High order evolutionists like Pei Yucheng naturally know the third-order genes.

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However, Pei Yucheng has only heard of the third-order evolution of gene evolutors and does not know much about it.

Third-order gene evolution is an extremely dangerous process, which is divided into three stages, which is called third-order gene.

If you completely control the third-order genes, the evolutionist will have the terrible power to destroy the sky and the earth.

Of course, evolutionists want to release the power of third-order genes, but they also have to pay an extremely heavy price.

Unraveling the first-order gene is equivalent to warming up.

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With the opening of the first-order gene, the ancient gene cells in the body will gradually recover, and the combat power will be doubled. After releasing this power, the evolutor's body will also bring some damage.

When the body damage reaches the limit, the second-order gene evolution can be solved.

With the unraveling of the second-order gene evolution, the combat effectiveness of the evolutors has increased dozens of times again, and the ancient gene cells will completely revive the evolutors.

Of course, for evolutionists, once the second-order gene is turned on, their own damage will be irreversible, ranging from the abolition of evolutionary power to sudden death on the spot.

After opening the third-order gene, the ancient gene cells in the body will begin to burn, and the evolutionist will have the power of God for a period of time until the cells burn out and die completely.

The road of third-order gene evolution is too dangerous and difficult to take. Even Pei Yucheng has never heard of it. Someone has really opened the third-order gene.

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As Fang Xiaoji said, if Pei Yucheng opens the second-order gene program, Pei Yucheng may not be able to stop it.

Even if it is blocked, once Wang Jingyang starts the third-order genetic evolution, there is only one possibility for them.

perish together.

There is no third possibility except to die together.

At the moment, Pei Yucheng's eyes fell on Wang Jingyang, with low luster and slight flash.

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If Shanhai Tiangou turns on the second-order gene, Shanhai Tiangou may die on the spot. In that case, Tiangou will not stop. Anyway, he will turn on the third-order gene and let the two die together.

At present, Pei Yucheng has no expression on his face, but he is calculating in his mind whether it is possible to kill Shanhai Tiangou as quickly as possible before he has time to turn on the second-order gene.

Otherwise, once Tengu turns on the second-order gene, the consequences will be unimaginable.

For the first time in so many years, Pei Yucheng found that someone could pose such a threat to him.

Not only that, the man sitting in a wheelchair is by no means a good generation.

"Mr. Pei, you and I have no intersection, but I used to be a member of Shanhai. If you continue to fight against Tiangou, you will face two Shanhai members. If Tiangou goes crazy and unlocks the second-order gene, you two will only die together. If there is no deep blood feud, I don't think it's necessary to develop to this step." In the wheelchair, the handsome man smiled softly.

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"Since you are so confident, you might as well give it a try. It happens that I have never seen an evolutionist turn on the third-order gene." Pei Yucheng spoke with interest.

At the moment, Pei Yucheng's eyes fell in the distance.

Pei's men came.

When Pei Yucheng's eyes were attracted by Pei's people, Wang Jingyang and Xiao Ji disappeared in situ.

"Pei Yucheng, I haven't played enough today. Next time, you and I will be divided into two levels."

Wang Jingyang's smile came from a distance.

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