Duoduo continued to spit, "it's said that the spokesperson chosen by his family is like the emperor's choice of concubines. He has to be good-looking, good origin, good education, and even be proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, proficient in the eight languages..."

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While listening, Lin Yan showed an surprised expression, "eh, good looks, good birth background, good education, can play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, proficient in eight languages... Isn't this tailored for me? How suitable I am!"

Duoduo's head is covered with black lines. He doesn't want to throw up bad things for her, "..."


Who gave her courage

Apart from other things, just her education, her high school education, will never step into the threshold of kno, okay.

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But Duoduo didn't speak at last. He was afraid that it would stimulate Lin Yan's self-esteem.

Lin Yan smiled and said, "but I like his brand very much. It's not so fancy. It's also very comfortable to wear."

I remember when she was racing abroad, she spoke for this brand, but she refused when she was busy racing.

However, the other party's attitude was very good. Although she failed to cooperate, she still sponsored a lot of her clothes.

She really liked the design of their family, so she often wore it, which was a wave of publicity for her.

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Just... Now her identity is different. As an artist, she is really unlikely to get this endorsement.

Although her current image is good after the last charity conference, it still has nothing to do with high-end and Kochi, and it is inconsistent with the positioning of their family.

Duoduo was looking through the relevant materials in his hand and suddenly exclaimed excitedly, "Wow! Ji Mingzhe, President of kno, is so handsome! He is a mixed race of six countries and a top student at MIT..."

"MIT?" Lin Yan touched his chin, "which session?"

Lin Yan said and looked closely at the information in Duoduo's hand, "eh... It's my last senior brother..."

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It's just that she doesn't seem to have any impression of the name Ji Mingzhe. She shouldn't know it.

At that time, she was busy studying and competing every day. She didn't deal with people very much. Even this year's people didn't know everything, let alone the last one.

Duoduo was suspicious: "sister Yan, what are you talking about? What elder martial brother?"

Lin Yan shook his head: "nothing, you go on."

While turning over the information, Duoduo continued to gossip. "The information says that Ji Mingzhe had a double degree when he was at MIT. Ah, in addition to finance, he also took a... An... Aerodynamics... Sister Ling, what does aerodynamics do?"

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Zhao Hongling thought, "I don't know much about this major. It's really rare."

As soon as Zhao Hongling's voice fell, Lin Yan's voice came to her ear: "aerodynamics is a branch of mechanics, which studies the force characteristics, gas flow law and accompanying physical and chemical changes of aircraft or other objects when they move relative to air or other gases.

It is a discipline growing up with the development of aviation industry and jet propulsion technology on the basis of fluid mechanics. Most of its counterpart majors are aerospace and automobile design... "

Lin Yan blurted out directly without going through his brain.

Just in the middle of it, he found that Duoduo and Zhao Hongling looked at themselves in surprise.

"Sister Yan, how do you know... So clearly?" Duoduo was surprised, and Zhao Hongling was also surprised.

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