Dressing room.

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As soon as Lin Yan walked in, he accidentally saw an acquaintance, the makeup artist who put on makeup for her when she was on the crew of "chess match".

"Mr. Kevin?" Lin Yan said hello.

Kevin, who is concentrating on his mobile phone, looks up, "Hi, Lin Yan, meet again!"

"Why did you make me up?" Lin Yan asked strangely.

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"Your company invited you, don't you know?" Kevin, speak.

Lin Yan estimated that Zhao Hongling, a stylist at Kevin's level, could not be invited. Therefore, it is estimated that Pei Nanxu or Chu Jiayao

"Oh, dear, I haven't seen you for so long. Why is your skin so good? You can't even see your pores!" Kevin suffered from an occupational disease. He stared at her face for a while and said, "no wonder you dare to be plain when you go out! If I am plain, I will be plain every day!"

Lin Yan coughed and didn't refute. In fact, she was just lazy

"Now those photos have been spread all over the Internet. Are you and Pei Yingdi true?" Kevin can't help gossiping with Lin Yan.

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Lin Yan immediately replied, "of course it's fake. Sister Ling has made a statement. Pei Yingdi should refute the rumor."

Pei Nanxu's efficiency is very fast. When she was in Zhao Hongling's office just now, she had seen the rumor refutation statement sent there.

Lin Yan originally wanted to say that Pei Yucheng's suit was a high imitation, but Pei Nanxu was more rigorous. He truthfully explained that the suit was not Pei Nanxu's, but Pei Nanxu's activity clothes. It was borrowed temporarily, which clarified that the person in the photo was not Pei Nanxu.

In this way, even if the fans know that the owner of the clothes is Pei Yucheng, they can't find anything wrong. What Pei Nanxu said is also true.

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Kevin curled his lips and said, "I'm afraid only Pei Yingdi's fans will believe this, okay? I don't believe it's just your unilateral heat. The man in the picture has this figure and temperament. Looking at the whole entertainment industry, in addition to Pei Yingdi, can you find me a second one?

But I didn't expect that you were with PEI Nanxu. I thought it would be Wei Xufeng... "

Lin Yan's face was a little dark. "What? Wei Xufeng? Why did you drag Wei Xufeng again?"

"What's your expression? Haven't you seen it yet?" Kevin pondered, "forget it, it's not good for me to be an outsider. You can understand it yourself."

Lin Yan was about to speak. Yu Guang saw the content of microblog hot search No. 1 on his mobile phone. He was surprised, "eh? How has hot search No. 1 changed?"

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The original hot search was the exposure of her love with Pei Yucheng. Now it has become "Lin yansuyan". The most popular microblog was actually sent by Kevin.

Kevin glanced at his mobile phone and replied to his netizens with a smile, "thanks to you, I'm on fire!"

"What's going on?" Lin Yan asked in a confused way.

"Although Pei Yingdi's face was not photographed, several of your faces were clearly photographed. The pure face state is really great. Everyone is a girl. In addition to the gossip, we naturally care about the face and how to maintain it.

So many people are asking what skin care products and cosmetics you use. I've put on makeup for you before, so many fans come to me to inquire. "

"So it is." Hearing this, Lin Yan roughly understood the situation.

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