"White crane, you really don't want to look at her?"

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In the dark night, Lin Yan hid in the dark with the white crane and the woman carrying the white yarn.

The white crane glanced at the white gauze woman on Lin Yan's shoulder and shook his head firmly: "no, I don't want to. I want to sleep with my senior sister at night. Who wants to look at her?"

Hearing the sound, Lin Yan smoked slightly at the corners of his mouth. Bai He didn't want to look at her. I'm afraid there's no other place to leave her except to let her stay with Si Bai.

In desperation, Lin Yan took out his mobile phone and dialed Xiaoyao.

After a few drops, the phone was connected.


Xiao Yao's plain voice came out.

Lin Yan smiled: "boss, I'm really sorry to disturb you so late!"

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"Since I'm sorry, come to me tomorrow."

Don't give Lin Yan the chance to continue to speak, there has been a busy tone on the phone.

Lin Yan: "

He was just polite. Xiao Yao was too sincere.

Immediately, Lin Yan cheekily dialed Xiaoyao's phone again.

"It seems that you are not embarrassed."

A moment later, Xiao Yao's voice came out again.

"Boss, it's urgent... I can't help it. No one can help me except you." Lin Yan smiled slightly embarrassed.

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"Who beat you again?" On the phone, Xiao Yao's tone was flat.

"Well, I haven't been beaten." Lin Yan said: "mainly... Beat others."

"If you beat someone, you should find a doctor, not me." Xiao Yao said.

Lin Yan: "

"It's mainly to knock people unconscious. This person knows my friend's whereabouts and what happened to my friend, but now I'm knocked unconscious and can't ask... So I think I'll put her with you first and throw her with Si Bai. When I wake up, I can ask my friend's whereabouts." Lin Yan explained.

"Oh." Xiao Yao said.

Lin Yan: "..." Oh, what do you mean?

"Well, boss, is your big villa convenient for me to throw someone in again?" Lin Yan asked softly.

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"Then I'll go. I'll be there in a minute!"

After that, Lin Yan quickly hung up the phone for fear that Xiao Yao would repent.

After Lin Yan hung up the phone, the white crane on one side stared at Lin Yan with big eyes, "elder martial sister, who is the man you're calling?"

"My friend." Lin Yan explained.

"Friends?" The white crane looked at Lin Yan and said, "elder martial sister, why do you have so many friends?"

Lin Yan: "my boss, all right."

"Boss?" The white crane muttered, "elder martial sister, why do you have a boss? Are you short of money?"

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"Yes!" Lin Yan looked at the white crane and nodded without hesitation: "lack of a lot of money!"

"Money is an external thing. You can't bring it to life or to death. Elder martial sister, what do you want money for? It will lose its original heart. It's not good!" The white crane hurried.

Looking at the white crane with righteous words, Lin Yan twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth: "I don't make money. What do you eat and drink? I invited you to eat tonight's supper!"

Hearing Lin Yan's words, Bai He clenched his fists and turned red.

Finally, the white crane bit his teeth: "it seems that what the master said is not necessarily right..."

Lin Yan looked at the white crane with great satisfaction. Did the bear child finally have an epiphany.


Later, Lin Yan took the white crane to Xiaoyao's villa.

In the living room, Xiao Yao looked at the white gauze woman on Lin Yan's shoulder. There was no expression on his face and said, "does she know where your missing friend is?"

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