Last night's live broadcast sent Lin Yan to hot search again. Lin Yan looked at the content on his mobile phone and sighed a little helplessly.

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The content of this hot search is even more excessive.

Ji Mingzhe, President of kno, came to the live studio to make a strong confession, and Lin Yan was shy and hurried to the next broadcast.

Just after watching the hot search, Lin yanborrow received a call from Ji Mingzhe.

"Miss Lin, are you free today? Would you like to have dinner together?"

Ji Mingzhe's voice came from the phone.

After a moment of silence, Lin Yan asked softly, "is it business?"

"No, I just want to invite Miss Lin to dinner."

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Lin Yan said with a little embarrassment: "that may not work today. The team needs to be integrated."

As Lin Yan's voice fell, Ji Mingzhe was slightly stunned: "team? What team?"

Before Lin Yan could continue to speak, Ji Mingzhe suddenly smiled and said, "I suddenly remembered that Miss Lin still has her own racing team... What about tomorrow? Do you have time?"

"There's not much time tomorrow." Lin Yan whispered.

If Pei Yucheng was possessed by Ji Mingzhe at dinner, the picture was so beautiful that Lin Yan could hardly imagine.

As long as it's not business, push as much as you can.

After hanging up, Lin Yan plans to go to the company first.

The Chinese Racing Association has made a deal, and she must take her due responsibility. The aurora team has been delayed for several days.

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When he went out, Lin Yan always felt that something was wrong.

After looking carefully for a long time, I found that a new manor was built on the right side of Yunjian water manor, which is still under construction.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yan looked a little surprised, which was exaggerated. Looking at the scale, it was comparable to Yunjian water villa.

Lin Yan couldn't help wondering which local tyrant did it?

Moreover, Lin Yan wondered why it was built next to Yunjian water villa.

For this new manor, Lin Yan didn't think much. He only had an idea in his mind.


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After arriving at the company, Qi Feng first welcomed him.

"Miss Lin, all the players you selected before have come. I've been waiting for you here for several days."

Qi Feng walked to Lin Yan and whispered.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yan's eyes fell on Qi Feng, looking a little strange.

"Miss Lin, why do you look at me like that?" Qi Feng stared at Lin Yan and opened his mouth with some confusion.

"Qi Feng, are you really a racing driver?" Lin Yan frowned.

Through the last understanding of Qi Feng, Qi Feng is an evolutionist with a high level of evolution. How can he be a racing driver

As Lin Yan's voice fell, Qi Feng was slightly stunned and said inexplicably: "of course I'm a racing driver. Why does Miss Lin ask?"

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"Your degree of evolution is not low, is it?" Lin Yan went straight to the theme.

Immediately, Qi Feng smiled: "so, Miss Lin thinks that I am an evolutionist, why would I become a professional racing driver."

Without giving Lin Yan the opportunity to speak, Qi Feng continued: "I am an evolutionist, but this does not prevent me from becoming a professional racing driver. I have a racing dream since I was a child..."

Lin Yan glanced at Qi Feng: "didn't you have a martial arts dream since you were a child?"

Qi Feng smiled: "I've been changeable since I was a child..."

"Besides, Miss Lin, you are also an evolutionist. You can become a professional racing driver. Why can't I?" Qi Feng Road.

Although Qi Feng said nothing wrong, Lin Yan always felt something strange.

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