Baihe was a little sad because he was so alienated by Lin Yan, but he was strongly warned by Lin Yan in his eyes and didn't dare to stick to it again. He had to mutter, "elder martial sister, I'm not a tenant. Why don't you recognize me again

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Elder martial brother, they said you were abducted by a wild man at the foot of the mountain. I didn't believe it at first. I didn't expect you to really abandon us for this man... "

The more the crane said, the more angry he became, and filled with righteous indignation, "what's wrong with this man? He looks so ugly..."

White crane's ugly character was only half said. Yu Guang glanced at Pei Yucheng's upside down face and couldn't say anything. He had to stop the beginning and take the ugly character back, "well, even if he looks ok, but he's very poor!"

Even Wang Jingyang couldn't listen to this sentence. The corners of his mouth twitched, "he is the boss of JM group..."

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The white crane was confused: "is the boss rich?"

Wang Jingyang sighed: "you can understand it as... The richest man at the foot of our mountain..."

When the white crane heard the speech, he immediately looked hurt and was about to speak. He didn't know what he thought. He suddenly stared at Pei Yucheng suspiciously, "have we met somewhere? You look familiar..."

Lin Yan really doesn't want Pei Yucheng to stay here, otherwise he doesn't know what shocking words these guys can say!

These single dogs are jealous of her! I can't see her!

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"I'm sorry, everyone. My boyfriend came to pick me up. I'll go back first. Please help yourself! Dog, don't worry, I'll keep your little secret! What else, white crane, you'll live here in the future, just like your own home. Don't be polite!"

When Wang Jingyang saw that Lin Yan had gone like this, he howled in the back: "shit! You just left. What bird do you take away! What's the matter with me? What's your own home? It's clearly my home! I haven't paid for what I eat and drink! Also, I don't have any secrets -"

However, Lin Yan has already pulled Pei Yucheng away

Wang Jingyang was so angry that he almost fainted. He hated iron and looked at Xiaoji. He was really blind. He helped the tyranny so much!

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Yunjian water villa.

Finally, he left the place where chickens fly and dogs jump. When he got home, Lin Yan could make it clear to Pei Yucheng without interference.

"Mr. Pei, it was really a misunderstanding just now. They are completely talking nonsense. You won't be angry about this kind of thing, will you?"

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Pei Yucheng took off his coat, sat down on the sofa and looked at Lin Yan faintly, "what if I'm angry?"

"Er......" Lin Yan was stunned.

She transposed and thought about it. After they had been separated for so long, Pei Yucheng came back and wanted to surprise her. However, a man came out of thin air and claimed to be her boyfriend. Anyone would be angry.

But this time, she is also a victim!

Lin Yan's face was tangled and he could only explain honestly, "Mr. Pei, Xiao Yao is my part-time boss. You know that. I really don't know that young man, but he seems to recognize the wrong person. He doesn't think I'm his senior sister. He has no place to live and can't find his way home. I'll settle him down with Gouzi. As for Xiao Ji, you really don't need to pay attention to him. He's just an insignificant person. Besides, he's like me He is so ugly and so poor. How can I like him? Do you think... "

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