Legend of the Asura

Chapter 231

Chapter 231: Angel Tears?

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Feng Xiao’s trembling hand touched her tender cheeks again and again. It was as if he was seeing her timid appearance from when they first met, it was as if he saw the shyness and joy on her face when he first kissed her, it was as if he saw the cute and focused expression she had when she made her cakes……He couldn’t believe that this girl who wasn’t even willing to be a princess would really be leaving him.

“Big brother Feng, it was my fault, it was all my…..fault. I shouldn’t have brought her here……” Yang Xi Ruo’s voice was already choked up. For a long time, she had been with this cute little girl every day and had already treated her like a sister. She liked her very much and even had a bit of dependence on her. She never treated her as a NPC in the game and treated her as a little sister to share her joys and concerns with.

Now because of her, she had lost her forever……This kind of pain and guilt felt like it was ripping her organs apart……

“No……” Feng Xiao no longer knitted his brows, no longer showing any emotions on his face. There was only a bit of sadness in his voice. He gently lifted Shui Rou Rou’s body up and jumped onto Xiao Bai before gently pulling Yang Xi Ruo over.

“Ruo Ruo, don’t feel sad, it’s not your fault, it really isn’t……If you’re like this, big brother Feng will feel even more sad…..Don’t cry, alright?” Feng Xiao gently wiped the tears from her face as he felt even more pain.

“No! It’s all my fault, it’s all me, it’s all me!” The tears that came out completely soaked Feng Xiao’s hand. Feng Xiao no longer spoke as he tightly held Yang Xi Ruo and letted her vent.

“Heavenly, Water, Turtle, Emperor!” This cold voice came from Feng Xiao. He calmly looked at the faint white shadow on the bank of the Heavenly Water Lake before using an “Infinite Space Gate” to return to the Feng House.

The Heavenly Water Turtle Emperor gave a strong shiver. At that moment, it felt an extremely cold and oppressive aura that created a nameless fear in its heart.

“Don’t cry, Xi Ruo. Wait here for me, alright?” Feng Xiao gently put down Yang Xi Ruo.

“Big brother Feng…..where are you going? Let me……be with Rou Rou some more, alright?” Yang Xi Ruo’s choked voice said this as more tears fell.

“I’m going to save Rou Rou.” Feng Xiao’s hands holding her tightened.

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“Save……Rou Rou……” Yang Xi Ruo muttered before suddenly wiping away her tears, “Big brother Feng, do you really think that Rou Rou can be saved?”

Find the original at bit.ly/3Tfs4P4.

“Definitely…..She definitely can be! No matter how hard……No matter what I need to do……No matter what the price……I will search all over the Heavenly Dragon Continent and save her and then she will never leave us.” Looking at the girl who had a shattered heart in his arms, Feng Xiao’s eyes filled with an unprecedented firmness.

“Un! I believe that big brother Feng can definitely do it!” Yang Xi Ruo smiled through the tears, giving him confidence, and giving herself even more confidence.

“Go, Xiao Bai! To the Heavenly Dragon Imperial Palace!”

As if it felt the sadness in its master’s heart, Xiao Bai silently flew up and headed west as quickly as possible.

Yang Xi Ruo watched this slowly disappearing white figure as she gently placed her hand at her chest. Rou Rou, you have to come back. We have to be sisters for life.

Feng Xiao tightly closed his eyes as he tightly held the soft body in his arms, as if he was afraid that she would receive another injury.

Only when he lost her did he realize how much his heart hurt, how he already couldn’t leave her anymore. He didn’t even dare to think of a life where this girl didn’t happily call him “young master”.

Rou Rou, no matter what happens, I will save you.

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Xiao Bai quickly flew forward and reached the Heavenly Dragon Palace in a few minutes. Feng Xiao didn’t land like before and continued flying right towards the royal study.

Empress Shui Yue was strangely panicking today, as if something bad had happened. She hated this kind of feeling, just like she hated the man named Wind Spirit.

“Sir secret envoy……Ah……Princess Shui Rou……”

The cry from outside surprised Empress Shui Yue. Her most hated Wind Spirit carried a girl in a yellow dress in, only this time he didn’t have that evil smile that he normally had, rather had a look of sadness.

“Ah!! Rou Rou……Rou Rou, what happened……” Seeing the body he carried in his arms, Empress Shui Yue called out in shock as a strong unsettled feeling filled her heart.

