Life Howling

Chapter 4


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It’s so cheap….why is it…. no, wait. wait. hold on a minute. I said wait!

“hah. Hoo. Hah. Hoo.”

I started inhaling and exhaling again to gain focus.


This was a good weapon. I stared at it for quite a bit, but I had one problem….it was a standard gun. First, a dog appeared, but there’s no guarantee that another dog will show up again.

Then, what else would I need? I thought real long and hard….before something came to mind.

The Divine Law, which is a skill I’ve acquired from Lyfedearc, I suddenly ‘understood’ everything there is to know about this technique and how to ‘use’ it properly.

Let’s just say…that I know exactly how to use any skill that I acquire. If that really is the case, wouldn’t it be just better to just acquire a skill that I can do whatever with?

It’ll be better have a skill like that instead of a rifle, wouldn’t it?


Supernatural abilities?

Compensation search

Psychokinesis – 10P

The purported ability to move object through mental processes.

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One of many supernatural powers that can only be used by those whose brains are well-developed. And, because it consumes a lot of energy from overusing the brain from its natural capacity, the user would need a lot of sugar to keep going. The brain can sustain heavy strain if the body doesn’t gain must rest.

Here it is! I had to spend 10P for the skill… which was fairly cheap. Is it because it’s a low-level skill?

Right now, having the Divine Law is the problem for me. What…would go with it?

The Divine Law boosts recovery. Although it’s not much, I could rely on ‘Divine Flesh’ on top of ‘Basic Wound Heal’ to pick up the slack.

With this, I’d be able to stay alive just by using heal to close up my wounds because I can recover immediately right after each blow from the enemy. Now, how good can this get?

I wouldn’t have trouble staying alive as long as I have good equipment and don’t tire out during battle. Even reinforced plastic will help me defend against enemy blows. As long as I don’t tire out…

Wait. what?

What does it mean to tire out? Doesn’t it mean to lose energy?

If that’s the case….how about this?


Compensation search

Absorb – 10P

Forcefully absorbs energy from other lifeforms.

One of many supernatural powers that can only be used by those whose brains are well-developed. And, because it consumes a lot of energy from overusing the brain from its natural capacity, the user would need a lot of sugar to keep going. The brain can sustain heavy strain if the body doesn’t gain must rest.

There it is!

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Did they say something about absorbing life energy from others? It sort of sounds like the Blood Blessing skill I have since that, too, absorbs life right out of my enemies.


I realized I could use this skill right now, especially, when I was feeling dull and weak from fighting. Absorb. The skill drains life of whatever’s in my hand to my body.

This….is very useful. It’s great.

Test complete

Player Yoon-Hwan Jung


Text appeared on the wall, and I lost consciousness in the light.

& Daily life

Realize the importance of your everyday life. The boring life you live could be a light of happiness others.
-Morpheus, the King of Dreams.


Shut up….

My hand was already on top of the loud smart phone trying to shut it off before it made me want to throw it. After my phone was shut off, a quiet and empty sound surrounded me.

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Suddenly, I felt something strange. It made me jump from my seat.

What time is it?

I brought my phone closer to me to see the digitized clock. It was already 11 in the morning with bright lights piercing through the air.

Ah, that’s right, I fell asleep at 2 am. And… it seems like I had a “meaningless dream.”

With a smirk on my face, I slowly stood up from my seat. I stretched out my hands trying to get a feel from what I went through in my dreams.

Divine Power.

Does it really exist?


The morning alarm went off again. Now, it was notifying me that I need to get myself ready for work. I was cutting it close.

I changed my clothes and ran out of my small studio apartment as soon as possible.

As usual, this place is crawling with people. I got this job after taking time off from school because it was known to have a good pay.


A part-time job as a server in one of the country’s most popular family restaurants. It requires a lot of energy, but the pay is rewarding.


I arrived just before lunch time to see the restaurant’s empty, open hall with a chic beauty standing by the counter with a frown on her face.

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She’s the head manager of this massive place. Her name is Arah Shin. And, even though she is a noona, I have never called her one. I think that’s asking for death?

As soon as I walk in the restaurant, her frown disappears and she greets me with a light smile.

“Jung, you’re here already? you’re always early.”

I, too, smiled, but I had my head down because I couldn’t look directly into her eyes.

“Hello, head manager. Aren’t we supposed to uphold our schedule?”

“Yeah, but.”

I passed her as she was talking.

“I’m going to get changed.”

“Alright, I’ll see you soon.”

As I was passing her, I could see her smile turn back into a frown as she stared down into the books, but I tried not to pay too much attention.

After changing into the uniform, I briefly washed my hands and came out to the main floor. There’s much to be done. People will soon come rushing in.

Customers with children, couples who make me cringe while they eat, and people who act like they’ve been starving for weeks. They’re all coming in.

Serving people like that sure drains me. The rush hour finally passed. I found my haven, as I lit up a cigarette to smoke. If it wasn’t for this, I wouldn’t make it.

Strangely, today….hasn’t been all that bad.


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