Legend of the Asura

Chapter 197

Chapter 197: Fantasy Rainbow Butterfly (Part 2)

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“Big brother Asura!”

Without having time to properly admire all the flowers here, Bao Bao’s ethereal voice rang out that filled him with warmth and gentleness.

“Bao Bao……Oh? Bao Bao, where are you?” There were only insects flying around the plants, there wasn’t a trace of Bao Bao.

“Hee, hee, big brother Asura, I’m above you.”

The immature voice came from above and Feng Xiao looked up in surprise. He was immediately intoxicated by the beautiful beyond compare image that appeared in front of him.

There was a beautiful butterfly that was flying in the air, releasing a rainbow glow as it flapped its wings under the sun. It was so beautiful that people didn’t dare directly look at it. On the back of the butterfly was the little elf Bao Bao with a happy smile. She was waving her little hand, letting out a laugh that stole one’s heart from time to time.

He also casually saw the butterfly’s stats and Feng Xiao was so shocked that he almost fell into the grass.

Fantasy Rainbow Butterfly!

Fantasy Rainbow Butterfly: Super Divine Beast

Level: 0

Master: Invincible Obedient Treasure

One of the ten supreme Divine Beasts of the Heavenly Dragon Continent. The emperor of all insects, evolved from hundreds of millions of years of purest natural elemental energy. There is a terrifying power contained within its seemingly weak body. It likes pure things very much. Fifty thousand years ago, it fought the three demon gods under the Demon Monarch and was heavily injured, but it was saved by the power of light of the archangel, becoming very sensitive to light power. So it gained a fatal attraction for the one with the Angel’s Heart.


HP: 4000

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MP: 4000

Physical Attack: 2500

Magic Attack: 2500

Defense: 1500

Innate Skills:

Rainbow Butterfly Wings: Can absorb the sunlight to quickly recover its own HP and MP. Can recover 10% HP and MP per second under sunlight.

Fantasy Body: 50% chance to be immune to physical and magic attacks. Even if tracks hit, it will reflect 50% physical damage. Has 70% resistance to wind and light attacks, has a 50% resistance to all other magic attacks.

Butterfly Emperor’s Aura: Can scare all insect monsters, decreasing their stats by 30% and has a great chance of scaring them away without a fight.


Rainbow Butterfly Dance: Uses 80 MP to release a rainbow glow in a 3 meter range around itself. The glow will increase the stats of itself and its master. Defense will increase by 30%, crit will increase by 10%, and enemy accuracy and evasion will decrease by 30%. Has no cooldowns.

Fantasy Butterfly Sound: Uses the flapping sounds of its wings to send out illusory butterfly sounds. Decreased enemy reaction by 30% and has a 30% chance to cause them to fall into a stunned state for five seconds. Has no cooldowns.

Violent Wind God Storm: Creates wild wind blades to attack all enemies twenty meters in front of the user. It will deal damage while also blowing them at least ten meters away. Costs 320 MP to use, has a cast time of 1.5 seconds, and has a cooldown of 3 seconds.

Dream Immortal Change: Turns into human form and can talk with humans. Can only transform once a day and will only last thirty seconds. All stats will be changed to one when transformed.

My god, too strong, just too strong!

Defense, attack, and support all coming together. Whether it was its innate skills or its skills, none of them were trash and all of them were unbelievably strong. This Fantasy Rainbow Butterfly, although its attacks couldn’t compare to a pure attack Super Divine Beast like the Golden Winged Phoenix, it was definitely the most perfect pet that he had seen.

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Moreover, it even had a skill to reduce reaction that he had never seen before.

Speaking of strong……Bao Bao with a pure heart that didn’t have a single impurity was the strongest…… 4887

With Bao Bao’s thought, the Fantasy Rainbow Butterfly slowly fell in front of Feng Xiao. Then with a flap of its beautiful wings, the smell of various plants entered his nose.

“Big brother Asura!” Bao Bao jumped off the back of the butterfly and quickly ran to his side. She looked at him with starry eyes that were filled with happiness.

The Fantasy Rainbow Butterfly gradually faded into light before finally becoming the size of a normal butterfly. It floated over to Bao Bao’s head and flapped its rainbow wings from time to time.

“Bao Bao, where did you find this butterfly?” Feng Xiao leaned down and looked into her eyes as he asked this.

“You’re talking about Die’er? I was just playing and it came over to play before bringing me up to fly. Isn’t it beautiful?”


Feng Xiao’s heart felt pain when he heard these two words. He forced his breathing to calm down and didn’t ask anything else. He could guess why the Fantasy Rainbow Butterfly took her as its master.

