Ji Shaoyan’s headache was relieved after a good sleep in the clinic. He regained some energy and began to look at the surrounding buildings, wanting to know where he was.

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Before, he had suddenly escaped when his little brother went to the parking lot. After randomly running around in the hospital, he finally escaped by hiding in a vegetable produce truck.

There was a long time in the middle of the journey where the truck did not slow down or stop at all, which meant they never met a red light. There was an 80% chance they they were on the highway and based on time speculation, it should be a highway in the city.

Taking into consideration that his brother might investigate the vehicles entering and leaving the hospital, he did not dare to wait any longer and ran into the vegetable truck soon after escaping. He waited for the vehicle to come to a complete stop before finding his chance to run, sprinting without ever stopping.

When he wanted to rest, he suddenly heard a dog barking not far away, and so he could only continue running.

Later, he fled into a small community and wanted to find someone he could stay with for a while, and by an unexpected turn of events, met this hooligan.

As of now, all he knew was that he was in the suburbs, because only the suburbs would have large areas of land to grow vegetables. What he didn’t know was which suburb this was and just how far it was from the city.

The little husky was about the size of an adult man’s forearm. Zhou Li supported him with one hand and stroked the puppy’s fur from time to time. He was prepared to hold the other down at any time to prevent the puppy from running away.

He followed the husky’s action and also looked around.

This city was called Qinglian City and it was a municipality under the central government.

It ranked at the end of the five cities directly governed by the central government. Although prosperous, the corners of the city were as if they were being raised by a stepmother. Good things never come to fruit, but bad things were always dug up, and not much has changed in decades. He remembered an example written in the novel, saying how they had finally decided to repair the subway after so many stumbling blocks in the way, but when the newly appointed project manager saw the insufficient amount of funds, he cut off the project without thinking about it. A truly miserable batch.

The full name of this “miserable little corner” was Xiangman Town of Liuxi District in Qinglian City.

Xiangman Town was a major agricultural and forestry town in the city, with more than 60% of the area used for crop planting and forestry cultivation.

The remaining plots were industrial areas, residential areas, and simple commercial areas. In addition, there were eleven villages scattered around. Nearly half of the villages have been demolished and the other half were still living in dilapidated self-built houses. The two younger brothers* of the boy Zhou Li was occupying, the ones whose households were living off substitutes, lived in the villages that had not been demolished. 

[T/N: followers of the original ZL, not literal]

This body’s original owner’s house belonged to the first group and had his village demolished, but it was taken down too early and they suffered losses instead.

Because the compensation for demolition in that era was not as high as the several millions of dollars they give now, the little money they were given was long gone by now.

At that time, there were no concept of leisure parks, but due to the ongoing tradition of self-owned markets the council left a large vacant lot to the side of the community near the road. When there wasn’t a market currently being held there were usually vegetable and fruit stalls scattered around, with the lot becoming an open-air farmers’ market.

In the hot summer day, Zhou Li only saw two or three fruit sellers still holding their posts. He slowly walked by them and followed the information injected into his mind, bypassing a circle of shops on the periphery of the neighbourhood before entering the area.

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This neighbourhood had been around for some years. Last year, the old apartment was renovated and painted over once, though the paint job was only decent at best. The lighting inside was dim and the corridor had a lingering musty smell.

Zhou Li had been a young master all his life and has never visited such a place.

While observing his surroundings, he stepped into the house with a slight sense of novelty and had a simple look around of his new home.

Two rooms and one hallway, with the total area not even as big as his little sister’s walk-in closet. But, he has always lived a cheerful and casual life, without that big of a picky attitude, and in addition to being so lucky he gained another chance to live again, he was actually quite happy with what he got.

He said to the uncle* in his arms, “Look, this is your home for the time being!”

[T/N: 大爷/da ye: term of respect for an older man (used kind of sarcastically by ZL)]

Ji Shaoyan didn’t want to look at all. He just wanted this hooligan to just go and die.

Zhou Li didn’t mind being so coldly treated.

He placed the husky on the coffee table and pulled out an unused cardboard box from somewhere, then took out two old shirts to pad the bottom and picked up the husky, dropping him in the box. He then brought out two bowls from the kitchen and poured water in one, reserving the second bowl for the dog’s meals.