“Call all the royal doctors and the light magic users, I have to save her!” Feng Xiao said in a commanding tone as he stared right at Empress Shui Yue.

Shui Yue didn’t care about his tone. The word ‘save’ was like a stick that slammed right into her heart.

“Wind Spirit!! You b*stard! How are you protecting my little sister!!” Empress Shui Yue suppressed her rage and tightly bit her lip as she looked at him. If she didn’t need to care about the prestige of the empress, she would have forcefully hit him.

“Call all the royal doctors and the light magic users, I have to save her!!!!” Feng Xiao ignored Shui Yue’s dark look that seemed like she wanted to grind him to dust as he repeated this.

Shui Yue gave a cold laugh, “Do you think that they can save Rou Rou? If it was that simple, my father wouldn’t have died that easily!”

Feng Xiao’s eyes dimmed a bit before he looked up again, “Tell me what I need to do to save her. As long as it can save Rou Rou, I’ll do anything!”

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Feng Xiao’s determined tone surprised Empress Shui Yue. Seeing the deep pain in his eyes, her expression slowly relaxed.

Although he wasn’t good, at least he was sincere towards Rou Rou.

Shui Yue closed her eyes and only opened them after a long time. She calmly said, “How is reviving after death that easy? Perhaps in the entire palace, only he knows how.”

Feng Xiao suddenly looked up at her with bright eyes.

Shui Yue went to the desk and her jade hands touched a golden glowing sphere to turn it a bit.

In the center of the room, there was a dazzling golden light that appeared. In that light, a tall figure slowly appeared. Not a single part of him wasn’t golden and his ancient looking face was filled with dignity. Although he didn’t send out an aura, his tall body gave people a suppressive feeling as if he was born to be a king.

“Yue’er, what did you call me for?” Oh?” The tall man looked at Feng Xiao who had been staring at him and was a bit surprised.

“Giant Golden Dragon!”

“That’s right, you can actually recognize me.” The Giant Golden Dragon gave a nod. His interest in this man named Wind Spirit wasn’t normal.

“Uncle Huang!” Empress Shui Yue quickly came in front of him and gave a respectful bow before saying in a voice filled with pleading and hope, “Uncle Huang, something happened to my good sister. Do you have a way to save her?”

“It’s this girl?” The Giant Golden Dragon looked at the silent delicate girl for a bit before shaking his head, “Save? I can’t do it. I don’t have any understanding of magic, so I can’t save this girl.”

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Feng Xiao’s eyes lit up as he anxiously asked, “You mean that there is magic that can save her?”

The Giant Golden Dragon looked at him and calmly said, “Of course. There’s a Light Attribute Forbidden Spell called ‘Angel’s Tears’. It can revive a person who didn’t die a natural death. But to comprehend a forbidden spell, it requires a high talent and ability, so it has vanished in the present.”

The Giant Golden Dragon shook his head after saying this. He looked at the girl with a look of pity as his meaning was clear, give up.

“No! Since it’s a Light Attributed Forbidden Spell, then there’s someone. He can definitely save her.” Feng Xiao finally saw some hope as his voice began trembling.

“Oh?” His words attracted the Giant Golden Dragon’s interest, “Is there really someone like that? If there is, I want to meet that person.”

“You should already know that person……He is the Radiant Sacred Dragon! The light attributed Super Divine Beast, it should be easy for him to use all kinds of Light Attributed Forbidden Spells.”

“You actually know the Radiant Sacred Dragon?” The Giant Golden Dragon was surprised before shaking his head with a calm look, “But, you’re wrong. His light energy is purely on the attack route and can’t heal at all, so give up.”

“What……How could it be like this, how could it be like this……” As his hope was extinguished, Feng Xiao suppressed the rising despair in his heart as he slowly said, “Then can you tell me if there is anyone that can use this forbidden spell!”

“The Heavenly Dragon Continent is filled with crouching tigers and hidden dragons, who can be certain that someone with this talent doesn’t exist. But……” The Giant Golden Dragon calmly looked at him and said, “So what? Will time allow you to find them? EVen if you find them, why would the other side help you? This girl’s body will dissipate by tomorrow. Do you have the confidence to find this person that might not exist in a single day?”

The Giant Golden Dragon’s ruthless words were like a bucket of ice cold water that fell onto him. Feng Xiao’s body drained of all energy and he fell down after shaking a few times. He knew that the Giant Golden Dragon was right.

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