Legend of the Asura

Chapter 214

Chapter 214: Powerful magnifying glass

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Jing Tian’s proud look became even greater. When Feng Xiao understood, he raised a brow and said, “Do you see that worn out bookshelf? Although it looks broken, after it was appraised by me, it was found that it was made with the Rainbow Sandalwood that only the Great Yan Dynasty had. Its value can’t be estimated with money……”

Speaking of his antiques, Jing Tian kept going. His saliva flew out as Long Kui was about to fall asleep, not to mention Feng Xiao.

No matter how one looked at it, it was the broken bookshelf ‘antique’ that was suppressing the Super Divine Dustless Sword. Feng Xiao couldn’t paying silent tribute to it for three seconds.


Feng Xiao suddenly thought of an important item as he cut off Jing Tian who was speaking in an excited voice, “Brother Jing Tian, you said that you had the best Appraisal Skill in this world? Is there not a single thing that you can’t appraise?”

“Of course.” Jing Tian had a confident look, “I’m confident that there isn’t a single thing that I can’t appraise in this world.”

“Is that true?” Feng Xiao looked at him with a doubtful look.

Seeing that the skill that he was most proud of was being doubted, Jing Tian became even more angry out of shame, “Damn! Speaking of appraising items, only the boss of the Appraisal Sect can only hold my shoes!”

“Big brother, you’re swearing.” Long Kui looked at him with worry, afraid that he would become bad from this.

Jing Tian revealed an awkward look. After hesitating for a while, he finally awkwardly scratched his head, “I won’t next time, I definitely won’t.”

Feng Xiao didn’t agitate him anymore as he took out a glowing white gem that he placed on the table, “Can brother Jing Tian appraise this piece of jade?”

Seeing the jade, Jing Tian curled his lips disdainfully, “There are many jades like this in my collection, I can appraise this kind of jade just by touching it.”

Feng Xiao almost fell down. This thing can brag even more than me.

Jing Tian really didn’t need his eyes to appraise it, he just stroked the Heavenly Profound Fantasy Jade……

Ten seconds later, Jing Tian was still silent.

Twenty seconds later, Jing Tian’s face muscles twitched.

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Thirty seconds later, a bead of sweat came from his forehead.

……Three minutes later……

Jing Tian was covered in sweat as he no longer slapped his own face by just touching it and brought it up to his eyes to seriously appraise it. While looking, he was shocked by it. What is this thing that I can’t see through it?

Five minutes later, Jing Tian finally looked up with a depressed look. He awkwardly said, “There really are all kinds of strange things in this world. It seems like Jing Tian was just a frog looking up from the bottom of the well. This piece of jade’s quality is quite shocking and its structure is very strange……I can’t appraise it for now.”

Feng Xiao who had been filled with hope was attacked once again. The old appraiser in Heavenly Dragon Imperial City couldn’t appraise it, but he never thought that the number one appraiser on the continent also couldn’t appraise it.

Just what was this piece of jade?

Wait, for now?

“Brother Jing Tian, could it be that you have another way of appraising it?” Feng Xiao asked with a bit of hope.

“Un……If I had that thing, then I can definitely appraise it.”

Feng Xiao was shocked before quickly asked, “What is that thing?”

Jing Tian gave a sigh, “It’s a thing that is incomparably precious and strange. It has a terrifying ability which is to make things bigger. It’s said that this kind of ability only exists in another world……Ai, if I had that thing, I could see the quality and structure of the material.”

Feng Xiao’s expression became strange. Only after a while did he weakly ask, “What is that thing called?”

“Oh, it has a powerful name. It’s called the magnifying glass.”

Putong! Feng Xiao’s head hit the floor.

Jing Tian quickly helped him up, “Could it be that brother Wind Spirit was shocked by its powerful name?”

“It’s…..It’s very shocking.” Feng Xiao wiped the sweat off his forehead before taking out the magnifying glass from his inventory with a speechless expression, “The magnifying glass you mentioned should be this.”

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Magnifying Glass: Special item

I Am a School Girl’s tool for peeping on boys.

We are bit.ly/3Tfs4P4, find us on google.

He never thought that the magnifying glass that he got from that large pineapple would have such a big use……

Looking at the legendary magnifying glass, Jing Tian’s eyes almost popped out. He grabbed it at a speed that stunned Feng Xiao as his body began trembling.

“That’s right! This is it, this is it!!!! This is the legendary magnifying glass that can make things bigger……The thing that I dreamed about having!” After taking the magnifying glass, he put it over his finger to magnify it. Jing Tian laughed out with a wild laugh and he was so excited that it looked like he ate three pounds of ****, which scared the weak Long Kui.

Jing Tian grabbed Feng Xiao’s collar and looked at him with glowing eyes, wishing that he could swallow him up. His voice was even more greedy than someone who hadn’t eaten for eight hundred years, “Brother Wind Spirit, give me this magnifying glass, alright? With this, there’s nothing that I can’t appraise!”

Feng Xiao revealed a difficult look, “It isn’t that I’m petty, but there’s only one on the entire continent and I……”

“I’ll trade with you! I can use any of my antiques to trade with you!”

“Ke, ke……We’re brothers, why do we need to be this polite? Since brother Jing Tian wants it, you can just take it……Oh, if brother Jing Tian feels that it’s too much, you can give that Absolute Heaven Scroll to me.”

“No problem!” Jing Tian replied incredibly quickly. To stop Feng Xiao from reacting, he put the Absolute Heaven Scroll in Feng Xiao’s inventory before happily taking the magnifying glass.