After finishing his tasks, he saw that the husky was no longer lying on his stomach and instead standing up. Suddenly remembering something, he asked, “You drank so much water, do you want to go to the toilet?”

Ji Shaoyan finally gave him a little reaction and spared him a glance.

Zhou Li guessed that the other probably wanted to go but he had to pretend he had a ‘don’t know this dog is a human’ mentality. Placing a hand on the husky’s head, he said, “How about I take you to the toilet and wait a bit? Go, go, go, we can stay there for a little bit.” After saying this, he hugged the husky into his arms and entered the bathroom.

He looked at the toilet, then at the husky’s small body. Feeling that it may be a little difficult to stand on the toilet seat, he put the husky by the shower drain. Wanting to look away due to his thoughtfulness, he commented, “I’ll go change my clothes, wait and I’ll come back for you” and was met with the sight of the young master slightly standing up in front of him and peeing on the spot.

Then the young master moved aside a little, looking up at him as if he were waiting for Zhou Li to carry him back——for the whole process, he was incredibly calm, his appearance not revealing even a hint of discomfort.

Zhou Li: “……”

What the hell… This guy’s really capable ah!

Thinking back to the descriptions of Ji Shaoyan on those posts made by those love-struck fools, what school idol male god, what tender gentleman, what elegant noble… Only his exterior layer of skin can match these wishful posts. The insides are so dark, never mind shame, you can’t even find humanity unless you have a magnifying glass to help you search.

He very strongly suspected that if he hadn’t mentioned the toilet just now, this young master probably wouldn’t have even called out to him. If it was this guy, he would’ve most likely just found an open space in the box to solve his needs. This psychological quality was so strong it was abnormal.

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Deep down, he felt that this person was quite troublesome, but he outwardly pretended to be satisfied. He picked up the husky and praised, “This little guy is quite spiritual*!”

[T/N: intelligent]

Ji Shaoyan ignored him as usual and once he was placed back in his nest he immediately prepared to sleep again.

Zhou Li couldn’t sleep. He had to continue his performance before this uncle fell asleep.

So, he charged his phone and walked across the room to find a good location to stand it up, positioning it with the camera facing him. He clicked to start recording cleared his throat, then said, “Hello, I am your second personality. My name is Zhou Li.”

Ji Shaoyan heard this sudden sentence and looked up for some unknown reason. After getting his answer, he closed his eyes again, showing disinterest. Schizophrenia was basically a ticking time bomb. What he needed to do now was cultivate his energy, get away from the source of danger during the early stages and find another way out.

Zhou Li only needed to make sure the other could hear him. He said, “I’ve come out in the past once, but it wasn’t for long. Today, I was able to finally come out again. Maybe God couldn’t stand watching your dog-abusing behaviour so he sent me to save this innocent little life. Also, I’m sorry. The five hundred dollars you had, I spent it all.”

“I know you’re not in the mood to raise a dog, so when it gets better, I’ll give it away.” He smiled, showing a row of little white teeth. “I advise you to learn the ways of the world. If you hit him again after I go back to sleep, when I come out again, I’ll put on women’s clothes and run to those brothers of your and put on a dance performance. If you don’t believe me, just try.”

Oh, this threat should work.

Ji Shaoyan thought, perhaps his safety can be guaranteed in the short term.

After Zhou Li’s performance came to an end, he stopped recording the video and no longer disrupted a certain uncle.

The bedroom space was very small.

On the left side of the door, there was a desk placed against the wall with a simple bookshelf. Next to it was a wardrobe, and next to that was a large bed that continued the row of necessities. Other than a chair in front of the desk, there were no other furniture. The layout was very simple.

When the original owner left earlier that day, he didn’t fold his blankets and had thrown a towel on bed, which was splayed out with wrinkled. There was also a pair of beach pants lying on top of that, which was something he usually wore at home.

Zhou Li didn’t have a hobby lounging around with a naked upper body. He found a light vest in the closet and began to change clothes.

Taking off his T-shirt and jeans, he noticed the scars and tattoos on his body.

Some of these scars were earned from fights and the rest were all beaten in by Qian Duoshu. Two of them were still fresh, and taking from that it can be seen that Qian Duoshu has become increasingly irritable recently.

He couldn’t help but pray again that he will be able to get through this summer holiday safely, then turned his attention to the tattoo.

