The man couldn't help laughing and stared at the child nearby: "I really didn't expect that Lord Yu's son was so capable and immortal that he was your evolutionist organization... However, Pei Li, you are just a child and can't be my opponent. Moreover, the headquarters issued a wanted warrant for you. I advise you to go back to the headquarters and be punished. Maybe you can have a glimmer of life."

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Hearing the sound, Pei Li nodded and said, "then I want to thank you for your concern and reminder."

"Pei Li, no wonder Master Yu regarded you as taboo and was so afraid of you. It seems that Master Yu's concern is not unreasonable... I think you are Master Yu's son today. Spare your life and go quickly!"

"I don't think your loyalty is necessary." The young man in the burning state laughed: "are you too closed or what's going on? You have to spare our lives. You're so arrogant."

"Don't make a toast and don't punish yourself. I think I'm in the presence of Mr. Yu..."

Before the man finished, Pei Li said, "you don't have to see Pei Yucheng's face. Just do it."

"Master Yu, the headquarters issued a wanted notice, regardless of life and death. Take him and give him to the headquarters. It's a great achievement... But if the headquarters knew that we would release people... I'm afraid it would..." a evolutionist frowned.

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The man thought for a moment and looked at Pei Li: "Pei Li, I'm miserable enough in the headquarters because of you. He's your father. You're so rebellious. Anyway, I'll clean up the door for me today!"

"OK." Pei Li's expressionless mouth.

"You don't have to."

Looking at the eager people behind him, Pei Li said.

"Master, these small miscellaneous fish are not worthy of your hand." Said the middle-aged man standing next to Peili.

"It doesn't matter." Pei Lidao.

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Seeing Pei Li say so, others no longer insist.

"Do it!"

At the command of the men in the branch, ten brain evolutors floating in the void set out at the same time.

The evolutionist forces emerging from the ten evolutionists turned into an "ocean" and gathered in one place.

In an instant, dark clouds covered the void, like "thunder snakes" surging in the clouds.

In the dark night, the gathering of the terrible evolutionists seemed to condense into a fierce beast from ancient times, with a huge body covering the sky and the earth, covering the sun and the moon.

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Ten brain evolutionists spoke at the same time. The next second, they controlled the mountain like "fierce beast" to suppress Peili.

"It's so spectacular. Pei's branch here is stronger than the previous branches." The girl murmured.

"After all, it is No1 in the evolutionist organization of country F." The boy turned into a burning man spoke.

At this time, facing such terrible pressure, Peili stood in place without any action, as if he resisted wantonly and didn't care.

When the "fierce beast" completely suppressed Peili, he saw Peili's eyes open slightly.

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The next second, like a miracle.

A huge eye blocked the moon and hunted all the light, like turning the world into a dark day purgatory without light.

Under the incredible gaze of the people, Pei Li's left eye completely shrouded the "fierce beast" and then absorbed into the left eye.


Seeing this, the ten brain evolutors floating in the air were shocked.

The divine power of their ten higher brain evolutors was accepted by this child!

"The power of the brain evolutionist is useless to me. Maybe you can try something else." Pei Li said aloud.

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