Legend of the Asura

Chapter 190

Chapter 190: Legendary Fairy Liu Li

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“Ah……Big brother Asura, mom is calling me. It’s time for lunch.” The happy look on Bao Bao’s face turned into an unwilling look as she took Feng Xiao’s hand out of habit.

“Be good, listen to your mom.” Feng Xiao patted her little head.

“Un! It’s the weekend, so mom will be taking me out to play. I can only see big brother Asura tomorrow.” She stood on her tiptoes to place a kiss on Feng Xiao’s face before Bao Bao disappeared into white light.

The completely ignored Flame Emperor was very frustrated.

“Alright, now let’s talk about our matter.” The Flame Emperor looked at Feng Xiao and the gentle look on his face disappeared without a trace. It was replaced with a sharp look, “What did you come all the way from Heavenly Dragon Imperial City for?”

“To find the Vermilion Bird!” Feng Xiao looked at him with an indifferent look, not being shocked by the aura he released at all.

“Vermilion Bird?” The Flame Emperor’s expression changed. His instinct told him that this person wasn’t simple, but he never thought that it would be this unnatural.

There was no one in Fire God City who could say these words without having their expression change.

“What are you looking for the Vermilion Bird for?!” The last bit of warmth on the Flame Emperor’s face disappeared. The Vermilion Bird was the patron god of Fire God City for thousands of years and their taboo. It was the sacred guardian beast that the Flame Emperor had to bow to every day! Anyone that had ideas towards the Vermilion Bird was their enemy.

“Don’t misunderstand. For the future of the continent, I have something that I need its help with.” Feng Xiao was helpless. He couldn’t just say that he needed the Vermilion Bird’s Soul Flame or he would be chased down by all the people in Fire God City. He could only use the same words he used before to fool Empress Shui Yue.

“Just based on you?” The Flame Emperor gave a cold laugh. No matter what the reason, Fire God City wouldn’t let anyone disturb the supreme sacred guardian beast.

“Here!” Feng Xiao gave Empress Shui Yue’s introduction to him, “This is Empress Shui Yue’s introduction. I think that you should read it first before making a decision.”

The Flame Emperor coldly took it. He looked it over before his expression changed.

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“You’re actually the qilin’s master……No wonder you’re this wild.” The Flame Emperor changed the way he looked at him. His eyes swept over this young man again before his eyes became more serious.

Qilin, that was the boss of the Vermilion Bird.

“Alright, since you have the guarantee of the honoured Heavenly Dragon Empress, I will believe you. I do indeed know where the Vermilion Bird is, but……” The Flame Emperor shook his head, “It is a place that you will never be able to go to. No! I’m not just saying you. Other than sacred beasts, no living being on the entire continent could reach that place.”

“The center of the Death Volcano.” Feng Xiao said with a serious expression.

“That’s right.” The flames in the Flame Emperor’s eyes jumped. He was surprised by this young man’s keen intuition.

Feng Xiao knitted his brows. He had already started guessing that the Death Volcano was the Vermilion Bird’s residence as soon as he entered it because that kind of heat, other than the supreme fire attributed Vermilion Bird, there was nothing else that could achieve it. But now this guess had been confirmed.

Six thousand degrees, that was indeed not something that a normal being could endure, so the Flame Emperor’s words weren’t an exaggeration.

If he went by himself, he would be burnt to pieces and then sent back to the city.

“Even you can’t get there?” Feng Xiao asked. The Flame Emperor could pass through the Death Volcano and was a dual fire and water Magic God, so he might have this ability.

“Impossible!” Seeing a bit of doubt in Feng Xiao’s eyes, he continued, “I can only pass through the Death Volcano because of the Fire God Knot that the Vermilion Bird God gave us before they went into their slumber. It allows me to move between the two sides of the Death Volcano and it can only send one person per year.” The Flame Emperor pointed at the strange headgear that he had.

“Give up. The sacred beasts’ territory is not a place that we humans can step on.”

“Give up?” Feng Xiao calmly looked at him, “These words don’t belong in my dictionary. If there is a day that I can find a way to reach the Vermilion Bird’s territory, I ask the Flame Emperor to not stop me.”

“If you really have the ability, I can’t stop you even if I wanted to.” The Flame Emperor calmly said. This man’s aura raised his opinion of him by several points.

He didn’t retreat even when facing the Vermilion Bird, was this craziness or confidence?

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Feng Xiao naturally wasn’t crazy enough to be enemies with the Vermilion Bird. He was betting that a miracle would appear again.

But the miracle had to be created by him. Retreat would be fruitless and what he had to do now was find a way to the center of the Death Volcano.

“Can you tell me what reason you’re looking for the sacred god Vermilion Bird?”

“No!” Feng Xiao didn’t give him any face as he shook his head. If he were to say it, it would be likely that the Flame Emperor wouldn’t hesitate to instantly kill him.

The Flame Emperor saw his expression and didn’t ask again. The thoughts of someone who was the master of the qilin couldn’t be understood, but he clearly knew something. The supreme qilin, the race that hasn’t recognized any humans as a master since the times of chaos. It was because they were the masters of the continent and there was no creature that could make them submit.

The person in front of him had done it. What did that mean?

