Chapter 27: An Eye

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Throughout the months during which Bao had lay there still and unmoving, her body never seemed to change at all. Her hair hadn’t grown. She didn’t lose weight. She remained the same as ever.

After waking up though, she felt a wave of weakness building up deep inside of her. It was as if she hadn’t slept during all of those months, and all the exhaustion were on the verge of breaking out at one time. She felt like she might fall unconscious again at any moment.

Other than willpower, the only thing that kept her awake was hunger. Deep, piercing hunger that made her stomach feel as heavy as a mountain.

She swayed a bit back and forth, then placed her hand down on the bed in front of her to stop the dizziness. For the moment, all thoughts of metalworkers vanished from her head.

“Bao, you’re back!” Mao Yun exclaimed, leaping to his feet.

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“Hungry,” she said. “Food. Now.”

Mao Yun blinked, then rushed out of the room, whereupon the entire stronghold was thrown into a frenzy.

Mao Yun returned minutes later with steamed buns, pickled vegetables, and cured meat. The food vanished almost before he could put the tray down in front of Bao.

“More,” she said before she even finished swallowing the final mouthful.

Mao Yun’s eyes went wide. For the course of the next three hours, dish after dish was brought in, which Bao wolfed down without hesitation. Even during the time in which the event played out, exaggerated stories already began to spread.

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“Did you hear that Chieftess Bao just ate ten bowls of noodles in a row? Without even breathing!”

“I heard that Mao Yun already sent people down to Fan to buy more pickled vegetables. Chieftess Bao ate an entire month’s worth of stock!”

“I heard that at one point she was so hungry waiting for the next dish that she ate the chopsticks!”

“The chopsticks were nothing! They even had to get a new table!”

After three hours, Bao took a deep breath. “Water,” she said. Mao Yun nodded.

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More stories spread.

“Third Zhou said we’ll probably have to start working on a new well after this. The current one is running dry!”

“Mao Yun said that for the next month, all the alcohol and wine is free because Chieftess Bao drank all the water!”

“Hey, what are you doing?!”

“I’m going to burn this incense to Eastern Sea Goddess and beg her not to turn Chieftess Bao into a water ghost!”

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Finally, Bao finished. She wiped her lips with a cloth handed to her by Mao Yun, then yawned.

“Mao Yun,” she said.

“Yes, Chieftess Bao.”

“I… need to… sleep for a--” She promptly flopped back down into the bed and began to sleep. This time it was not a coma, but she did sleep for three days straight, during which time Mao Yun, Third Zhou and Li Runfa took turns watching over her, just like they had during the long months in which she was in a coma.

Third Zhou was on watch when she woke up again. This time, when Bao suddenly sat up, she didn’t ask for food and water, but instead, a pen and brush. Third Zhou hurried back moments later, followed by Mao Yun. When Bao was handed the brush, she immediately began to write onto the paper.

From north to east the clouds surge forth

From south to west fair feathers sing

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