Especially when Xiao Ji and Xiao Yao appear in the same picture, Lin Yan feels that although they have different temperaments, if they only look at their appearance, there is some similarity between their eyebrows.

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And both of them are surnamed Xiao

Lin Yan looked at Xiao Ji and Xiao Yao, and subconsciously blurted out, "Xiao Ji, and the boss... How did you two come together... Well, you are not really brothers who have been separated for many years?"

Xiao Yao smelled the speech and said expressionless, "No."

Lin Yan breathed a sigh of relief. "No, I said, how could there be such a coincidence? How could you be a brother..."

As a result, as soon as Lin Yan's voice fell, he heard Xiao Ji chuckle and added, "it's not lost for many years."

When Lin Yan heard this, he was stunned. For a moment, he didn't respond, "what... What do you mean..."

The white crane blinked. "Elder martial sister, they should mean that they haven't been separated for many years. They are brothers."

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The next second, Lin Yan opened his eyes, "no!!!"

Xiao Ji looked at Lin Yan with an unspeakable expression. "Is it my illusion? It seems to be more stupid than before."

Lin Yan's face is black. How can this guy talk!

Today is the second person to say she is stupid!

Lin Yan looked at Xiao Ji and Xiao Yao in disbelief. They were brothers!

Why didn't she think of it? No, how could she think of it? It's impossible to associate it with her own brother because of her same surname!

"Boss, are you really his brother?" Lin Yan looked at Xiao Yao in disbelief and asked.

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"No." Xiao Yao shook his head: "he is my brother."

Lin Yan: "

This is more bloody than TV series!!

Is the world so small?

Shouldn't the world be big!

I met my brother abroad and my brother at home. Who believes it?

At this time, Xiaoji suddenly cast a glance at Wang Jingyang carelessly.

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"What are you looking at?" Wang Jingyang felt Xiao Ji's eyes and couldn't help looking at Xiao Ji.

"You look ugly." Xiao Ji stared at Wang Jingyang and said expressionless.

As Xiao Ji's voice fell, Wang Jingyang twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth: "Xiao Ji, you can insult me, but... You can't open your eyes and tell lies. How ugly am I? If you can't say it today, we're not finished!"

Xiao Ji stared at Wang Jingyang for a long time, "face."

"You are ugly, your face is ugly, you are so ugly, your whole family is ugly!" Wang Jingyang angrily said.

Xiao Ji didn't care either. He stared at Wang Jingyang and said faintly, "I heard you've been missing for a long time. Xiaoyan has been looking for me many times. What have you done?"

Hearing the sound, Wang Jingyang sneered: "it's none of your business. My work is confidential and has absolute privacy. No one can say. This is work quality. Do you understand it?"

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As Wang Jingyang's voice fell, Xiao Ji thought, "then I know."

"You know?" Wang Jingyang frowned slightly.

At the moment, Lin Yan also looked at Xiaoji curiously: "do you really know what he did?"

"Yes." Xiao Ji nodded and said, "it's easy to analyze, but you're too stupid."

Lin Yan: "..." you are so stupid!

"Then say it quickly!" The corner of Lin Yan's mouth twitched slightly.

"He should have been caught." Immediately, Xiao Yao, standing beside Xiao Ji, opened his mouth.

"I think he was caught, too." Xiao Ji nodded.

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