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As a boss with a group of younger brothers, the original owner had been running wild on the road of the Young and Dangerous and got himself two tattoos. One was an eagle soaring on his left shoulder, the other was a red-inked “endure” on his left ankle. Both had quite some thought put into them.

His title of “Ying-ge*” came from his tattoo.

[T/N: Brother Eagle]

This was also the reason why he fell in love with the heroine at first sight not too long ago. The reasoning was, he had a great surge of attraction when he heard someone call her name, “Song Yingshi”, because——he was a big bird, and Song Yingshi was a little bird. They were both birds, a match made in heaven!

[T/N: the ‘ying’ in SYS’s name is the same for oriole birds, who are quite small]

When Zhou Li read this psychological explanation, he had burst out with laughter. Who knew that with one twist of his head he would become this big bird himself.

At present, the big bird has harassed the little bird two or three times, and Song Yingshi’s perception of him has slipped like a mudslide, to the point where she would actively avoid him when crossing paths.

However, Song Yingshi had a good temper and a kind heart. She was much easier to deal with than a certain uncle. It will be very easy to gain her favour.

Young Master Zhou has always had his own code of conduct.

If others owe him, he can decide whether or not to collect debts based on his mood. If he owed others, most of them will be paid back.

Now having already did all he could regarding what will happen when he no longer has control of this body, he must turn his attention to fixing everything about robbing the heroine’s pet dog.

His plan was to raise Ji Shaoyan’s favourability value towards him from a negative number to zero, then give this uncle to the heroine. After that, they can finally get married, and he can finally be alone in silence. Perfect.

He flopped down on the bed with optimism and quickly fell asleep.

His dream was like a movie, with elements from his past life as well as those from his present life blending together. He slept muddleheaded and was finally awakened by the sound of the door opening. Seeing the sun descending to the west, he knew Qian Duoshu had returned.

Ji Shaoyan was already awake and also heard the movements outside. He looked up at the door, wanting to see other members of this family.

Zhou Li hesitated for a few seconds and took his time getting off his bed, then walked out wearing slippers.

At this time, he only heard a “click”. Qian Duoshu opened the door first and looked at him, saying, “You’re home? Then why didn’t you cook?”

Zhou Li said, “I overslept.” 

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As soon as his voice fell, Qian Duoshu flung out a leg and kicked him over, exerting great force into a single limb.

Zhou Li was caught off guard and failed to stand upright. He plummeted to the ground and hit the edge of the bed with his back, and could only let out a groan.

“Sleep, sleep, sleep, other than lazing around and causing trouble for me, what the fuck can do!” Qian Duoshu entered with large strides. “Laozi* tirelessly works outside to earn money, while you…”

[T/N: arrogant way of saying ‘this father’ (puts oneself above others)]

As he spoke, he notice the living animal inside the cardboard box and immediately turned to him. “Where the hell did you pick up this beast? Laozi can’t even raise you, let alone this thing!”


Seeing that the man was about to kick, Zhou Li rushed over to block him.

He’s already spent nine hundred, if this guy breaks a bone then there’s no money to save him!

The next second, that leg kicked him on the back.

Zhou Li let out a “sss” and while enduring the pain, he quickly said, “My classmate’s dog, I’m raising him here for a few days. This is a famous dog, if you kick him to death then we’ll need to spit up a lot of money.”

“Why would anyone let you raise it, hurry up and throw it back!” Qian Duoshu kicked him again but didn’t bother the dog again. Loosening his tie and leaving the room, he angrily spat, “Get out and cook for laozi!”

Zhou Li had never been beaten like this before and was almost even a little confused.

He rubbed his aching back, half of his mind thinking that damn it, this uncle will teach you how to be a proper man, while the other half was thinking that he absolutely could not waste this opportunity. Under this atmosphere of “sacrificing oneself to save a dog”, he showed a weak and strong smile while tendering patting the dog’s head. “Don’t be afraid, it’s over now. I will protect you, you can put your heart to rest.”

Ji Shaoyan stared at him and wanted to sneer.

Just by visual observation, one of you is schizophrenic and the other has an inclination towards domestic violence. Just where can I rest my heart?

The author has something to say:

Young Master Ji is such a tragic man.

The viewers’ heart breaks and the listeners shed tears.

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