Jinhyuk sensed danger while he was using his heal towards the front.

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He looked around inside his inventory and found his baseball bat trying to crawl out on its own.

Through his experience, he knows that this thing doesn’t happen for no reason.


“What could be nearby?”


Jinhyuk hurriedly took the bat to his hand and looked around in all directions.

Because of the bat’s high instinct effect, Jinhyuk was able to vaguely feel the enemy’s position.

He swung the bat immediately when he saw a part of his vision swaying like a haze.




The Lizard Man disguised in a protective color screamed with his distorted face.

His disguise was revealed and he returned to his original state.



“The monsters reached up to here?!”


The clerics exclaimed as soon as they found the group of monsters right next to them, while Jinhyuk was contemplating something.

The Titans hunters were busy chasing behind Ahn Doyoon in the fronts.

They seem to have no idea that monsters sneaked behind the clerics.

Jinhyuk shouted at the distressed clerics and told them not to worry.


“I’ll take care of these bastards, so you guys just keep focusing on healing!”


The clerics were shocked at Jinhyuk’s words.


“You’re taking them on alone?!”

“It’s dangerous!”


Looking at the monsters, there were roughly 20 of them.

It was like a suicide mission, taking on that many monsters that even the guild hunters couldn’t stop.


“We’d rather help you!”

“Anything’s possible if we all fight together!”


The clerics thought that if they stuck together and heal each other, they could prevent an unexpected attack.

But that method could never work.


“Then all the hunters in front will die. If your heal for the hunters upfront is delayed even a little, blood will be shed everywhere.”

“E-even so…”

“I’m confident, so don’t worry about me and just focus on the work you’ve been doing so far.”


Jinhyuk spoke confidently as he hoisted his bat and ran in the direction of the Lizard Men.

The half-confident clerics witnessed Jinhyuk breaking the Lizard Men’s head with a single swing.


“H-how can a cleric have such hunting skill…”

“Now, now! Let’s focus on healing just as he said!”


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When the clerics began healing the hunters again, the Lizard Men somehow tried to stop them.

However, as long as Jinhyuk blocked the path, there’s no way that these Lizard Men could move forward.


“Where do you think you’re going?!”


A Lizard Man who crossed the line immediately had his head crushed like clay from the impact from the baseball bat.

The other Lizard Men witnessed their colleague die without even a chance to scream, so they started hesitating.

Jinhyuk is confident despite being overwhelmingly outnumbered.

Some of the Lizard Men couldn’t handle the humiliation and started rushing in.

Five or six swung their swords at the same time, thinking that they should rush in at once, but none of them made it.

Jinhyuk moved quickly and had already been aiming at the side of their heads.

Having gained a lot of confidence in his previous battles, he attacked without hesitation and swung his bat.




The Lizard Men were beaten on their sides. The monsters who rushed towards Jinhyuk all fell on top of each other.

When Jinhyuk crushed the heads of the fallen Lizard Men one by one, the others clenched their teeth and attempted an ambush. 

A Lizard Man stabbed Jinhyuk’s back with the tip of his knife and smiled with great determination.

However, contrary to what he expected, Jinhyuk did not collapse nor bleed at all.




Jinhyuk smashed the head of the confused Lizard Man with his bat.

Then, he frowned as he stroked the part of his body that was hit by the Lizard’s knife.


“Ah f**k it, this one’s going to bruise.”


Thanks to the armor given by the dwarf, which he was wearing beneath his clothes, the only damage he’ll get was a simple bruise.




The Lizard Man, who saw that Jinhyuk wasn’t even injured by the knife, quickly turned around and ran away.

He realized that there was no chance of winning against this hunter.

The clerics were amazed by what they were seeing.


“Wow… he’s really taking them on all by himself.”

“Is he really a cleric?”


The reason that the clerics were surprised was because Jinhyuk was displaying skill of a B-rank hunter.

In particular, beating monsters with nothing but a baseball bat gave the impression that he was a hunter with high-level skills.

But the clerics weren’t the only ones interested in Jinhyuk’s display of performance.

S-rank hunter Seo Sangho, who rushed after he saw the monsters, witnessed Jinhyuk’s skill as well.


“Ahn Doyoon is alive thanks to that cleric.”


If Jinhyuk didn’t block the monsters who were aiming for the clerics at the back, they all would’ve been dead.


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“Shall I get to work now?”


Seo Sangho warmed up with a light stretch.

He then jumped at once and landed right at the center of the Lizard Men.

In just three seconds, Sangho flew over 200 meters and landed perfectly.


As soon as he landed, a roar resonated and the surroundings shook as if an earthquake had just occurred.

The Titans hunters cheered when they saw Sangho appear splendidly.


“It’s the guild leader!”


While everyone was happy to see him arrive, Doyoon looked depressed alone.

He spoke to his colleagues in an annoyed tone.


“Who the hell called in the guild leader?”

“We called him as soon as the situation started. We thought there’s no problem with calling help from our own guild.”

“….Stop saying useless things.”


He could’ve handled the situation without help from that guy.

Ahn Doyoon wanted to say that.

But he knew, with what just unfolded earlier, that no one would believe that.

The person who was in charge of commanding the others couldn’t stand it and just rushed into the enemy camp without thinking, so who would dare believe in him now?

Unlike Ahn Doyoon, Seo Sangho didn’t lose his mind and run wild.

Seo Sangho first took care of those who were tired and exhausted, even though they persist that they can still fight.


“I’ll create a path for you, so those whose stamina is left at 50%, hurry and fall back!”


Jinhyuk watched the scene unfold with his mouth wide open.


