As Si Bai's voice fell, everyone present was slightly stunned, including he Lefeng beside Lin Yan.

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He Lefeng looked surprised. He first looked at the rainbow, and then secretly looked at his sister.

"Mom, something big has happened... This little beast doesn't like my sister!" He Lefeng looked strange and thought in his heart.

He Lefeng is a little anxious. Why doesn't the little beast play cards according to the routine?

Look at the gentle and affectionate appearance of rainbow. It's really all kinds of amorous feelings. Then look at the silly look of Lin Yan. Although it seems that her sister has the advantage only by looking at her face, but

Sibai's performance caught Rainbow a little off guard. She thought everything would go according to the plan, but it seemed that Sibai didn't rise to her. Instead, she was interested in Lin Yan.

If so, how should the following plan proceed step by step?

In desperation, rainbow looked at Xiaoyao quietly, hoping that Xiaoyao could give her some hints.

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However, Xiao Yao had no expression and was still cold.

"Mr. Sibai, time is precious. Let's play first." Rainbow smiled.

Hearing the sound, Si Bai was stunned and immediately said, "that's what you said. Let's start... Yes, just play what Miss Facai said just now and fight the landlord."

After talking, Si Bai went to Lin Yan and said with a soft smile, "Miss Facai, I don't play well against the landlord. You should be more merciful, will you?"

"What a fart!"

Lin Yan has a cold voice in his heart. Playing cards with her still wants her to show mercy?

Are you kidding me? Even if Pei Yucheng comes in person, she has to let Pei Yucheng lose!

"No, the casino has no father and son!" Suddenly, he le, standing beside Lin Yan, shouted coldly.

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As soon as he Lefeng's voice fell, everyone immediately looked at he Lefeng.

Casino without father and son?

Who is the father and who is the son?

"No, no, no, I mean, there are no couples in the casino... No, no husband and wife... No, no, no, No. anyway, you can't be merciful, otherwise who will I win?" He Lefeng hurried.

"Who is this?" Si Bai looked at he Lefeng coldly.

"My brother." Lin Yan sighed.

"Oh, it's my brother." The indifference at the bottom of Si Bai's eyes dispersed and said with a smile: "my brother is right. The casino is either I win or you lose. You'd better be serious."

"Can we start?" Xiao Yao made a faint sound.

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"Yes, yes, but how can seven people fight the landlord?" Asked the middle-aged man with glasses.

"Miss rainbow is responsible for licensing. There are six people left, three people in a group. If the cards are out first, you will win." Xiao Yao said.

"All right."


On the table, rainbow began to deal cards.

Lin Yan, Si Bai and the middle-aged man with glasses are a group, while he Lefeng, Xiao Yao and another middle-aged man are a group.

"Miss Facai, have you had dinner?"

During the rainbow deal, Si Bai's eyes fell on Lin Yan and asked softly.

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"Eat, eat." Lin Yandao.

"Well, Miss Facai, would you mind having another meal, or we'll go to the bar for a drink later." Said Sibai with a smile.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yan was stunned and looked inexplicable.

This si Bai doesn't fall in love with her instead of the rainbow, does she?

It's too obvious. I have to take her to dinner and invite her to a bar for a drink.

Reasonably speaking, it shouldn't be

"Mr. Si Bai, I'm free at night..." Rainbow gave Si Bai the last card and gently brushed the back of Si Bai's hand with her fingers.

"Go home and sleep when you are free." White glanced at the rainbow.

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