
Chapter 92

Hey, so I'm starting this at like... late at night because I, like, just finished getting caught up on this and the last update was.... more than a month ago.

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       I'm not a translator, I won't pretend to be good at it, but I'm gonna do my best and fix whatever I can that the MTL spits out.  I'm hoping to make at least some kind of coherency out of this mess.

       the japanese raw is here:
       needless to say this is a fan translation, I don't own this.


Someone was gathering at a certain place.

One of them, a giant fly; It spoke human language.

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"What? Manticore is dead?"

The man with a bearded clown (TN: bearded what now?) answers the question of the fly. No, this is not a human being.

"Well, that's okay, isn't it? I wonder if enough soldiers had been birthed? Beelzebub, right?"

"Well, that's right. Mephistopheles. The monster spawned by Manticore ... How many soldier eggs are there?"

The man called Beelzebub asked a clown named Mephistopheles.

Mephistofeles turned to another person, whose body was covered in flames, and answered Beelzebub's question.

"Roughly, it's 50,000. Is that enough? Belial?"

The man called Belial replied with a blunt voice.

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"Oh, pay it no mind. To destroy one country, that's enough to throw away. In addition, I, Lucifer, Bael, Beelzebub, and other high ranking members will follow after. The country shouldn't win, no; not against such a thing ... "

Belial stared at Mephistopheles and said:

"What happened to the red-haired girl and the kidnapping of the princess of the Mephirad kingdom? What happened to that Faust man?"

"Yeah, they would be the cornerstone of the resurrection of the devil."

“…………………… It is an incident that destroys the country.” (TN: is this a figure of speech?)

Mephistopheles replied to the offensive words of Belial, Bael, and Lucifer.

"I apologize for my blunder! measures will be taken!"
(TN: not sure what this means;

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"Hmph, it's Mephistopheles, so a mistake is not unexpected."

"For your praise, I thank you. By the way ... Amon-san, does what I am trying to do pan out? Please use your predictive ability, please?"

Answered by a strange creature called Amon, whose head is an owl and whose body is a human being.

"Ah, the kidnapping will be successful."

Hearing those words, all of those attending were relieved.

"After all, Amon's future predictions are true. But why, pray tell, was the red haired girl targeted for kidnapping? The princess will be the sacrifice."

Bael asked Amon.

The owl man answers.

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"She has the power to make the tools necessary for the resurrection of the Demon God. The princess contains the blood of the clan that sealed the devil."

In the end, when Amon is satisfied, Mephistopheles bellowed; it was a voice of determination.

"That's good, yeah? Our biggest goal is to release the Demon God ... Samael's seal! Everything else is 'following along' ... Everybody, let's not forget that! We aim for it! I've been working so hard for this for the last 300 years! "

Those who were there ... No, the Devils; they expressed their understanding one after another.

"Then ... DISMISSED!"

Each of them leaves the place.

In order to proceed with a large-scale plan that may or may not happen.

All for the purpose of reviving the Demon God, Samael .................

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