Legend of the Asura

Chapter 267

LOTA - Chapter 267: Any conditions?

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11-14 minutes 26.01.2023

“After the Beast King awakens, you can summon my power. Goodbye, the Heavenly Dragon Continent’s future will rest on your shoulders, so work hard.” The Azure Dragon’s figure slowly disappeared like mist before scattering away.

Summoning the Azure Dragon!

Then add in the “Descent of the Vermilion Bird” that Xiao Bai had learned at the Death Volcano, Xiao Bai had a total of six chances to summon a Sacred Beast! Even if he were to face an Immortal Beast or a Divine Beast, he didn’t need to worry about anything. A Sacred Beast would be able to talk care of a Divine Beast in a minute just like walking in their sleep.

After praising Xiao Bai in secret, Feng Xiao gathered his thoughts. With a flash of white light from his left hand, Feng Xiao appeared in the hall of the Feng House.

“Big brother Feng!” Xi Ruo who had been by Shui Rou Rou’s side the entire time threw herself into his embrace.

Three days of not seeing him had filled her heart with thoughts of him and loneliness from not having Rou Rou. These three days had been as long as three years. Now that the warmest thing that she could depend on was back, the pressure in her heart vanished like the clouds.

“Ruo Ruo, I got the thing that we needed, we will definitely be able to save Rou Rou.” Feng Xiao softly patted her back.

“Un!” Yang Xi Ruo wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and smiled through them. She already knew that he would definitely be able to do it. Just like how he had cured her illness that no one could do anything about. Countless times, she even suspected that he was a god that the heavens had sent to her.

Without contacting Yao’er and Bao Bao who were in Fire God City, Feng Xiao gave Rou Rou who was silently laying there a look of pity and gently lifted her golden glowing body before heading to the Heavenly Dragon Palace.

Shui Rou Rou’s protective golden light, other than when time was up, only the Giant Golden Dragon could release it.

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Xiao Bai went as fast as possible and arrived above the royal study in less than ten minutes. Feng Xiao jumped down holding Shui Rou Rou and charged into the royal study.

“I’ll have to trouble you to call out the Giant Golden Dragon, I’ve already gotten the Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice!” Without even greeting Shui Yue, Feng Xiao called this out as soon as he opened the door.

The familiar hateful voice made the brows of Empress Shui Yue that were knit in thought release, but then it was replaced with a shocked look, “What? You got the Thousand Year Profound Ice this quickly?”

Empress Shui Yue was panicking, not knowing how to express her feelings. This hateful man, he created unbelievable miracles again and again. Now he had gotten the Thousand Year Old Profound Ice that normal people couldn’t get normally in such a short period of time!

Once……twice……thrice? Four times……could it really mean……

“Listen carefully, it’s the Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice! Quickly call out the Giant Golden Dragon.” Feng Xiao said in a dissatisfied voice before raising his voice again.

“What did you say?! Ten Thousand……Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice?” Empress Shui Yue stood up from her chair before rushing in front of Feng Xiao with a shocked look.

Her intuition told her that he was telling the truth. He actually……got the Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice that existed in legends!

How did he do it?

Feng Xiao expected Empress Shui Yue’s shock. He placed Shui Rou Rou on Shui Yue’s bed and then with a wave of his hand in front of her trembling eyes, there were two blue glowing crystals that appeared.

These two giant pieces of blue crystals fell to the ground. Each one was two meters long, one meter wide, and half a meter tall. It released a faint water blue glow, but it didn’t release any cold around it at all.

“This is……Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice?” Empress Shui Yue’s trembling body leaned over, moving towards the stone that had a purity that no one could believe. Seeing its stats, her eyes couldn’t look away again.

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She needed it, she dreamed of it! But she could only take it as a dream……That was because there were only two pieces on the entire continent and they were unimaginably valuable. The one that had owned them was the incomparably honourable Azure Dragon!

Now……they had actually appeared in front of her eyes!

“I have to trouble your majesty to call out the Giant Golden Dragon and then find the best artisans to craft one of these into an ice coffin.” Feng Xiao looked at the stunned Shui Yue as he said this. The Azure Dragon had put the specialties and the methods of using the Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice into his brain. The Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice contained an extreme cold energy that already went against the natural order of the world, which could go against the foundations of the world. It didn’t give off any coldness, but it could perfectly protect a body that was near it. Moreover, it could protect it for ten thousand years!

The most valuable thing was that it could easily be carved into any shape, just like a normal piece of ice.

Empress Shui Yue didn’t reply and didn’t come back to her senses for a long time. She still had one hand on the Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice, as if she wanted to hold it tightly.

“Give me the other piece, alright!” Her voice was filled with pleading for the first time. With this piece of Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice, she could forever keep the body of her royal father. She could see him every day and let him see her growth. Her life was exchanged for her father’s life, so she hoped that she could fulfill her duty as a daughter to make up for the grievance and guilt in her heart.

