Wang Jingyang smiled softly. He didn't seem to care about the old man's words. First, he glanced at the evolutionist in the dark of the branch and immediately opened his mouth curiously: "what exactly does your death organization do? There should be many laboratories like this."

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"If you are willing to join death, you will naturally know all the secrets, but you are interested."

The girl surrounded by several old people opened her mouth expressionless.

"Yes." Wang Jingyang said with a smile, "let me be the eldest brother. If you all recognize me as the eldest brother, it must be no problem."

Hearing the sound, a ray of light appeared in the girl's eyes and looked at Wang Jingyang thoughtfully.

"Tell me, why did death bother my friend Lin Yan." Wang Jingyang smiled.

The purpose of his visit is to find out.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. Since you don't want to join death, it will only hinder you. It's best for you to throw yourself into the net today." The girl said faintly.

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"Throw yourself into the net?" Wang Jingyang looked at the girl with great interest: "your tone is a little big. Buy some toothpaste to remove the fire and try it."


Immediately, several old men rushed to Wang Jingyang at the speed of thunder.

However, in the effort of breathing at most, several old people are losing ground, and almost have no strength to fight back.

"That's it." Wang Jingyang glanced at several people and smiled coldly.

"You are not his opponent. Step down." The girl made a noise.

"Are you going to do it yourself?"

Hearing the girl's words, one of the old men looked surprised.

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"Yes." The girl said.


Several old men looked at each other.

If anything goes wrong, they can't afford to go away.

This girl is the most perfect experiment of the fourth generation.

"Step back." The girl continued to speak.

In desperation, several old people can only retreat.

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At the moment, the girl stepped out at an amazing speed, just like a gust of light wind. In an instant, she had come to Wang Jingyang's side.

"I'm the fourth generation of the perfect test article in the laboratory." The girl's eyes collided with those of Wang Jingyang.

"Test article?" Wang Jingyang looked at the boy carefully and said in surprise, "no, are you a robot? Do you have such exaggerated high technology?"


One of the elders shouted coldly.

The young man waved his hand, told the old man to stop, and immediately looked at Wang Jingyang: "I am not a robot, but an acquired evolutionist through the laboratory. Before me, there were three generations of evolutionists, and I am the fourth generation."

"Oh, I see." Wang Jingyang stared at the girl: "does this have anything to do with me?"

"If you like, you can become our fifth generation test object, which may become stronger than me." The girl said.

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"Let me be an experiment?"

Wang Jingyang looked surprised. Immediately, he popped a finger at the girl's forehead at a very fast speed.

The next second, I only heard the loud noise of "bang", and the girl was hit by Wang Jingyang.

"I don't have a fever." Looking at the boy flying out, Wang Jingyang muttered.

Seeing this, several elders immediately came forward and helped the girl up.

"Shanhai really deserves its reputation. I've heard since childhood that every member has terrible evolutionary power." There was a trace of blood spilling from the corner of the girl's mouth, but there was no pain on her face.

"Little girl, I've been merciful just now. You still answer my question honestly. Life is only once. Didn't your mother teach you to cherish life?" Wang Jingyang looked at the girl and said.

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