After an inexplicable meal, Lin Yan returned to Yunjian water village.

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In other words, she seems to have a lot of peach blossoms recently

Just a few days after Ji Mingzhe, another Xiaoji appeared.

She doesn't know what's going on. Her eyelids have been jumping since just now. There seems to be some ominous premonition

Hey, don't roll over!

No, no! Pei Yucheng is far away. He is so busy that he won't know this.

Lin Yan shook his head, waved away the messy things in his mind, and went into the bathroom to take a bath.

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She's going to do a live broadcast later.

Zhao Hongling thought she had too little interaction with her fans, so she asked her to have a live broadcast and chat with her fans.

At the same time, Pei's headquarters.

Pei Yucheng is looking through the documents. Standing aside, Cheng Mo is looking down at his mobile phone. He doesn't know what he saw. He looks frightened.

Cheng Mo looks up and carefully peeks at his boss.

Pei Yucheng noticed that Cheng Mo was different. He didn't lift his head. He asked casually, "what's the matter?"

Pei Yucheng suddenly makes a noise. Cheng Mo is startled and subconsciously puts down his mobile phone, "nothing... Nothing..."

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Pei Yucheng raises his head, looks at Cheng Mo, glances at his cell phone, and extends his hand directly to him.

Seeing this, Cheng Mo dared not refuse to give it. He had to bite the bullet and handed over his mobile phone. Then, he stepped back and tried to stay away from Pei Yucheng.

Before Cheng Mo could quit the page on his mobile phone, Pei Yucheng saw a picture of his daughter-in-law walking on the rose carpet with others

The scene was very pompous, and their dresses were quite gorgeous. I didn't know it was the wedding scene.

Cheng Mo's legs trembled with fear, and his forehead was sweating cold.

Pei Yucheng's look didn't fluctuate. He clicked his mobile phone and then saw all kinds of gossip information.

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"The latest spokesman of kno, Lin Yan", "Lin Yan's real education is majoring in aerodynamics at MIT", "kno president Ji Mingzhe publicly confessed Lin Yan and called him his first love", "kno president publicly confessed that" you can be the boss of Kon at any time as long as you like "

Pei Yucheng's eyes fell on the words "kno landlady", and his other hand beat the glass tea table rhythmically.

Cheng Mo swallowed his spit and said carefully, "the entertainment industry is like this. He likes to write nonsense. It should be for the spokesman to make these gossip. Do you want me to withdraw these news?"

Pei Yucheng returns Cheng Mo's mobile phone: "no need."

Cheng Mo is very impressed when he hears the speech. The boss promised Lin Yan that he wouldn't interfere with her work. He really didn't interfere once. He can keep calm even in this situation. He is worthy of being a boss

However, Cheng Mo was thinking so, and saw that Pei Yucheng, who had just been well, suddenly lost consciousness and fainted on the sofa

"Mr. Pei! Mr. Pei..."

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Yunjian water villa.

Lin smoke relaxed a bath, applied a mask, and then drew a light makeup for himself.

Subsequently, Lin Yan took off his bathrobe and was ready to change.

She opened the wardrobe, picked out a light colored skirt and was about to wear clothes. Suddenly, her body appeared an extremely familiar feeling

Lin Yan's hair suddenly became numb, with an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, before she could react, she was caught off guard. Her hand holding the clothes suddenly lost her strength and her skirt fell on the bed.

The next second, she had lost control of her body, and her consciousness seemed to float in the air.

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