After hearing the news from the agent, Lin Shuya's originally satisfied expression completely froze there, "what did you say?"

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He Shanshan was also worried, "are you mistaken? Just now my cousin called and said that the spokesman has already ordered sister Shuya. How could you lose the election!"

The agent's face is not very good-looking, "I'm also very strange, so I repeatedly confirmed with the people over there that they really didn't choose Shuya, but decided someone else."

"Others? Who is it? Even Shuya's endorsement is robbed!" He Shanshan angrily said.

The agent shook his head, "I didn't find out. There said that it needed to be kept secret before the official announcement. Now I can only know when I wait for kno fashion dinner."

Lin Shuya calmed down after a short period of anger, "many artists in this audition have good conditions..."

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The agent nodded and said, "yes, Qiao an of Juxing and Zhao Yixuan of Shenghua film and television are very likely..."

Then he comforted Lin Shuya and said, "it's all right. Don't lose heart. It's really hard to take this endorsement. Originally, we're not sure. We'll find other resources later."

Lin Shuya's face was slightly white, "but kno is the best endorsement that can be found at present, and it is also in line with my current personal design. Where can I find a endorsement of the same level..."

The agent knew that Lin Shuya was right and looked a little embarrassed.

However, kno's candidates have been determined, and there is no way.

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"Otherwise, Shuya, ask Han Shao for help again? Doesn't he know president Ji?" The broker suggested.

Lin Shuya pinched his eyebrows. "Brother Yixuan is very busy recently. I don't want to bother him with these things. Forget it, since they have been robbed, it must be impossible to change..."

After the last incident, Han Yixuan gave him a lot of coldness.

She wasted nine cattle and two tigers to win back Han Yixuan's heart. She knows that she can't continue to use these things for Han Yixuan's help, so that Han Yixuan doesn't think she's using him.

However, she wants to see who she is. With such great skills, she dares to rob her endorsement!

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No matter who she is, she can use public opinion to build a wave and say that her endorsement was intercepted halfway


Soon it was the day of kno fashion dinner.

Many celebrities in business and entertainment circles were invited.

The night before, Lin Yan received a set of high-end custom dresses, shoes and a full set of jewelry accessories personally sent by kno's assistant to the president.

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If Lin Yan didn't refuse to have a common makeup artist, the other party would also arrange a makeup modeling team for him.

Because today's occasion is more important, in addition to Duoduo's assistant, Zhao Hongling also came with Lin Yan.

Lin Yan just sent the enthusiastic assistant away and said, "I'll go. Is kno so arrogant..."

Duoduo looked at Lin Yan's outfit with bright eyes, "sister Yan, I'm afraid your clothes and accessories will cost tens of millions! This time, the gold owner's father is really too arrogant!"

Because his clothes are too expensive, Lin Yan has to walk carefully now, for fear that he might accidentally damage something.

In fact, Zhao Hongling has always had some doubts in her heart. After coming here today, she saw the other party's attitude and became more suspicious. "The treatment of kno spokesperson is naturally not bad, but I haven't heard that it will be so considerate..."

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