Xiao Ji and Xiao Yao looked inquisitively at Pei Yucheng. Wang Jingyang's expression almost converged in an instant, and the white crane also cast suspicious eyes

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Lin Yan didn't have time to take care of their four expressions at the moment. Her first reaction was surprise and her second reaction was panic.

what the fuck!

Pei Yucheng!

Isn't he at Pei's headquarters? I was texting her the moment before! How could it suddenly appear here!

And it's still this time!

Lin Yan looks at Xiao Ji on the left and Xiao Yao on the right. Then he takes another look at Wang Jingyang opposite. There is a beautiful young man on his wrist. He can't wait to escape

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Finished, she just replied that she bought something for her mother in the mall. Now how can she explain it!

This scene is too easy to be misunderstood!

Why did Pei Yucheng suddenly return home and find here?

Lin Yan's brain rotates rapidly. The next second, before the brain reacts, his body has galloped in the direction of Pei Yucheng.

At the moment, Lin Yan and Pei Yucheng looked at each other. They didn't seem to expect this scene. They were stunned for a moment at the same time.

The next second, Lin Yan flew directly into Pei Yucheng's arms, "honey, when did you come back, why didn't you tell me!"

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Pei Yucheng listened to the girl's "dear" and looked slightly. The eyes of the four people who had fallen behind the girl slowly retracted and fell on the girl's face full of joy.

"Just returned." Pei Yucheng paused and continued, "sorry, I want to see you for the first time and give you a surprise, so I used some special methods. I thought you were in the mall."

Therefore, Pei Yucheng may want to surprise her after sending her a message, so she used her mental strength to locate her position and came to find her.

But I didn't expect to find it here

Lin Yan felt even more guilty when he saw Pei Yucheng apologizing to him.

It's a sin. It's good. Why did she get the scum man's script again! She is too unjust!

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If it weren't for the pressure in the air at the moment, Lin Yan probably really thought Pei Yucheng was still as light as usual

I don't know if it's because the evolutionists have been in contact with more recently. She can gradually feel the special aura of the evolutionists.

Pei Yucheng's eyes did not stay too much on Lin Yan, but looked at Xiaoji aside.

Some time ago, when he was attacked by Pei, Xiao Ji appeared and took the mysterious man who wanted to kill him.

At the moment, Xiaoji suddenly appeared here, which is really thought-provoking.

This time, what does Xiaoji represent

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Lin Yan hurriedly pointed to a pile of supplements in the corner and explained, "I was really in the mall just now. I got a call temporarily. It's something, so I came here..."

Pei Yucheng was noncommittal about Lin Yan's explanation and said faintly, "don't you introduce it?"

In an instant, several pairs of eyes were together, and the atmosphere was imminent.

Lin Yan has calmed down a little now. What's wrong with her? It's a misunderstanding. Just explain clearly. Pei Yucheng is not that unreasonable person.

So, Lin Yan first looked at Xiang Xiaoji and prepared to introduce him: "Oh, yes, I almost forgot. This is..."

As a result, before Lin Yan could speak, Xiao Ji directly interrupted her, "introduce yourself, Xiao Ji, Lin Yan's boyfriend."

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