Les Interprètes

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

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Cheng Jiayang

When I got to his office, my father’s back was to me as he used the electronic screen to play golf.

I looked at him from behind. He was tall and vigorous, each gesture as elegant as a tiger.

I said, “Father.”

He did not respond..

After playing for more than 10 minutes, he finally stopped and looked back at me, his face ruddy and his forehead sweaty. He took out a handkerchief and wiped his face and then said: “Come.”

I walked over and looked at him calmly.

What did he know and what would he say to me?

But that wasn’t important.

Since I had already decided to be with Qiao Fei, it was necessary to face my parents anyways, so this was an obstacle that had no significance.

I made up my mind and felt calm.

Approaching him, I hoped he would come straight to the point.

“Choose a day, and we will make arrangements for Xiaohua and your wedding.”, he said to me, wiping the club in his hand.

“Impossible,” I looked at him and said clearly.

But my voice wavered as I realised this would be a slap to his face. He swung the club forcefully and it hit my face accurately. I lost control and fell, my head hitting the ground heavily. I could taste blood in my mouth, as my ears roared. Under the intense pain, I only felt like that side of my face no longer belonged to myself.

He came over and squatted down, bringing his face near to mine. “I think you can find the answer here. You tell me, why did Xiao Hua leave the wedding?

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“I do not know.”

I slowly spoke, wishing he was listening closely.

“You do not know?” He looked at me carefully, as if weighing this sentence.

I hated the way he looked at me from top to bottom . I put my hands on the ground, enduring the pain. I must stand up.

He swung his club at my shoulder, where my skin was the thinnest. The metal club hit my bones directly. I had just gotten up but was knocked back to the ground again.

“I always thought you were well behaved, so I didn’t pay too much attention to your wayward ways.” He changed to a heavier club and picked up a heavier ball. Laying it down, he enunciated carefully, word by word, “I will make you yield to me. Otherwise, it’ll be better to kill you today, so as to avoid future worries.”

I didn’t dodge- even if I tried to dodge I couldn’t have dodged his blows. What was the point of letting him see me as a sorry figure? As his blows rained on me, I really hurt at first, but then it felt as if this body no longer belonged to me. It had stopped hurting. I laughed.

My father stopped.

Panting, he watched me as he ran his fingers through his messy hair. With his appearance, he was really a more sorry figure than I was.

I sat up slowly- he had pretty much shattered my bones. Then, I had to tidy my hair.

Had he stopped ? He did not speak and just watched me as I leaned on the wall to stand up.

I did not leave but gradually approached him. Today, I would let him have all his fun. After this, he would not find me again.

My father was still holding the club. Staring hard at me, he said “Do you think I do not know? Doing this is all for that cheap girl right?”

“You have such a high position, how can you say these kind of words?” I said, “If she is a cheap girl, your son is a frequent visitor to brothels.”

I slowly approached him and slowly spoke to him. Although my whole body was in pain, I had to make something clear to him . “This is a question of responsibility. Whatever you do, you must take responsibility. You taught me all this, right?”

Thus, if you use the club to give me a good beating , I can only endure it.

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Because you are my dad.

There is no other reason, nothing more than that. Why else would I be beaten up like this? Why else was it so unbearable when you said those words about my woman? …”

I looked at his face, my heart wanting to laugh. I wanted to complain, but I was not in the mood to continue fighting. I said: “That’s right , you can either kill me,or leave me alone.”

I turned and leaned against the wall.

I only heard his heavy breathing. Rarely had I heard him breathe like this, he had still gotten older.

I should have probably taken a taxi. My face looked terrible. As I walked all the way from the Ministry to the parking lot, it drew a lot of people’s attention.

I got into my own car. Catching sight of my face in the mirror, I couldn’t bear to give it a second glance. My hands were swollen and bent. I simply couldn’t drive. I knew I had just been beaten up badly, I had separated from my family, Qiao Fei is not in town, who was going to rescue me?

I took out my phone and dialled Jia Ming’s number. When he picked up, I cried: “Big brother, come over quickly. I let the old man play around. Come pick me up … … Hey, do not forget to bring pain medication.”

Jia Ming took me to the hospital and requested his colleagues to do the dressing. After I looked like a mummy, he asked me in amazement , “The Old man really beat you ruthlessly.”

His colleague asked, “Shouldn’t you report this?”

“I have to think about it.”

Jia Ming laughed, “ This can become a big joke.”

He put a cigarette in my mouth.”All right little bro,cool down. He is so old now, so don’t be so mad at him.”

I looked at him: “He has always been stronger than both of us .”

“That’s right, but,” Jia Ming said, “It’s bad that you’ve been beaten by him, otherwise there would be no further reason to have a bad falling out. This is good, it breaks you away from your bindings. But…..”

I know what he meant with “but”– Qiao Fei.

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I don’t know if my parents’ anger at me would let matters rest and let her go.

When I went to Xiaohua’s home to take my things, Jia Ming was waiting for me downstairs. As he watched me get off, he said: “If she saw you now, she would definitely regret all that scheming.”

Xiaohua was stunned when she opened the door and saw me.

“I’m Jia Yang.” I said.
( ha ha.. he looks so bad he has to introduce himself ?)

“Yes, I can see that,” she asked me to enter the room, “what happened?”

“ My dad was playing around.” I said.

She smiled and went back to her computer.

I did not have much at her place, a few shirts, bathrobes, toothbrush,a few books. When I tried to look for the books on the shelves, I accidentally dropped an album belonging to Xiao Hua . It fell on the injured foot, I did not hold back, and shouted out ,”Ah.”

“What’s the matter?” Xiaohua asked.

I did not answer her words, my eyes attracted to the photo sliding out from the album.

There were banners in the photo; this was the city’s high school English speech contest.

A girl and a boy, two beautiful and lovely young children , were with the host,their smiles bright and positive.

I had this picture as well. Because the boy was I in year 1. And the girl, if you looked carefully, was Xiaohua.

Xiaohua’s voice came from behind : “You never thought of me, right, Jia Yang?”

“But, you know, nothing happens without a reason,Jia Yang.”

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“You are in love with her, she is in love for you.”

“I began to like you from the age of fourteen, I just wanted to be with you, isn’t that love?”

I slowly stood up.

Xiaohua continued: “So, Jia Yang, you know the truth now. Your heart resents me, but I do not intend to apologise, I did not make a mistake.”

I took my stuff and went to her and handed over the key.

I looked at her face: “Xiaohua, I will never hate you, but, I, I am not the man, your man.”

She nodded: “Yes, I finally understand.”

Jia Ming took me back in his car to my home with Qiao Fei .

He had not been here before, as he went into the room, he said: “Hey, I didn’t know, you are quite organised.”

I was laughing, but my face was in pain.

Fei’s lingerie was hanging in the balcony.

Jia Ming saw this and shook his head: “I really don’t know know, how alluring a scene this is.”

I lit a cigarette, squinting, “Oh, that, that is really … …”

He was very interested. Sitting by my side, he said : “Tell me quickly, how is your sexual life coordination?”

“How can you call it coordination? That is almost like … …”

I stopped, closed my mouth and looked at this shameless bug : “I won’t tell you,even if you die of curiosity.”

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