"How about death?" Lin Yan asked.

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"It can't be compared. The nature is different. A force like death is a behemoth with many evolutors. Shanhai is a super elite group with few people, but each one can be compared with the female devil head of death." Ling Yue said.

"So powerful?" Lin Yan looked surprised.

"I don't know much. However, I've heard that Shanhai is very mysterious. Although the number is small, no one knows how many people there are. No one knows how strong their strength is. But there have been several very famous battles. The most exaggerated one is that Shanhai destroyed a very ancient evolutionary clan with a record of 3 hours and 27 minutes."

Lin Yan: "

What Ling Yue said is incredible for Lin Yan.

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"A team is so strong... It took more than 3 hours to destroy an evolutionist family..." Lin Yan admired it all over his face.

Hearing the sound, Ling Yue was slightly stunned. She immediately shook her head and said with a smile: "sister Yan, who says it's a team. It took 3 hours and 37 minutes to destroy an evolutionist clan. It's just two members of Shanhai. It seems that the code name is what candle dragon, and another seems to be... Baize."

Lin Yan was surprised: "so terrible?"

Fortunately, they offended death, not Shanhai

"Sister Yan, Shanhai is my childhood idol. When I was a child, I was very excited every time I heard the story of Shanhai." Ling Yue smiled.

"Why?" Lin Yan asked.

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"Although many evolutionists and great forces talk about Shanhai, Shanhai is very good to low-level evolutionists and helps many small clans bullied by large clans. Moreover, every member of Shanhai has super high appearance. If I put it today, I think I can sling all kinds of small fresh meat." Ling Yue smiled.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yan glanced at Ling Yue and almost forgot that Ling Yue was the big boss behind the peak entertainment before.

"Have you seen it?" Lin Yan was surprised.

"I've only seen one of the members, code named Ying long, which is very good-looking." Ling Yue said.

"Is it better than Pei Nanxu?" Lin Yan asked curiously.

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"It can't be compared... I'm talking about temperament. You know, it's the kind of... It's hard to describe. Just relying on temperament can make you completely ignore your appearance, not to mention Ying Long's appearance is also very high." Ling Yue said.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yan looked puzzled and pinched his chin as if thinking, "I understand."

"What do you know?" Ling Yue asked subconsciously.

"If there is no accident, the members of this mountain and sea should be selected according to their faces." Lin Yandao.

Ling Yue: "

Ling Yue took a look at Lin Yan without saying anything. She had to say that her sister Yan's brain hole was too big. How could such a team of evolutionists choose members according to their faces.

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"Is such a terrible evolutionist force still there?" Lin Yan asked curiously.

"I don't know. I haven't heard of it for many years. It should be gone. Maybe it's dissolved." Ling Yue said.

"Xiaoyue, tell me if there is a more powerful evolutionary team or something." Lin Yan smiled.

Anyway, I can't sleep when I wake up. It's better to listen to some evolutionary secrets that Ling Yue knows.

After all, she is also an evolutionist. She doesn't know anything. It's strange.

After chatting with Ling Yue for several hours, Lin Yan let Ling Yue leave.

Just after dawn, Wang Jingyang called Lin Yan.

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