"Dog, what's the matter? Did you escape from the laboratory? Or did they let you go? Tell me honestly!" Lin Yan hurried to speak.

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"What laboratory? It's a mess. I don't know what you're talking about. I just called back."

Wang Jingyang's voice came out.

"Shit! You stupid dog! Where did you die! If you don't show up for more than a month, do you want to go to heaven!!!"

"I have to ask you, what's the matter with this little guy? He's wearing my pajamas... Even if he's wearing my pajamas, he's still drinking the drinks in my fridge and eating the chocolate in my fridge! As soon as I told the police to catch him, he said he was your junior brother, Lin Yan. If you don't explain to me clearly, I'm not finished with you!"

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Lin Yan: "

It turns out that the law enforcer in the human world is talking about the police. The dead child watches too much TV. He thinks he is an immortal and returns to the human world!

Lin Yan hurriedly explained, "don't call the police. I really asked him to live with you. It's a long story. I'll find you now! Wait for me! I haven't settled accounts with you yet!"

After Lin Yan told him again and again, "pa" hung up his cell phone, and then rushed out of the mall like a gust of wind.

Half an hour later, Lin Yan took a taxi to Wang Jingyang's apartment.

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As soon as I arrived, I saw the door of the apartment open and the house was in a mess.

As soon as the white crane saw the forest smoke, he immediately rushed at her like a swallow throwing into the forest, "elder martial sister!"

However, before he could get close to Lin Yan, he was pulled back by Wang Jingyang with his back collar. "Make it clear that you don't recognize any relatives. The suspicion of breaking into the house has not been cleared!"

Without giving Lin Yan and Bai He the opportunity to speak, Wang Jingyang sneered: "I have 16 bottles of drinks in my refrigerator, three boxes of unopened limited edition chocolates and messy snacks... We don't finish counting the electricity charge for turning on the air conditioner and the tax for flushing the toilet."

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"Just a box of chocolates... Six bottles of drinks... Snacks are leftovers..." Baihe said wrongly.

"Shut up, I said 16 bottles, I said three boxes of chocolate, three boxes of chocolate!" Wang Jingyang snorted coldly.

White Crane: "OK..."

When Lin Yan saw Wang Jingyang, his first reaction was to look at him carefully up and down. After seeing his lively appearance, he finally put his heart down. "How are you, dog? Are you hurt, are those people embarrassing you? How did you escape from the laboratory?"

When Wang Jingyang heard the speech, a cold feeling crossed the bottom of his eyes. However, he disappeared in a moment, turned into a blank expression, scratched his head, "what laboratory, what escaped? How can I not understand what you said?"

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Lin Yan frowned, "didn't you get caught in the laboratory to do human experiments?"

Wang Jingyang blinked. "Lin Yan, have you seen too many TV dramas? What human experiment?"

"Dog, don't be afraid of what happened. Tell me everything. I'll make decisions for you. I won't hurt you. Don't hide something from me!" Lin Yan stared at Wang Jingyang and frowned deeply.

She thought Wang Jingyang might have been frightened.

It feels like when I was a child at school, I was bullied by my classmates, and I dare not tell my parents when I go home

Hearing the sound, Wang Jingyang pinched his chin and stared at Lin Yan: "are you sick? Can't you expect me to order? What laboratory has taken me away and what human experiment has been done? Wait, am I going to be dissected and studied?"

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