wherever you go. Let’s go now, alright?”

“Un! Big brother Asura is the best.” Bao Bao revealed a very happy smile. The smile was so pure and immature that it could even turn the greatest devil into an angel.

After leaving the cave, Feng Xiao called out Xiao Bai. He gently lifted Bao Bao as he jumped onto the tiger’s back and then headed south.

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“Bao Bao, do you want to fly?” Feng Xiao lowered his head as he softly said this in her ears, so soft that even he didn’t believe that he said these words.

“Yes……I want to fly……Big brother Asura, can you fly with me?” Little Bao Bao revealed an excited look of expectation, but she didn’t doubt him at all. If big brother Asura said that he could fly, then he could definitely fly.

Feng Xiao felt his own heart melting, as if he could do anything as long as this little elf was willing. He pointed a hand out and gently held her slender waist as he shouted, “Xiao Bai, up!”

As if he felt the feelings of his master, Xiao Bai gave an excited roar and all the small creatures around them scattered. He unfurled the two snow white wings at his waist and with an intoxicating cool breeze, he flew into the sky.

“Wa……We’re really flying……”

Bao Bao tightly held Feng Xiao’s waist, feeling nervous, but more excited. The lips that were like flower petals opened from time to time, letting out a delightful cheer and laugh.

Xiao Bai quickly headed south. Little Bao Bao held Feng Xiao’s arm as she kept asking things, with the smile and excitement on her face never disappearing. Looking at the pure angel beside him, Feng Xiao only wanted to make her happy and never wanted to see an unhappy look on her face. She kept smiling along the way, but he never asked her anything that she wasn’t willing to answer.

Demon Dance · Angel’s Wings.

Demon Spirit · Angel’s Hymn.

In Bao Bao’s quest screen, these were the two remaining items that were needed for the Demon · Angel Set.

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