Legend of the Asura

Chapter 187

Chapter 187: Death Volcano

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Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud had a friendly smile before looking at Feng Xiao with a venomous look and then turning to leave. Not only did he not gain anything from this move today, three hundred of his subordinates had lost levels and he had wasted an Immortal Grade Scroll.

“Big brother, brother Feng Yun really is a decisive person.” Maple Leaf Roaring Waves gave a sigh. Their family had good relations with the Heavenly Demon Guild and he and Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud called each other brothers, so they had a good relationship.

Awe Inspiring Maple Leaf knitted his brows and said nothing.

“This Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud isn’t simple. Not only did he get rid of his disadvantageous situation, he even got a favour from the Maple Leaf Guild while also not causing any contradictions between the two guilds.” Feng Xiao shook his head before calling Xiao Bai down.

“Maple Leaf Guild, I, Asura will remember your favour. I will definitely return it one day!”

“Big brother Asura, there’s no need to say this. It’s natural, it’s natural.” With his idol saying this, Maple Leaf Roaring Waves revealed an awkward smile.

“He, he, this is considered repaying the favour of giving the Guild Formation Token to our Maple Leaf Guild.” Awe Inspiring Maple Leaf said with a gentle smile.

Xiao Bai slowly disappeared along the horizon and there was no sound for Asura.

“Let’s go. We should invite brother Feng Yun to our house as a guest.” This time they had gotten a big favour from Asura without using a single soldier, so he was very excited.

The three girls inside the hall let out a sigh of relief.

“This is great, it should be over.”

“That big baddie left without even greeting us.”

“Forget about him, let’s keep playing……”

Inside the Gods Domain guild hall.

Hand of God had just finished listening to his subordinate’s report and knitted his brows. Asura had appeared, but there was still no news of his little sister. What did he do with her?

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Madame Proud Moon walked in with a bit of heaviness in her slow steps. Her aura had also become much colder.

Hand of God suddenly stood up and came in front of Madame Proud Moon, “Yi Yi, why couldn’t we contact you just now? Why did that Asura catch you? Where did he bring you?”

“It’s fine, he just wanted to shame Dugu Feng Yun.” Madame Proud Moon shook her head, being too lazy to reply to his other questions.

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from tinyurl.com/37k7u89t.

“Then what about your wedding with Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud?”

“After such a large embarrassment, do you think that he would mention it again?”

Hand of God was silent. Indeed, he didn’t think that Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud would mention their wedding again. But this was also good. His little sister didn’t need to be aggrieved and he wouldn’t need to worry about this matter anymore.

Only her change……Asura must have done something to her.

Inside the hall, there was a little figure that had heard everything they said. Madame Proud Moon’s tone made his small eyebrows move. When he returned to his seat, he played with the magic pen in his hand without asking anything. 4887

With a flash of white light, Hand of Apocalypse slowly appeared in the hall. His spirited expression had completely disappeared and there was only silence left.

Hand of God gave a sigh before coming over to pat his shoulder, “Did the family situation stabilize?”

Hand of Apocalypse nodded before looking at Hand of God to say, “The Blood Emperor Ying Feng revealed a piece of information after killing my little brother, perhaps you will be interested.”

“Oh? What information?”

“His targeting of our Four Noble Families over the years was because of our Duanmu Family!” Hand of Apocalypse had a look of hatred flash in his eyes.

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“What!?” Hand of God’s pupils shrank. Although he had suspected this before, he never thought that his guess would become real.

Inside the hall, Duanmu Xia’s expression also changed. Countless possibilities filled his mind and after a bit of silence, he quickly started writing on a piece of paper with his magic pen.

Asura, Blood Emperor Ying Feng, powerful, proud, acting alone, arrogant, ignoring everything, aunt, Duanmu……These words were connected by countless lines before finally his small hands connected the two names Asura and Blood Emperor Ying Feng together.

75%! There was this figure that was written on this line as a wise glow appeared in his sharp eyes.

“Xiao’er, what are you writing?” Hand of God’s pampering voice came from behind him.

“Hee, hee, just drawing.” The small hands very naturally crumpled up the paper. With a childish laugh, he threw the piece of paper into his inventory before waving his hand, “Mom is waiting for me. I’m going to see mom now.”

“Un, accompany your mom more……” Hand of God watched Duanmu Xiao gradually disappear offline with a pampering look. Then what replaced it was a sad and……painful look.”


Inside of a simple and luxurious little room, Duanmu Xiao came out of the gaming cabin. There were countless thoughts that passed through his mind and after a while, he ran out of the room. He wasn’t going to look for his mom, but rather he ran to the restricted area of the Duanmu Family.

Going through several defenses, he came to a somewhat dark room. Inside of that place were several complicated and advanced machines that people were focused on operating, but none of them thought anything of him coming in.