“Can you make your Die’er become a human? Then we can talk to it.” Feng Xiao said. He suddenly wanted to see this butterfly’s human form after it used the “Dream Immortal Change”. Other than dragons, creatures had to reach the Sacred Grade to transform into human form. Only this butterfly could temporarily transform into human form using a skill at the Super Divine Beast Grade.

This novel is available on bit.ly/3Tfs4P4.

“Become a human like us?” Bao Bao was confused as she blinked her eyes before becoming excited again. She gently held the butterfly on her head, “Die’er, can you become like us?”

Sensing the thoughts of its master, the Fantasy Rainbow Butterfly slowly flew down as a rainbow glow slowly appeared around it.

When the rainbow glow scattered, a pair of jade feet slowly appeared from the glow and then a pair of snow white arms, as well as a rainbow coloured skirt……

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When the rainbow glow completely disappeared, a little girl floated there in the sky. She looked even younger than Bao Bao, with a slender and soft body. She had a rainbow skirt that was like lace around her and had a face that was as beautiful as Bao Bao’s. She slowly floated down from the sky and blinked those clear as water eyes to look at Bao Bao and Feng Xiao.

“Wa……You are Die’er?” Bao Bao softly called out as she excitedly went around her.

“I……am.” Perhaps she wasn’t used to talking, so Die’er’s voice was a bit jerky.

Bao Bao grabbed her soft and small hands and cheered, “Wu……It’s real, it’s really my Die’er. My Die’er is so powerful……Then I’ll call you little sister Die’er from now on, alright……Right, little sister Die’er, this is my big brother Asura. He is very, very good.”

“Big……brother……Asura.” Die’er said with a bit of difficulty. She couldn’t help moving closer to Bao Bao as a faint blush came over her elegant face. The blush on her face looked so charming.

Although she was a bit shy, her voice was sweet and crisp just like a mountain stream. Feng Xiao could smell a faint scent that had the freshness of nature to it.

This little girl was a fatal temptress just like Bao Bao.

Feng Xiao couldn’t help thinking: People coming together……

Feng Xiao came forward and leaned in with a faint smile, “Cute little Die’er, why did you want to to follow Bao Bao?”

Through the rainbow coloured lace, he could see the creamy white faint small valley that would make one stunned.


Feng Xiao felt a strong evil urge filling him, but he gritted his teeth to suppress it.

“Because……I want……to follow her……” Die’er’s voice was very low as she replied. Her face became even more red, looking so tender and delicate.

Feng Xiao was stunned. This answer……this level!

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“I want……to go back……”

Die’er’s “Dream Immortal Change” could only last thirty seconds each time. She gradually faded into smoke and turned back into a rainbow coloured light, returning to the Fantasy Rainbow Butterfly form.

“Wu…… I want little sister Die’er……” Seeing Die’er transform back into a butterfly, Bao Bao unhappily pursed her lips. Since she was young, she had been alone and she wanted a partner to share her thoughts with.

“Die’er can be with you everyday. There’s also your big brother Asura when she can’t.” Feng Xiao comforted her. Seeing Bao Bao who was just as tempting, the evil urges that had appeared in his mind disappeared without a trace.

“As long as big brother Asura is with me, Bao Bao is happy!” Bao Bao let out an absolutely beautiful smile that could take away souls.

Outside Fire God City, Feng Yao revealed a warm smile. She looked at the Golden Winged Phoenix flying around in the sky from an unseen corner and her heart was filled with a strange warmth.

Xiao Feng……Why can I feel your feelings……

There was a gold glow that appeared from the corner of her eyes. Feng Xiao looked over and was surprised to find that a golden figure had appeared out of thin air, gradually becoming clearer.

When she saw her appearance, it was like a hammer hit Feng Yao’s heart. It was so painful that she couldn’t breathe as her brain shook…..

This was a young girl wearing a golden dress, who looked to be around sixteen to seventeen years old. She had an exquisite finger, long flowing hair, and cheeks that were sweet and tender that only a young girl would have. Only in her pure autumn eyes, there was a profoundness that didn’t match her age.

“You……Who are you? Why is it that when I see you……my heart feels like it’s being torn apart……” Feng Yao wanted to touch her face with her trembling hands, as tears couldn’t help flowing out.

“You really are……You really are……Why is this, just why is this!?” The young girl in the golden dress screamed out as tears started falling down.

“Why are you still here? Why does big brother Feng have his Soul Magic that only he can use? After I was cast into that terrifying purgatory of rebirth, what happened in the heavens!!”

The young girl in the golden dress cried out with a pure voice that was filled with endless sadness. She tried to hug this “big sister Feng” in front of her, but she knew that she couldn’t do it because she didn’t have a body. She was only a temporary illusion.

“Just who are you……” The young girl’s cries hurt her heart even more, but she didn’t understand. Her heart was only filled with pain!

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