Xiao Yao sat in the office and saw Lin Yan stride to his side. He looked at himself with stars and frowned slightly.

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"Do I have flowers on my face?" Xiao Yao's eyes fell on Lin Yan and whispered.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yan shook his head, immediately nodded and said, "boss, I find you are so handsome today..."

If you are not sure to win Si Bai, how about adding a Xiaoyao?

Although it is said that Lin Yan is not very clear about the evolution degree of Xiaoyao, it is certain that the evolution degree of Xiaoyao will never be low, or even surpass her.

If Xiao Yao is willing to help, he will try to trick Si Bai out by asking Zhang San and Li Si. Then she and Xiao Yao will win Si Bai's bitch in one fell swoop!


Hearing what Lin Yan said, Xiao Yao looked inexplicable, "what do you mean?"

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"Nothing, boss. Can I discuss something with you?" Lin Yan looked at Xiao Yao and smiled softly.

Xiao Yao glanced at Lin Yan: "I asked you to come because I have work to arrange. Are you putting the cart before the horse?"

Lin Yan: "

"Well, I'll finish what work as soon as possible." Lin Yan nodded.

However, although the company is quite large, Lin Yan has not seen any customers so far.

It's strange that such a big company really doesn't have to do business and make profits here.

"Translation work, but don't worry now. You can talk about you first." Xiao Yao said.

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"Boss, a friend of mine was caught by a powerful evolutionist... I want to catch the evolutionist and... Force me to find out the whereabouts of my friend." Lin Yan hurried.

"Well, you go. I'll give you a few days off." Xiao Yao spoke plainly.

As Xiao Yao's voice fell, Lin Yan's mouth twitched slightly. Is this goods serious?

If you want to be sure, what else can you ask him for?

Besides, is what she lacks fake?!

"Boss, it's like this. The evolutionist who kidnapped my friend has a high level of evolution. I'm afraid I can't take him alone, so..." Lin Yan looked at Xiao Yao with a little embarrassment.

Xiao Yao looked at Lin Yan thoughtfully: "so you're going to give up your friend and don't care about his life or death."

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Lin Yan: "

Looking at Xiao Yao in front of him, Lin Yan didn't know why. Suddenly, the shadow of Xiao Ji appeared in his mind.

These two people's speaking styles are really similar, and their surnames are Xiao. They should not be brothers who have been separated for many years

"No, no, I'm such a loyal person. How can I refuse to save my friends? I mean, I'm not sure I'll win Si Bai, so I want the boss to help me." Lin Yan stared at Xiao Yao and smiled.

"Can I help you?" Xiao Yao was slightly stunned: "why should I help you deal with an evolutionist with a high level of evolution."

Hearing the sound, Lin Yan was slightly stunned. For this reason, she hasn't thought well

"Why should I make enemies because of you? Do you think it's reasonable?" Xiao Yao said.

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"Because..." Lin Yan was lost in thought.

"Because of what." Xiao Yao said.

"Because..." Lin Yan made some mistakes. Xiao Yao was right. Why did he make enemies because of himself? It doesn't make sense.

"Because we are friends, do you want to say that?" Xiao Yao stared at Lin flue.

Almost subconsciously, Lin Yan nodded.

"I can accept this reason. I can barely help you." Xiao Yao made a faint sound.

Lin Yan: "

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