“This……” Feng Xiao secretly grinned, but he revealed a difficult look. After stuttering for a while, he said with a difficult look, “Your majesty, you should also know that the Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice is the Azure Dragon’s item. She seriously told me when giving them to me that I can’t give it to anyone else……”

“Give me your condition!” Empress Shui Yue’s face turned calm as she coldly cut him off. The discipline of the emperor’s throne made her quickly calm herself and exchange for her normal prestige, but her eyes still couldn’t help looking at the Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice.

Not to mention that anyone could see that the awkward look that Feng Xiao revealed was just so he could bargain with her.

“Ke, ke……” Feng Xiao gave an awkward cough before saying with a serious look, “Actually, I know that your majesty is filled with filial piety towards the previous emperor and I, Wind Spirit am filled with incomparable respect for the previous emperor. I am already honour bound to get the piece of Thousand Year Old Profound Ice for your majesty, how could I come up with any conditions? Otherwise, I would clearly be a despicable villain that takes advantage of others……”

“You were a shameless and vulgar villain to begin with!” Empress Shui Yue muttered in disdain.

Feng Xiao: “......”

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Feng Xiao’s passionate and selfless words were stuck in his throat. He raised a brow in a dissatisfied manner before his expression became evil.

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He had planned on giving the other piece of Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice to Empress Shui Yue for free. It was considered a repayment and respect for the previous emperor, but Shui Yue had to give him a reason to ask for a sky high price.

“Many thanks for your majesty’s admiration and love. Then this shameless and vulgar villain will not care about face and reject this offer!” Feng Xiao looked at her and his tone became serious, “Are you certain that you can accept any condition?”

“Humph!” Empress Shui Yue gritted her teeth, “That’s right! As long as you give me this piece of Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice, I can agree to any condition!”

“Oh? Any conditions? You’re not afraid that I’ll raise a presumptuous request?” Feng Xiao looked at her from head to toe with an obscene look as his smile became more frivolous.

“Then that depends on if you have the guts!” Empress Shui Yue looked at him in disdain as the meaning in her eyes were clear. As long as I give the word, whether it’s the Giant Golden Dragon or the guards with the big blades, any of them can instantly kill you.

“Then how do you know I don’t have the guts!” Feng Xiao curled his lips as his face filled with even more disdain.

Faced with his gaze that wasn’t restrained at all, Empress Shui Yue’s heart started beating faster. She knew better than anyone what he could do. Subduing the qilin, the Vermilion Bird had died because of him, and now the Azure Dragon had even given him this most precious item……Three Sacred Beasts, each one being an idol that she had to look up to. Also there was her royal father’s prediction. She really couldn’t and didn’t really dare do anything to him.

“This shameless and vulgar will really make the most excessive request……Could it be that I have to be insulted by him?” Thinking of the Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice and his obscene smile, Shui Yue was so aggrieved that she almost cried……

Seeing the grievance that was coming out as she tried to keep that dignified look, Feng Xiao felt helpless. She was still a little girl, she really was easily scared.

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“Alright, I’ll give this piece of Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice to your majesty. As for the request……I haven’t thought of it for now, but I guarantee with my moral quality that’s more firm than the RMB, this request definitely will be easy for your majesty.” Seeing her face relaxing, Feng Xiao changed the topic, “I still have to ask your majesty to summon the Giant Golden Dragon and the best artisans immediately.”

Seeing his solemn vow, although she didn’t know what the “RMB” was, she did feel more assured. She didn’t keep asking and quickly sent people to find the artisans, as well as the Giant Golden Dragon.

An hour later……

Feng Xiao gently put the ice crystal coffin in his room. Seeing her cute face that was even more gentle than mist, he wanted to smile and he wanted to cry.

Feng Yao silently stood beside him, holding Bao Bao’s hand without making a sound. She understood how he felt now. He was a bit more assured now, but he was also filled with guilt for not properly protecting her.

Big brother will definitely spend this period of time wildly searching for the person who can use the “Angel’s Tears”.

She looked at Shui Rou Rou with a pitiful look. This kind of illusory feeling of lying in this water blue coffin made her feel jealous for no reason.

“Big brother……” Feng Yao came forward and looked at the illusory crystal in front of her in a daze, “If I lose my life one day, I also wish that I can be put to rest like this.”

Feng Xiao was stunned before tapping on her head, “What nonsense are you saying? My Yao’er will live to a hundred……No, she will live forever without aging. Without my permission, no one can take away my Yao’er!”

Feng Yao gave a sweet laugh as she still had the same loving look, “People will eventually get old……If there is a day, I hope that big brother will go before me and I can lay with big brother’s body in the ice coffin……That way, we won’t part for ten thousand years even if we’re no longer alive……”

Feng Yao’s eyes looked into the distance, as if she could see herself in a hundred years, the scene of him and her still depending on each other……Only everything was a dream. The Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice could only exist in the Rebirth World.

Yang Xi Ruo looked at her as her lips curled into a faint smile. That was because what she wanted was the same as what Feng Yao wanted.

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