Lin Yan explained to Duoduo for a long time, but it didn't make sense. It was almost a repeater. Finally, he had to hang up sadly.

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The next day, Lin Yan woke up with dark circles under his eyes.

After thinking about it all night, she figured it out. Soldiers will block it, and water and earth will cover it!

If it's really photographed, it's a big deal. She hasn't seen any ups and downs.

However, although Lin Yan thinks so, he is still a little scared at the thought of Pei Yucheng's fans.

Although Pei Yucheng is not an insider, the combat effectiveness of his loyal fans is 100 times worse than that of Pei Yingdi's fans

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"Are you sure you want to go?" It seems that seeing Lin Yan's hesitation, Pei Yucheng stopped at the door.

Lin Yan immediately said to Pei Yucheng's eyes that seemed to see through everything, "of course, it was agreed last night. How can I not keep my word! Besides, I usually have so little time to accompany you. It's rare for you to have a place you want to go, let alone an amusement Park. Even if it's a blue sky and the moon, I have to accompany you!"

Pei Yucheng smiled and rubbed the girl's hair. "That's not necessary."


Finally, Lin Yan came to the amusement park with the feeling of breaking his wrists.

Sure enough, the amusement park on the weekend is packed with people.

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It deserves to be the largest and most luxurious amusement park in the imperial capital, just like a fairy tale world.

However, the charge is also surprisingly expensive. You can't bring your own food. The food in the park is more than ten times that of the outside. If you don't want to line up, you have to pay for tickets and take the fast track.

Even so, people queue up 365 days a year.

Fortunately, everyone was having fun and didn't care too much about the people next to him. Lin Yan wore wide sunglasses and didn't attract attention.

The headache is, what should I do when I come to the amusement park? Lin Yan really has no experience at all.

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Who would have thought that Lin Yan, the gossip queen in the eyes of outsiders, is actually a straight woman who is an idiot in love and has no romantic cells

Lin Yan felt that he was really out of place and was embarrassed. At this time, the palm placed on his side suddenly warmed.

Pei Yucheng somehow took her hand, carefully avoided the crowd, and took her to a stall selling all kinds of lovely hair bands and accessories.

Next to the stall, there are several pairs of small lovers also choosing hair hoops.

One of the girls happily flirted with her boyfriend, "baby, this is so cute! I want it! Will you wear it with me?"

"I wear it? How can I wear this pink one..." the boy looked at the lovely pink Mickey's ear hoop and looked a little embarrassed.

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"Oh, come with me! It's boring for me to wear it alone! How cute!"

Finally, the boy still couldn't resist his girlfriend's coquetry, "OK, it's all up to you!"

Pei Yucheng picked up a pink cat ear hoop and looked at Lin Yan, "do you want it?"

Lin Yan stared at the lovely hair hoop and scratched his head. "Well, is it too childish? And what's this? A hair hoop is so expensive, 99.91? I'm not willing to buy it for 9.9!"

When Pei Yucheng heard the speech, he leaned slightly, gently put his forehead against the girl's forehead and whispered, "I like it. Wear it with me, huh?"

Lin Yan instantly fell into volcanic magma, the whole body temperature increased and almost smoked. He immediately changed his mouth with the computer host whose program was changed, "OK, OK, OK! Buy it! Buy it for you! I'll wear it with you!"

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