“Uncle Fei Ying!” Duanmu Xiao came over to a large man who was watching the screen and called out.

Duanmu Fei Ying was surprised before quickly bowing as low as he could, “Young master……I wonder what instructions young master has for me?”

Duanmu Fei Ying was an agent that had been trained by the Duanmu Family since he was born. With his sharp mind and keen insight, he became the leader of the Duanmu Family’s intelligence network and had been granted the “Duanmu” surname by the Duanmu Family. In the «Rebirth» world, he was also the intelligence organization leader of the “Gods Domain”.

His skills were greatly appreciated by the current family head of the Duanmu Family, so he was frequently praised. But he was actually in awe of the three year old young master, even more so than the family head. It was because no one knew better than him just how terrifying the young master’s analysis abilities were. He could find some clues from tens of thousands of possibilities and get a direct answer.

“Uncle Fei Ying, I want to ask you one thing.” When faced with how polite he was, Duanmu Xiao wasn’t arrogant at all as he asked with a look that had no traces of childishness, “Isn’t the number one beauty in the capital an auntie called Feng Yao?”

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Duanmu Fei Ying was surprised. He was a bit confused why he would ask this, but he still immediately replied, “Yes! This is what the general public recognizes. Does young master want to see her picture?” Thinking of the number one beauty in the capital that was even more beautiful than an immortal, even he became a bit enamoured.

“No need……I want to know, does this auntie have any family members?” Duanmu Xiao kept asking.

“Family members?” Duanmu Fei Ying thought about it for a bit before standing up, “Young master, please wait a bit. I will check this immediately.”

The normal looking hands were like a phantom as they flew across the keyboard. He was confused that in the entirety of China…..no, the entire world, there was nothing that he couldn’t find.

In just a few seconds, he had an answer. He bowed and said, “She has a big brother named Feng Xiao who dropped out four years ago. He normally stays at home and rarely goes out. He hasn’t done anything and can be considered a very normal person……”

Feng Xiao!?

“Got it. Thank you uncle Fei Ying……Right, you can’t tell anyone about what I asked you today! You can’t say anything to dad or grandfather.” Duanmu Xiao rushed out impatiently, not caring if he agreed or not.

“Yes! I definitely won’t tell anyone.”

When he came out, the young look on his face disappeared. The complex network of information turned in his head as countless possibilities appeared one by one.

Feng Xiao……Feng Yao……

Feng Xiao Yao!

Four years ago……Blood Emperor Ying Feng……

Blood Emperor Ying Feng only appears in the capital. If he was Asura, Asura’s little sister would also be in the capital. With Yao Dreams of Loving Wind’s temper and grace, she should be the number one beauty in the capital……The number one beauty actually had a big brother……Moreover, their names……Also four years ago……

After going back and forth countless times and countless thoughts filled his mind, a guess had gradually started forming in his mind.

This result greatly exceeded his expectations. A guess that had formed out of the void, with his excited stimulation, he had actually formed many lines connecting to this guess.

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“Big brother Asura, I really was worried about you just now. I almost really jumped down.” Bao Bao’s tender small hands grabbed Feng Xiao’s arm as she looked up at him with watery big eyes that didn’t blink once.

Feng Xiao didn’t say anything as he tightly held her hand. The kind of pure and naive worry and care really filled him with emotions.

He definitely wouldn’t allow Bao Bao to suffer any injuries and wouldn’t rush to his death. If it wasn’t for the appearance of the Maple Leaf Guild, he still had an absolute trump card! The prestige of the Secret Envoy Token! An army of a thousand people at the same level as him would easily take care of the danger.

But being able to take care of the danger and hide his power was without a doubt the best choice.

“Bao Bao, we’re almost there. What’s in front of us is the Death Volcano on the map.”

Death Volcano, the area of death that separated Heavenly Dragon City and Fire God City. There have only been a few that have been able to pass through safely over the past thousand years. In front of him was a bright red world and the further he went forward, the brighter the red colour became.

When he entered the Death Mountain, there was a scalding heat that hit him in the face.

“Big brother Asura, don’t you think it’s very hot……”

After just taking a few steps, Bao Bao was already covered in sweat and the fine little face was a bit red. Her little body kept swaying side from side from the dry heat.

“Un, it’s so hot. It’s no wonder it’s called the Death Volcano.” Feng Xiao had already prepared for this heat, but he never thought that it would come so quickly.

Based on the distance on the map, with Xiao Bai’s speed, it would take at least six hours to pass through this Death Volcano. Would they have to endure this heat for six hours? Not to mention that it was just the beginning.

-80, -80, -80……

The numbers that appeared above Bao Bao’s head surprised Feng Xiao. He also noticed that there was a -50 that was appearing above his head.

It was only hot a minute ago and now they were starting to lose HP. Could they even keep going after this?

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