Feng Xiao almost fell to the floor again.

A magnifying glass for a Sacred Grade Heaven Defying Scroll……This world was simply too crazy.

Was he crazy or am I crazy?

Jing Tian took a while to recover from this excitement. Then without a word, he grabbed the Heavenly Profound Fantasy Jade and used the magnifying glass on it.

Feng Xiao held his breath out of fear that it would fail. It would be like having a treasure box that didn’t have a key at all. Long Kui floated by Jing Tian’s side. Although she couldn’t contact him, as long as she came close, it was as if she could feel the kinship and warmth from him.

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Jing Tian’s eyes focused and finally he put down the magnifying glass as he used his appraisal technique by putting his hands over the Heavenly Profound Fantasy Jade.

“It’s done!”

Those two words made Feng Xiao’s heart jump. This was a jade that even the Heavenly Dragon Imperial City’s appraiser couldn’t appraise, so just how powerful was it?

Heavenly Profound Fantasy Jade: Super Sacred Grade Jade.

Evolved from the seven primordial energies after three billion years, contains a very dangerous energy. Fifty thousand years ago, it was found by the Demon Monarch at the bottom of the northern ocean and was taken as a treasure. It was later stolen by his mount, the Dual Headed Illusory Eye Nether Wolf and disappeared.

Super Sacred Grade! It was a real Super Sacred Grade! A jade that surpassed the Sacred Grade!

Feng Xiao was filled with excitement as he looked at its powers.

Effects: Transform.

Feng Xiao was stunned.

Transform? What kind of an effect was that?

“Brother Jing Tian, what is this transform?” Feng Xiao looked up to ask this.

Jing Tian shook his head, “I’m also confused. It’s my first time seeing this effect. But since it comes from a Super Sacred Jade, it must be a very powerful state that goes beyond the range of my knowledge.”

Indeed, if it was a normal effect, then how could it be at the Super Sacred Grade?

Only, he didn’t know where to even start with this! He didn’t know how to use it whether it was appraised or not……What was this!

After saying goodbye to the brother and sister, the first thing Feng Xiao did after coming back to Heavenly Dragon Imperial City was head to the blacksmith. This jade would be used to make equipment, so perhaps master Tie knew about it.

“Hello, master Tie, can I ask if you know what use this jade has?” Feng Xiao said in a polite manner while also casually displaying the Heavenly Dragon Secret Envoy Token on his chest.

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The indifferent master Tie saw the legendary Heavenly Dragon Secret Envoy Token and immediately became friendly. He quickly greeted him and had him sit while also carefully taking the Heavenly Profound Fantasy Jade from Feng Xiao.

As Feng Xiao expected, as soon as he took it, master Tie’s eyes shrank.

“......Super Sacred Grade! I never would have thought that I would see the legendary Super Sacred Grade Jade in my lifetime!” Master Tie’s face was filled with excitement. A good material, that was what forging masters looked for and was even their life. His hands trembled as he stroked the jade, completely forgetting about the existence of the Heavenly Dragon Secret Envoy.

Feng Xiao endured five seconds before he was unable to endure any longer. He gave two coughs and said, “Master Tie, do you know what use this jade has?”

Master Tie was stunned before slowly shaking his head, “This effect, this is my first time seeing it…..But no matter what grade jade it is, it will show its effects when embedded into equipment. Only……”

“Only what?” If it could show its effects by being embedded into equipment, Feng Xiao wouldn’t mind immediately putting it into the Xuanyuan Sword. A Super Sacred Grade effect, it was impossible for it to be trash.

“Only a jade of this high grade, my Divine Grade Skills can’t do anything to it and the chance of success is probably zero.” Master Tie had a helpless look in his eyes, as well as a trace of pain. A normal person shouldn’t even mention the Sacred Grade, let alone the Super Sacred Grade. Now that he had seen this legendary Super Sacred Grade Jade, he could only helplessly give a sigh. If possible, he would give everything that he had to be able to forge with this jade. If it could succeed, that would be the honour of his lifetime.

After too many disappointments, Feng Xiao was a bit numb. First he couldn’t appraise it, then there was the strange effect, and now he wasn’t able to forge it after appraising it.

Feng Xiao really wanted to find someone who knew their stuff and sell it. Why should he suffer like this?

After helplessly putting away the Heavenly Profound Fantasy Jade, Feng Xiao didn’t give up as he asked, “Is there a better forger than you on the Heavenly Dragon Continent?”

“No, definitely not.” Master Tie forcefully shook his head, “When it comes to forging, I, Tie Wu Chang am the best on the continent……Speaking of this, it really is that I’m useless, but the grade of this jade is too high. It has already surpassed the realm that humans can control……This should be something that belongs to the world of gods, humans can’t forge with it……Unless……”

Master Tie suddenly had a thought. It seemed like he thought of something?

“Unless they find the legendary Sacred Heavenly Fate Stone……Right! The Sacred Heavenly Fate Stone! How could I almost forget about that?” Thinking of this hope, master Tie became excited again, but there was also a trace of helplessness. But soon, his eyes dimmed again as he said with a sigh, “The only one who received the Sacred Heavenly Fate Stone was my junior brother Tie Wu Ya who received it from my master, only he……”

Thinking of his missing junior brother, Tie Wu Chang gave a heavy sigh.

Sacred Heavenly Fate Stone?

He seemed to have heard this name somewhere before……


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