Levelling Up In An Exclusive Dungeon - Chapter 25 - NovelMultiverse

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10-13 minutes

The opponent never expected that his surprise attack wouldn’t work.

He’s lucky that his face is covered with a mask.

If he had exposed his bare face as it is, Jinhyuk would’ve clearly seen the look of embarrassment on his face.


The mysterious man’s dagger was heavily covered with highly concentrated paralytic potions.

The power that the dagger packed was enough to paralyze an elephant.

If even a small drop of the potion went under a person’s skin, then that person would be done for.

However, no matter how threatening the power of a weapon is, it’s no use if the wielder cannot hit his target.

“Who the fxxk are you?!”

Kang Jinhyuk, who quickly avoided the opponent’s dagger, reached out to take off the man’s mask.

However, the mysterious man foresaw what Jinhyuk wanted to do.

He stepped back just in time and began to use his camouflage skills again.

As if watching a magic show, Jinhyuk was left in confusion when the person disappeared again.

He has no clue what the mysterious man’s purpose or reason was.

He has some rough guesses, but he can’t know for sure.

Jinhyuk looked around while using his aura and divine power throughout his body.

‘He’s still nearby.’

A faint sound of footsteps was heard.

The opponent’s exact location couldn’t be detected yet, but Jinhyuk is sure that he’s still near.

‘I’m the one at disadvantage here…’

Jinhyuk doesn’t know where the opponent was or what he was doing.

If this situation persists, the enemy might eventually find a gap and launch a surprise attack.

Jinhyuk thought hard of a solution.

And then, he started running as hard as he could.

The hiding man suddenly saw Jinhyuk running and thought that Jinhyuk was trying to escape.

“Where are you going?!”

The man had no intention of letting go of Jinhyuk. 

He wasn’t going to give up until Jinhyuk surrenders the corpse of the new monster.

The mysterious man running after Jinhyuk finally followed him out of the alley.

As soon as they left the alley, the man realized Jinhyuk’s true intentions.

Jinhyuk wanted to lead them to large crowds.

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“He led me to a place where there’s a lot of witnesses…”

If you want to hide a tree, you should hide it in a forest. 

Hiding in a crowded place would make it difficult for the mysterious man to find Jinhyuk.

“It’s not a bad idea, but you don’t know who you’re up against.”

Standing in the center of the crowd, the man demonstrated his enemy-searching skill.

His surprise attack might be unsuccessful, but he was able to mark Jinhyuk the moment he avoided his dagger.

As long as the mark was there, it was possible to find Jinhyuk with his enemy-searching skill.

“So you’re over there.”

The opponent found out which building Jinhyuk was hiding in.

“How did he get to the department store that quick?”

It hasn’t been that long since they went out of the alley.

Kang Jinhyuk was in a department store on the other side of the road. 

It’s odd and almost impossible that Jinhyuk could reach that far given that there were two large crosswalks before it.

“Hmm… I guess catching a new monster wasn’t just because of luck. He was able to block a surprise attack too. This guy is really skilled.”

When the mysterious man first heard the rumor of a newbie hunter catching a new monster, he thought that it was the hunter’s mere luck and not his skills.

But now that he’s dealing with Jinhyuk personally, his mind had changed.

The hunter he thought was a common C-rank hunter was actually someone with considerable skills.

He wished he had prepared more thoroughly, but he has no room for that now.

“I’ll have to finish him before he detects me again.”

The man rushed into the department store.

Contrary to his expectation, it wasn’t that easy to catch Jinhyuk here.

He grew more and more impatient as the minutes pass by.

As soon as he saw Kang Jinhyuk’s face, the mysterious man rushed towards him with his dagger raised. 

When the mysterious man opened a glass door and entered, Jinhyuk, who was hiding right next to the door, immediately swung his fist.


The man didn’t expect that attack at all.

He fell on the floor and rolled after taking in Jinhyuk’s attack.

The shock even removed the man’s camouflage skills.

The man barely managed to get up.

He immediately gulped down a potion.

‘H-how in the world…’

When Jinhyuk saw that the man didn’t faint, he clicked his tongue in disappointment. 

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He figured out the enemy’s location, but he couldn’t hit his vital point.

“If he doesn’t faint in one punch, I’ll just beat him up until he does!”

Kang Jinhyuk rushed in to kick the man before his opponent disappeared again.

The desperate man turned pale.

The potion only reduced the pain in his shoulder, but he still couldn’t move.

Even if he could use his camouflage skills, he won’t be able to widen the distance between him and Jinhyuk.

‘I don’t know how he’s doing it, but I know that bastard will know where I am for sure…!’

The man has no choice but to stretch out his left hand and use a defense skill.


Just like Jinhyuk’s ‘holy shield’, a translucent shield appeared in front of the opponent’s body.

Seeing this, Jinhyuk realized that his opponent was a magician.

