Lin Yan never thought that Wang Jingyang would be caught in such a laboratory.

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Just when Lin Yan wanted to say something, a harsh sound suddenly sounded. The next second, all the exits were tightly closed.

"Have you been found?" The white crane looked around curiously.

Hearing this, Lin Yan glanced at the White Crane: "isn't it obvious?"

The next second, a light footstep came from the rear.

Before long, the woman came here wearing a white yarn.


Of course, the woman's look changed a little after seeing Lin Yan.

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Even Lin Yan himself was stunned.

Baihe was ready to take action at any time, but the current situation caught him off guard.

"Master, you are not..." the white gauze woman stared at Lin Yan and whispered.

Lin Yan: "

Although Lin Yan didn't know what had happened, his reaction was also very fast. His eyes turned slightly and immediately said, "do I still need to report to you?"

"Of course not." Bai Sha said and looked at the white crane beside Lin Yan.

"Just, master... It seems that several evolutionists outside are by him... Are they the latest perfect test products of laboratory 9?" The white gauze woman stared at the white crane, and a touch of suspicion appeared in her eyes.

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"Lab 9, the perfect test article?"

Lin Yan was calm on the surface, but he couldn't panic in his heart. She couldn't even understand what the woman said.

But even if you don't understand, it's a rare misunderstanding that is beneficial to you. How can you seize the opportunity.

Lin Yan doesn't know what's going on in the laboratory, and the degree of danger is even more unclear. If she is careless, she and the white crane may be left here.

"Well, he is the latest perfect test object in laboratory 9. It's my favorite work. Several people outside just let him try." Lin Yan said faintly.

At present, Lin Yan can only take the play hard. At least he is an actor and has no script to play hard, which can't defeat her, but then he agrees with the woman's words.

"I didn't expect that the perfect test article of No. 9 laboratory would be born in such a short time. The master was really powerful." The white gauze woman nodded.

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Now, through the words of the white gauze woman, Lin Yan probably has a number in his heart.

The owner of this white gauze woman's mouth should be the owner of the laboratory, and laboratory 9 should be another laboratory. The perfect test object in its mouth is not difficult to understand. It should be the super powerful acquired evolutionist made in the laboratory.

Of course, these are just Lin Yan's understanding. If you understand it wrong, there is really no way to continue the play.

Fortunately, Lin Yan's understanding didn't seem to be wrong, and the white woman didn't notice anything wrong.


The white crane gently pulled the corner of Lin Yan's clothes.

Lin Yan looked down at the white crane.

Lin Yan stopped the white crane who wanted to speak with his eyes.

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The white crane understood and didn't say much.

"Where's the man I caught the other day."

A moment later, Lin Yan said to the white woman.

"The man you caught?"

As Lin Yan's voice fell, the white gauze woman looked inexplicable.

Seeing the white gauze woman like this, Lin Yan was slightly stunned. Did he say something wrong?

But Baihe Mingming said that Wang Jingyang was indeed in this laboratory.

No, Wang Jingyang wasn't caught. He was shameless and asked others to come in and reform him?

It can't be true?!

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