Pei Yucheng stood in place, looked at Lin Yan's face, looked calm and said, "I'm curious about who you are."

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The woman as like as two peas Lin's looks, and even he could not find any difference.

Not only in appearance, but also in breath.

Unfortunately, even the most perfect imitation will always have some traces to find. The first is Lin Yan's character and habits. Her lack of imitation is enough to make Pei Yucheng suspicious.

In addition, Lin Yan will never find Pei's headquarters.

Don't say that Xingchen and others don't know the specific location of Pei's headquarters. Even if they know and tell Lin Yan, it's impossible for her to pass through the deadly area alone.

"It doesn't matter who I am. It's a pity today."

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"Lin Yan" stared at Pei Yucheng and sighed a little helplessly.

"Do we have any grudges?" Pei Yucheng looked at "Lin Yan" and asked faintly.

"There is no hatred."

"Lin Yan" shook his head.

"In that case, what is the significance of this series of operations?" Pei Yucheng road.

"That's what I regret."

"Lin Yan" smiled: "you have very good evolutionary genes. If you take you back to the laboratory as a subject, you should be able to create a lot of powerful acquired evolutors."

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"I see." Pei Yucheng was thoughtful.

The laboratory mentioned in this population is no stranger to Pei Yucheng.

In this world, those evolutionists with strong strength will have similar laboratories more or less. Using such laboratories to add fresh blood to their clan can obtain more and stronger evolutionists.

However, laboratories like this are very hidden, and no one will make such laboratories public.

Even Pei once had a similar laboratory, but later closed the laboratory for some reasons.

"Pei Yucheng, do you want to leave with me... Become one of the noumenon of my laboratory and create more and stronger evolutors for me."

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"Lin Yan" stared at Pei Yucheng, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"I'm not interested." Pei Yucheng road.

"It seems that you don't want to go with me. In that case, I can only forcibly take you away."

Pei Yucheng looked at "Lin Yan" faintly, "of course, if you have this ability."

Before "Lin Yan" could continue to speak, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the direction of Pei's headquarters, and the footsteps were getting closer and closer.

"Oh, it seems that today is not a good time... After all, it's in your Pei's territory. It's really not so easy to take you away... However, you can't stay in Pei's all the time. I'll wait for you slowly."

"Lin Yan" smiled softly, his body turned into a virtual shadow and gradually disappeared.

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After returning to Pei, Pei Yucheng was full of thoughts and frowned slightly.

What is the origin of the woman who looks like Lin Yan... Why can't they tell the difference?

If it weren't for some subtle differences, he really couldn't tell.

And after today, if the woman imitates more perfectly, how to distinguish.

In addition, do you need to explain this matter to Lin Yan.

Pei Yucheng originally wanted to contact Lin Yan, but he finally gave up.

The woman should have used some means and even cloned Lin Yan's contact number. All his contacts with Lin Yan should be monitored.

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