There’s no other specialty that could use shields.

‘I was at a disadvantage at first, but not anymore.’

Magicians are powerful at long distances.

However, they were currently at a department store with lots of people around.

The magician won’t be able to use his long-distance skills here, because he’d cause a huge catastrophe if he does in this crowded place. 

Kang Jinhyuk thought that the opponent would never use his skills here if he were a human being with common sense.

Jinhyuk clenched his fist with all his might.

He didn’t forget to use divine power and shroud his fist with aura before striking.


As soon as he hit the shield, a loud noise similar to a bomb exploding resonated throughout the area.

The people in the department store all looked in the direction of the noise.

They all saw a shield getting shattered, as well as a masked man visibly shocked at what happened.

“My god…!”

The mysterious man doubted his eyes.

How can a C-rank hunter break his shield with a single blow?

A cleric on top of that!

It didn’t make sense that a cleric can break a shield with his bare hands.

The man has no choice but to remain in shock at this incredible situation.

The fist that broke his shield in one blow was now aiming for him.

There was only one skill that the man had to prevent the attack from hitting him.

Although the option was obvious, the magician hesitated on using that skill.

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‘Using that skill here is a bit…’

The man was troubled.

However, when he was driven to a corner and on a brink of being attacked, the man eventually reached out to Jinhyuk.

“Flame Storm!”

Jinhyuk was caught in surprise when he heard the man shout a skill name, followed by flames emerging from his hands.

The flame storm overturned Jinhyuk and the nearby civilians. 

The sprinklers burst from all over the ceiling, trying to control the flames, but the fire that overturned the department store did not die down at all.



The fire was burning hard at the entrance of the department store, so the people couldn’t easily evacuate.

People tried to escape by breaking the windows.


The man couldn’t help but laugh despondently at what he’s done.

He didn’t realize that his greed to get the new monster’s body would lead to this.

He regretted not having mastered various skills in advance.

“It’s a good thing that I covered my face.”

The man thought that no one would find him if he ran away right now.

It was regrettable that Kang Jinhyuk, who was inflicted with his flames, can’t show him the monster’s whereabouts now.

He shouldn’t have followed him here.

While everyone was still confused and in panic, the man got up from his seat and headed to the entrance of the department store.

“Pff, this guy doesn’t know what he’s doing. What a cheap person.”

“I know right. You fxxking bastard.”


The man was frightened at what was happening at the moment.

The man couldn’t even open his mouth again when he saw Jinhyuk standing with his clothes burnt to a black crisp.

“H-how are you still alive?!”

The mysterious man saw with his own eyes how Jinhyuk was hit directly by his flames.

He should’ve been dead and burnt like a charcoal from that kind of attack.

“AH, what the fxxk!”

The man urgently reached out his hand again.

He only hesitated at the first time he did it, but he can brazenly release his skill again now that the damage has been done.

He had already attacked other hunters and harmed countless civilians.

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If he was to get caught here, he would be sentenced to life imprisonment or even death.

The consequence of being a hunter was that punishments imposed on them are harsher than that of ordinary people.

Rather than getting caught here, the man decided to cause another accident and escape.

“Flame Sto—“

Before he could finish saying the skill’s name, he saw something suddenly fly towards him.

However, it was too late before he noticed it.

The object hit the man’s head with a bang!

The last thing the mysterious man saw was a thermos thrown by Jinhyuk with full power.

Jinhyuk was aware that the man could die if he throws this thermos at full speed towards the man.

Even though he knew that fact, he had no choice but to do it.

Not only was it an act of self-defense, but Jinhyuk wants to protect the other people from further damage that the magician could inflict.


Jinhyuk sat down after seeing the body of the mysterious man fall backward.

It wasn’t because of the guilt from murdering someone.

Of course, it was a shocking thing to kill a man, but this opponent was someone who deserved to die.

The reason why Jinhyuk’s face was distorted was because of his characteristics as a hunter and a cleric.

If a hunter kills a person, his stat window would show him as ‘evil’.

This was something that other hunters could check.

To make matters worse, hunters branded as ‘evil’ could never use clerics’ skills.

Even if cleric skills appear in his skill window, he won’t be able to use them.

This means that his divine power would disappear, and the aura he spent so much time learning would be unusable.

“Because of that fxxking bastard…”

The man caused so many problems for Jinhyuk.

He thought that the magician would behave if they were in a crowded place, but he never imagined that the man was crazy to do such a thing.

Would it be like this if they stayed back at the alley?

After a few seconds, a window popped up in front of Kang Jinhyuk.

[Karma levels increased due to murder.]

[Because a legitimate murder was not committed, the title ‘Evil’ is not added.]

[The skill of ‘Cleric’ will be changed.]

[You have levelled up.]

[You’ve achieved the conditions (hidden) for a second specialty change.]

Jinhyuk became confused as he read the notifications.

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