He can act so well at a young age. Why doesn't he become a film emperor!

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"Don't hit me, I'm wrong!" The little fat man subconsciously covered his head.

"Forget it, let him go." Lin Yan couldn't laugh or cry. She was also the first time to see such a dramatist.

Xingshen stared at the little fat man's ID card and said, "I tell you, I remember your home address. Don't play tricks. If you send me anything to the network, I'll go straight to your home according to the address on your ID card!"

"OK, OK, I'll move tomorrow... No, I'll quit my camera tomorrow, and I'll never steal photos again!" The little fat man vowed.

"Let's go." Xingshen returned his ID card to the little fat man.


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After leaving, the little fat man ran fast for fear that Xingshen would catch up and beat him.

After running for several kilometers, the little fat man stopped panting.

"Hum, fool, everyone knows I'm a dramatist and can be cheated by me so easily!" The little fat man smiled and took out a memory card from his pants.

Soon, the little fat man inserted the memory card into the camera.

"Muyang... Muyan... Is sister Lin Yan's name Muyan..."

At the moment, the little fat man sat on the grass and looked at the content he had photographed in the whole process today.

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From the appearance of Si Bai to Lin Yan's out of control, Wang Jingyang hugged him and comforted him. Everything, including dialogue, was clearly played in the little fatty's camera.

"It's so touching... Well, I'm still a single dog... I thought it was a super power blockbuster, but it turned out to be a love film... That little brother is so powerful and moving... I must post these online, and I want you to see the purest love..." Little Fatty took out a paper towel from his pocket and wiped his nose.

"Is there really an evolutionist in this world..." the little fat man turned off the video and his face was full of excitement and excitement.

Although I saw it with my own eyes tonight, the little fat man was still a little difficult to accept, especially seeing the battle between Wang Jingyang and Si Bai, as well as the giant animals that appeared out of thin air, and even those terrible walls.

That's an exaggeration!

"They must be evolutionists with absolute superpowers!" The little fat man is more and more sure.

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If this video is really posted online, will Lin Yan and the child really find his home and kill him?

If he can't, he has to move


At the moment, Lin Yan and Wang Jingyang have not left.

Ling Yue seems preoccupied and out of state. Xingshen asks several times. Ling Yue is a little absent-minded.

"Well, if it's all right, I'll go first." Qi Feng looked at Lin Yan and others.

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"Let's go." Lin Yan waved: "no loyalty, betray friends, bastard."

Qi Feng, who had just turned and left, suddenly came back: "Miss Lin Yan, please pay attention to your words. Go and inquire. I, Qi Feng, am a famous handout spirit and do everything for my friends."

"I think you're stabbing friends for profit." Lin Yandao.

"Oh, well, I'm wrong, but I really don't have a bad heart. The old man's daughter is really beautiful... No, the old man doesn't look like a bad man. I'll help. I won't do it next time, OK." Qi Feng sighed.

"It's OK to forgive you, but on condition." Lin Yan frowned.

Hearing the sound, Qi Feng was slightly stunned. He immediately patted his chest and said, "OK, as long as I can do it, you say it."

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