“I’ve disturbed mister Flame Emperor. I thank you for sending me here, goodbye.” Feng Xiao knew that he couldn’t get any help if he stayed here, but when he waved goodbye to the Flame Emperor, he suddenly stopped.

An old picture on the wall attracted his attention. There was a girl silently standing on the clouds in the picture. Her clothes were white as snow, her skin was fair, and her hair fluttered in the wind. It was only her face that was hidden in fog, so people couldn’t see what she looked like.

This faint beauty made Feng Xiao secretly give a sigh of praise. He couldn’t help asking in a curious voice, “With this appearance and aura, the woman in the picture must have a nation collapsing beauty, but why isn’t her face shown?”

Seeing the picture that Feng Xiao was referring to, the Flame Emperor was surprised. After being stunned for a bit, he looked at the woman in the picture and a complicated look appeared in his eyes.

Infatuation, longing, pain, and even……mourning.

Feng Xiao was surprised by his expression and started looking over the girl in the picture again.

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“The powerful Flame Emperor can reveal this kind of expression, just how is this girl? Is she your deceased wife?”

“No one can draw her appearance. There isn’t an artist in this world that can use the brush to describe her beauty.” The Flame Emperor looked at the girl in the picture with an infatuated look, talking as if he was sleep talking.

“Her beauty has already surpassed humanity. No, it’s surpassed the realm of gods. It’s a beauty that is endless and can’t be described, a beauty that shouldn’t exist in this world. Any kind of praise used on her would only be an insult to her.”

The Flame Emperor slowly came back to his senses. He didn’t show any embarrassment over how he had ridiculed himself. It was as if being infatuated like this was a very normal thing.

“A beauty that shouldn’t exist in this world?” Looking at the girl in this picture, Feng Xiao slowly repeated this. The expression of the Flame Emperor told him that he wasn’t lying. A person that could infatuate him like this……Feng Xiao turned back to ask, “How is she compared to Bao Bao?”

The Flame Emperor was surprised before shaking his head with a faint smile, “I’ve heard that you otherworlders have created a fairy and goddess ranking and Bao Bao should be on the goddess ranking, right?”

Seeing Feng Xiao give a nod, the Flame Emperor said with an infatuated look, “She…..if she was one that ranking, she would be the supreme saintess!”

Feng Xiao was stunned before revealing a strange smile. A beauty that was two levels higher than Yao’er and Bao Bao, could it exist?

At least he didn’t believe it without seeing her.

“Oh, right. Since she’s this beautiful, she should be famous, right?” Feng Xiao asked in an interested voice.

“She is called Liu Li. She is called Fairy Liu Li by the people of the continent. She is the number one beauty and the number one expert of the Heavenly Dragon Continent.” The Flame Emperor looked at him and was clearly annoyed by the look of disapproval on his face.

“The Heavenly Dragon Continent holds a martial tournament for all experts in the world every hundred years. A thousand years ago, she appeared. No one could forget the grace and talent that she showed……Everyone forgot to breathe, to blink, no one in this world made a single sound. Even the clouds in the sky stopped as that moment as imprinted on everyone’s souls. A beauty that could never be forgotten.” The Flame Emperor revealed an infatuated look again, as if he was recalling the scene of seeing her again. His words seemed like he was describing the shock he had felt towards her.

“She had used a single move to defeat the past number one expert Boundless Flame and then she left, never appearing since……Other than her name, she didn’t leave anything else. But her figure had been imprinted in the hearts of everyone back then.”

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“Some people say that her beauty and power has already surpassed the great Heavenly Dragon Goddess. Some people also say that she is the great Heavenly Dragon Goddess. Countless people have tried to draw that beauty, but not a single one has succeeded. No matter how great their drawing skills were, they couldn’t even outline her beauty.”

“Since the martial tournament, I don’t know how many nights I’ve lost sleep. Whether my eyes are open or closed, my mind is filled with her. So I gave up everything and desperately cultivated, hoping that I could become strong enough to search for her and approach her……A thousand years has passed and no one has seen her. But out of the thousands of people who saw her back then, not a single one could forget her. Some of them even said her name as their final words before death……”

“Although she never appeared again and never participated in the martial tournament, no one has shaken her position as the number one beauty and number one expert and no one has ever refuted it.”

The Flame Emperor slowly finished talking and after looking at the girl in the picture in a daze for a bit, he said to Feng Xiao, “The martial tournament from a thousand years ago, there were thousands of people that saw Fairy Liu Li. A thousand years later, all those people are the same. Some have passed, but the only similarity between them was that they all abandoned their wives if they had one and those that didn’t have a family never married. Including me!”

Feng Xiao was completely shocked……

Was there really this kind of beauty? If there was, what kind of scene would that be?

Feng Xiao never would have thought that a person’s appearance would be so unimaginable and so inexplicable.

Watching Feng Xiao leave, the Flame Emperor’s eyes revealed a complicated look.


The legendary awakened Asura was a demon god that fell into the abyss, the most terrifying demon. Would there really not be a problem if the little girl stayed by his side?

No……Perhaps this might be a good thing. If there was a day that this person’s Asura Heart awakened, then if it was contained by the Angel Heart, then his uncaringness and dominance should be slowly diluted.

But if the Asura Heart affected the Angel Heart……

The Flame Emperor quickly threw out this terrifying thought……

No, definitely not! Definitely not……or else, it would just be too terrifying……

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