“I think that’s S-rank hunter Seo Sangho!”

“Seo Sangho? You mean the Titans Guild Leader?”

“Yea! Looks like we can head back now.”


So that’s what an S-rank hunter looks like.

Jinhyuk was impressed by how he managed to flip the situation alone.

Compared to his current skills, he realized he still has a long way to go.

He dreams of being that strong one day.


Seo Sangho handled the situation in 15 minutes. He counted the bodies of Lizard Men scattered everywhere.

An estimate of around 300 bodies collapsed.

Even if clerics were utilized as support, this kind of situation shouldn’t have been handled by new recruits.


“Ahn Doyoon, that crazy bastard.”


Seo Sangho realized that it was a mistake to assign Ahn Doyoon as a deputy guild leader.

He approached the depressed Ahn Doyoon and grabbed him by his collar.


“Why did you try to solve this alone without calling for help? Did you want to die with all these men?”

“If we asked for help in this kind of situation, then the guild’s reputation would be…”

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“It’s not because you worry about the guild’s reputation but because you wanted to save your own face!”


Seo Sangho was dissatisfied with Ahn Doyoon’s attitude.

Until now, the executives defended Doyoon and let him take on the role of a deputy guild leader because it was a great benefit for the guild, but now he couldn’t stand it anymore.

Sangho never imagined that Doyoon would put the new recruits’ lives in danger in his pursuit of his dignity.

It would’ve been acceptable if Ahn Doyoon commanded calmly until the end, but he gave up on that.

Seo Sangho realized it was useless to say anything more to this man.

He frowned as he let go of Ahn Doyoon.


“I have no intention of letting this pass, so go and wait for your suspension.”

“A-ah, but what have I done so wrong? It was just bad luck that we ended up in this situation.”

“This bastard really….”


He almost used his fist right away, but Sangho barely endured it because of the several eyes watching them.

Beating up a deputy guild leader in front of many people would only damage the guild.

As the person in charge of a large guild, he had to prioritize solving the situation instead of giving in to his emotions.




Seo Sangho took a deep breath to calm his anger.

One of the Titans hunters, who noticed the atmosphere getting more and more tense, opened his mouth to change the subject.


“Guild Leader, let’s first reward the clerics who kindly assisted us today.”

“Ah right. I almost forgot.”


Seo Sangho remembered Kang Jinhyuk who he saw fighting against the Lizard Men earlier.

He walked towards the clerics and personally thanked them.


“Thank you for your help today. If it weren’t for you all, it would’ve been a great disaster.”


Jinhyuk couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the Titan guild leader bow 90 degrees to express his gratitude.

Until now, he thought that all people from large guilds were arrogant bastards, but he seems to have changed his mind.

Another shocking thing happened.

Seo Sangho approached Kang Jinhyuk and reached out his hand, asking for a handshake.


“I saw you deal with the Lizard Men alone. It was an amazing display of skill.”

“Ah, right..”


Jinhyuk shook Seo Sangho’s hand with a nervous face.


“If you don’t mind, may I know your name?”

“My name… is Kang Jinhyuk.”

“Perhaps, are you already part of a guild?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Then what do you think about joining ours? Of course, I will exempt you from all the admission fees.”


Jinhyuk looked puzzled at the sudden offer.

An S-rank hunter personally recruiting him. It was unbelievable.

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“You’re recruiting this guy to our guild?”


Ahn Doyoon opened his mouth before Kang Jinhyuk was able to say anything.

He remembered Jinhyuk’s face. He was the one who protested to him just a few days ago, talking about why large guilds monopolized monsters.

It was unacceptable to let the low-ranked hunter, who had only been whining about not having much skill, join the prestigious Titans.

And most of all, it hurt Doyoon’s pride that he was helped by such a hunter.


“What’s so wrong with this person?”


Seo Sangho’s patience was being tested.


‘Patience, patience… No, I can’t stand this f***ing bastard anymore.’


In the end, Seo Sangho spoke while veins on his neck appeared from his anger.


“He’s the one who cleaned up the mess you left behind, you f***ing bastard!”


The hunters at the scene were all surprised to see the guild leader shouting at the deputy guild leader.

Jinhyuk enjoyed the situation. 

A hunter who held pride in himself was being scolded like a kid by his superior. It was a scene to enjoy with some popcorn.

He wondered how he could heat up the atmosphere more.

After much consideration, Jinhyuk opened his mouth with a sinister smile.


“Thank you very much for your offer, but I do not wish to be in a guild with a person such as him.”


Ahn Doyoon’s eyes opened wide after hearing those words.

He was already angry that he was being embarrassed by the guild leader in front of so many people.

He exploded after hearing such words from a hunter he hasn’t even heard of before.


“You better know who you’re going against, you f**ker!”


Ahn Doyoon took a swing and tried to slap Jinhyuk’s cheek.

Seo Sangho saw what Doyoon wanted to do and moved to stop him, but there was an object much faster than him

Instead of Kang Jinhyuk, it was Ahn Doyoon who fell with a resounding thud.


“Oh, hey…”


Kang Jinhyuk’s bat swung by itself as soon as it detected the threat.

Usually, Ahn Doyoon would’ve been able to avoid such an attack.

Due to the long battle, Ahn Doyoon’s stamina and MP were bottomed out.

On top of that, he was hit by an S-durability enchanted baseball bat.


‘An A-rank hunter fainted after being hit by a person like me? This makes some headlines.’


Surely enough, people around them took out their phones and took pictures of Ahn Doyoon.

Perhaps the story would pick up and become such a hot topic in a few minutes.

Jinhyuk smiled as he returned the red bat to his inventory.

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