Pei Nanxu was about to say, when Yu Guang saw the wound on the back of Lin Yan's hand, he suddenly changed his face, "what's the matter with his hand? Is it my fan?"

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Lin Yan glanced at a wound on the back of his hand that was about to heal. "It's not a fan. It should be that I accidentally rubbed it in a hurry when I just came in from the side door of the grocery room. It's just a small injury..."

"Anyway, it's still because of me." Pei Nanxu, with a cold face, turned to one side of the assistant and said, "go buy medicine."

Lin Yan was silly: "ah? No, it's almost healed. It's just a hole!"

Pei Nanxu's face is still not very good. "We should pay attention to it in case of infection. Moreover, it's not good to leave scars on girls."

Originally, the rumor had made him tremble. If the eldest brother knew that Lin Yan was injured because of this matter, he couldn't imagine

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Zhao Hongling and Duoduo looked at Pei Nanxu's considerate attitude, especially the nervous reaction, looked at each other and were silent.

This... It's hard to believe that these two people are not lovers, okay?

Even Zhao Hongling can't deceive herself this time.

These two people are so obvious. Do they treat people as blind?

If it's not a couple relationship, what relationship can make Pei Nanxu, who has always kept a distance from female artists, care so much about a female artist?

It's such a big hole. They didn't find it for a long time just now, but Pei Nanxu immediately found it as soon as he came, and he was so nervous.

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And this is not the first time Pei Nanxu has shown this abnormality!

You told me these two were okay? Who believes it?

Lin Yan felt the extremely hot sight projected on him by Duoduo and Zhao Hongling, and he was almost suffering.

It's not what you think. Hey!

"Don't worry, I'll make a statement later and make it clear that the person in the picture is not me." Pei Nanxu opened his mouth and then asked tentatively, "just, on your side, have you figured out how to do public relations? After all, photos can't be fake..."

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Lin Yan rubbed his forehead with a headache, "I know, so now I can only announce my love first. The clothes say it's high imitation. Anyway, they can't be so powerful. Guess who my boyfriend is?"

Pei Nanxu looked helpless and said, "because of the relationship between that dress and the photos, I and I... Well, the side faces of me and your boyfriend are somewhat similar. I'm afraid even if we clarify, the fans won't believe it.

But that's all we can do now.

In a short time, the resistance of fans will certainly be more intense. I will try my best to appease them. You must pay attention to safety during this time. "

"OK, I see. Please, Pei Yingdi."

"Feel free to contact me if you have anything."

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"Well, what are you watching me do?"

After Pei Nanxu left, Duoduo and Zhao Hongling stared at Lin Yan with complicated faces, which made Lin Yan look confused.

Duoduo put his arms around his chest and said, "don't say that the fans don't believe it. Sister Ling and I don't believe it. You can say that the dress is high imitation, but it's true when you know it. There are so many coincidences with this similar side face. You're simply rubbing the IQ of the fans on the ground!"

Lin Yan: "what have I rubbed? Why don't you say that the IQ of those fans is too low? If they wear the same clothes and look a little alike, it must be Pei Nanxu himself?"

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